HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1934.11.05L1,2 A regr.lar meet ing of the on the &boYe giYen dat€. Burl lngam6, CaLtf., Novembot 6, 19ru. City Counoil irras held at B:00 P.M.- Iilayor Eu:ot tn the Chalr. Councilmen Buck, Eandlos, ro11 eaII.Elgh, Eives and Eunt answored the The minutes of tho prevlous meetlng of October LSr 1954, were r6ad and approvedl . letter read from Penlneula Dlvislon-!€ague of Ca llfornia lfiunielpal.ities oa1L1ng attention to meeting ou llednesday, Ilovember L4, L954t at 6:50P.M. at the Benjanin Franlclln Eotelr San trfateo. trfiayor Eu]lt urgetl aLL City offlcia].s to attend letter read from San }lateo County Emergency Rellef Atininlstra-tlon calling attention to-vital lmportance of the passage of Proposition I[o. 25 - the $84r000'000 Un€mploynent Re1ief Bonal lsgue - on November 6th. lfayor Eunt asketl a]-1 present to take note of remarks ln this letter. O:a motlon by Counc ilnan Eives, seconded by Counc ilmaJr Eandloot a13, voting AYE, R. K. Reatl was appointeti to fllL vaeancy in tr'ire Jepartment - recommentiation be 1ng matle by the J3urlingame trtire Commission, Idr. Read to serve the reg:u1ar probatlonary period of six months before permanent appointrnent ls matle. tretter read from Special San tr'ranclsco Cox0mlttse of eeneral Rapltl [ranstt Commlttee of ]enlnsuLa Chambers of Comrneroe asflug approprlatlon of $100.00 for pubJ.icity in san Franclgoo News. ltotlon by Councilman Eives, secotrdoal by Councllman Eightthat applicatlon bo tienled. - Carrieal, alL votlng Am. Clty Eagineer ?honas gubmitted Letter from Superintendent ofthe Southern Paclfls Co. outltnlng governm€nt aid for grade sepa:ratlon. Letter referretl to lr{r. J. E. l[1tch61]. of tbe Plarnlng Coromisslon. letter read from The Yr.S. E€wett Systen r€ llcense Agreenert under U.S.Ie tters latont l4l340bl4l5405-L818e54, in oonnectionwlth present proposcd Sewage treatment workg. letter ordereil fi1ed. Pl-ans and specific&tions on Sewage treatment works, la aocortl- ance wlth It[A requirements, were submitted by ]ngineer fhomas. On motion by Counc ilman Buckr Beoondeti by Councilman l{igh, plaas anrl specifications were approved and accepteti. - Carrietl,all voting AY?. H. s. Sohuck, Superintentlent, submitted estimate of $10.00 per tree to top three trees aear the Clapp residence Just Iest of Dwight Road and on the South sltle of Surl ingamo Avenue. Llotion by Cou:rc ilman High, seconded by Counc ilnan Eantllos, that these tr6es be toppetl 15 feet. - So orderetl . Ietter reatl from the 31re Commission recomoentliag that aope"mlts be lseuod for gasoJ-ine dist"ibutlng pla,nts unless concrete reteining wal1s gurrountl the tanks, capaclty qf aou- crete walLs to have same cublo contents as storage tanks; aJ.soa tletalLeti print of aLl tanks, .piplag, etc. to be subnitteil . City Attorney Davls was requostetl to tlraw up ordinanoe coverlngthls. Clty llanning ConmlsBion in a letter requested approprlationof $100.00 for the purpose of collecting and putting on reoortlln convenlent form for referenoe purposes, tlata, cost estimates,plano, skatehes, eto. relatlve to the several proposeal lmprove- ments or alevelopments which havo been stutlletl by the 0ommlsslon. On mo tlon by Counc ilman Eigh, secontledl by Couno i.lnan Earxallosr an appropriatlo[ of not to exceod $100.00 was granted. - Carrietl, alL Yoting AYE. 113 City Planning Cormlssion ln a letter recommendoal againet applios-tion of C. Ea^raner, representlng 8. Iafltte, owne! of trots 19 & 20, Block 45, for change of frontage frorn 3erra1 Avenue to' El11sld€nrlv6, strenuous obJeotion bolng mado by J. LI. Pollock whos6property woultl bo keyed. Council sustainod Plannlng Commissionts 16 oommenalat i on. - So ortlered. nesolution introtluceal and passeti grantlng prlvi.lege to Seninsulafennls Club to ereot oourt€ and clubhouse on property atljoining lllashlngton Park ln the City of Burl i,nga,uo 1u tract known as Gunst tract. - Inotion by Councilman illgh, secontieai by Comc ilman Eantl1o6.- Carrietl , all votlng AYE. Planning CommisBion recomxlenA- etl 1n favor of this appLlcatlon. Report of City Attorney on MoPhee apartment incLnerator nuisance. Boport embodlecl in letter to trlayor Hunt, which indloated that garbage was belag carried away and a few tests w€ro belng maal eto agcertaln if the us6 of nlesol olL would do away with the odor oscaping fron this garbage. The City Attorney advlseal that reports made by the Polico Department and the n€lghbors afterthls experlment were conflicting. Ee advlsett that the burnlngof garbage wi.thin the City of Burlingame be prohiblted throughoutsaid City anti that the po11oe department giy€ proper notlce tothe apartment house cwne?s to observe the 1aw under OrdinanceNo. 198 of the Ctty of BurLinga!0o. The Council signiftetl lts approval of th6 report. Resolutlon lntroduceal antl passeal approvlng contraot wj-th State Hlghway Corrnlsslon for the expenaliture of the 6ns-quarter centtax allocation accrulng to the City of Burlingam€. Llotion by Counc ilman Buck, secondetl by Counc ilrnan Eantllos - Carrietl, allvotlng AYE. Bltls on resurfacing of !1 Camino R6aI from the Hillsboroughline, idortherly to Edgehill Dxiv€, were openod and read, bitls being as follows:- Union Paving Conpany - - - $tara8z.OOPacifio Btates Constr.Co.- l-4,886.00 trray Improvement Co. l5r'124.1oA.e.Raisoh--- L5,854.55 Or motion by Counc llmaD Buck, secondeal by Coullctlman Eigh, the Union Paving Cornpany, the lowest regular anal responsible bidtler, Eer6 awerdetl oontraot. - Catl?|iotl, all yoting AYI. 0rdlnance No. 277rr;,ln 0tti.nanoe:Ailentl:Ltg:. Eectd.on rB of -. OfAi.naace Noi,:2L1 of the City of BurL ingame, entitLett "An Ordinahoo epecifSrlng Jrard areas ln apartment house tlistrlct of the Cityof Burllngaroo tr Lntroaluo€al october L5. L934, was glven s€cond readlng antl v{as aalopteal otr mot 1on by Councih:an Eives, a1Lvoting AYE. Resolution on Ctty relmbursement llea in cas6 Ea11ett vs. SordensDalry ,elivery Compauyl ]nc.1 was lntroalucetl and pFssed - motion by Counc l1man 3uck, a€cotraleal by Counc i1man Elgb, elL yotlng AYE. L report was nrade by City Attorney Davls on the moneys tiue fronothe Iown of Elllsborough on the PWA proJeet. ldr. Arthur Retllngton,Attorney for Eillsboroughr ls havlng the City Council of Elllsborough approve. the transfer of $21-r000.00 tlue the City of Burllngame s.nd {s sentlimg us a resolutlon for us to pass upon reoelblng the $e1,000.00. Th€ matter was left wlth Clty Attorney Darrls. Councllman Hiyes asked for appropriatlon of $25.00 for fire tlepartment to expentl ln repalrlng toys for ohlJ-dren for Christmas. Ox motion by Counci lman Buok, secondetl by Counct lman Eigh, anappropriation of $a5.OO rva s granteal, all votlng Alm. ltrotion by Councllman Buckr seconded by Counc ilman Eantlloe, that SToP sign be placetl at Alvaraalo Avenue and Eillsitle Drive. - Soorderoal. The Clerk was instructee to take up wlth the County Surveyor the questlon of havl-ng tlangerous tree at E111sitle Cirol.e 50 feet South of Eillsitte Drlve, removetl . LL4 Motion by Couac ilman Handloa, seconded by Councilman Elves, thatall Coruoissioners who are members of any Commission appointett bythe Lfayor sha11 be notlfled by their Cheirman of any meetlng to-be heItll at least thxee days before said m€eting. Counc ilman Buck and lfayor Hunt gave intorestlng reports onactiyitles at the recent convention of league of California I.[ur ic ipal tt ie s held at Pasadena. Cleims l[os. ?510 to 7518, lnclusive, were read and tl{arraats orderetl draw'n on the City Treasury. The rne et lng thereupon adJourneat. R€spectfully submltteal, DU v APPROV-ED: or. I