HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1933.06.0526 Burlingame, Calif., June 5, 1935. i.{eeting of the City Council of the City of Burlingane. RoI1 CaII: Present - Councilmen, Buck-Hock-Hunt-Rj. ckartl-St one . Absent - Councilmea' None. The minutes of the last meeting wero read and after correctlon as to Ordinance No. 267, the same were approvetl . letter read from San lilateo County Chapter American Red Cross showing collections I'or Southern Cal-lfornia Earthquake tllsasteror $f9Es.so out of quota $4000.00. The same was 6rderetl pfaceal on fi1e. tretter read from the llanning Commissio Zolo.jrrs ortiinance is to be resDected asafford protection, there should be no c uoon it - this more narticularlv aDDlle c'onvertetl into anartfo€nt use without a Commission not hivins aclministrativ6 orthe City Couneil for"a carefujL survey o n 8,n on s pe suggesting that if thoinstrument which wt1I doning nor lnfr lng€n€tltto where homes have beenrmlt; the Plan.aingolice oowers looks to mat te r's referretl tollfin the fature wi.th the view that these conalttions shaI1 no loagerexist. The communlcation was oxtlered lef6kreil to the bullcltng Lnspector for his at tentlon. The Community SheLtor submitteal a statement of lts aotlvlties sine€ lts inception to June Lst anal the sam€ was orderetl receivetl antl placed on file. The San lbteo Earbor Committee enclosetl a copy of a petitlon for the formation of a harbor district in San l,tateo County, also a copy of a resolutlon passeA by the PeninsuJ-a Industrlal Conferonoo requestlng the County Board of Supervlsors to pass a Resolutloaplaclng the matter on the ba1lot to be yoteti on June 2?tb. fhoCity of Surllngame was asketl to also sponsor such a resolutlon.Iby6r Suck staietl he bellevetl the plan proposetl a commendablo ona but would like a 1itt1e more light on the subjoct iu view of thefact that the propositioa w111 require certain financla! if Yotott. 0n motion by Counollnan Eunt and secontled by Councilman Stoaer thepetitlon and resolutlon wer€ order€cl placetl on file. RoqusEt of the tr'Iower Selon to place a glas8 eonservatory at thelr BurLingamo branch, was referred back for a more complete p1an. Judge Joseph Y. eaff€y subeitted his reslgnation as Munlc ipal. Judgcto tak€ effect at once due to his e ssuming other dutiee. Appli.oa- tlons were read from the followlng for the vacancy occasioneil byth€ reslgns,tion of Jutlge Gaffey. 1 Earry E. Graut - J. C. B€ard - Stanloy Ke3.1y - Bobert Elggius - l,jalter M. Blrti - antl R.t.Crop1oy.[he reslgnatlon of Mr. Oaffey wae acoepteal on motlon by Councllnan Hook antl eeoonated by Counc l1man Stone, wlth the request that the Counoil $o officlelly on recortl as appreciatlng the servlcos per- fo]r[eal by L{r. Gsffoy. The ellgibiIlty of Judge Risso to act aa Mr:aiclpal Juilgo 81o!g-with hi6 dutleb ag Justice of Peaco, was tiisoussetl' but oa advice of City Attorney Dav16 that the same wouLd not be strlctly corplying-with the-lat'iitl that Judge Risso Ilvetl outsitle the IIunicipallty, uo further actlon was taken irr that respeot. 0n moti.on- by Counc ilrpan Bi.ckartl, secontletl by Councllman Stoao' Clty C1€rk J. R. Llurphy was appointed to take on the aiutles of Aotlag Municipal Jutlge for thirty alays. - Carrled. the City Planning Commisslon submitted report 1n the request of D. ltroPherson, 15Lz Surllngane AYenue, to convert his hone lnto apartmonts, atenylng the requeat. Roaooo BJrrae s addregsed the Councll ln the interegt of lrr. MoPherson. A motion to aecept the reoomrnendatlon of the Plarurlng Connisslon was offered by Councll- rmn Stone and seooniled by Councilnan Eunt. - Carrieal, 811 votlag AE. 27 H. Seipel, l,,ianager of the Fox Theatres, addressed the Council 1n the interest of a lower license rate for his theatre,-quoted rates of different cities, showing 1ocal rate largeLy out of proportion. Action was deferred awaiting a study of finances by the ,Council. The Clerk was requested to acldress the liigh School authoritiesfor the loan of footballr basket ball' vo11ey ball and soccer ball for vacation playground use. The ]iillls Avenue drainage matter was laid asld,e for the present, pending further investlgation. ordinance No. 26? wlth reference to the sa]#. of beer and wine, was again read and was adoptect on motlon.by Councilman iiickarct ana sEconiteai by Councilmarf Stoner-A11 voting AYE. Ccur:cilman Stone lntroduced Ordinance No. 268 regulating the sale of Electrical rnateriaL - the same taking first readinS. Councllman $tone introduced Ord.inance i{o. 269 prohiblting the conStruciion of water u,ays for the flow of storm waters or sewage tlisposal withln the City, the same taking first reading. Engineer Thomas reported with reference to Bradley complaint at-Elm Avenue and Barroli-het ,ivenue, that the drainage 'problem eomplained of nhoukl be taken aaye of by the Town of Hillsborouqh. The Council thereupon ad journeci. Re spec 1y submittedl, niUI er 1