HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1934.10.15110 3ur1lngame, Ca1tf., 0ctober L5, 1954. A regular meettng of the City Council rvas heltl at B:00 P.Itr. onthe above given date. - I{ayor Hunt in the Chair. Ro1L CaII : Present - Councilmen: Buck, High, Eives and Eunt.Absent - Councilmen: Handlos. The minuteg of the previous me€ting of October 1, 1934, rvere read aild approved. H. T. IfcDonaltl rvas granted revocable permit to trausfer poolroom license from 262 trorton Avenu€ to 1116 Surlingame Ave nue, onmotion by Counc ilman Eigh, seconded by Councilman Hives. - Carrletl,all voting AY!. tretter read frorn San Uateo Pyramid iiaS e.f .O.Sciots thanking Cityfor cooperation given them in cor.rneetion wj.th recent Ke:rress heldhere at Hovrard Ayenue and Primrose Road. Letter ordered f iletl ._ Letter read from leninsula Division league of California ltunicipal-lties regard ing meeting to be helti at San Jose, Thursday, 0ctober 18, 1954, at 6:50 P.M. at St. Clalre EoteL. ]ilr. 31oom was authorlzedto canvass Clty employees who are going and to advlse as to the nunbor to be present. tr[ayor Hunt urgetl all possible to attentl . letter read fuom I. D. C1app, 415 Burlingame Avenue, requestlngtoppiug of dangerous trees ln front of hls homo enal adJolnlnglots. letter referred to E. W. Schuck, Superintendent. Mr.Sohuck was also asked to look lnto the topplng of trees at Rhin€tte and tragune Avenue antl Juanlta Av€nue anti trag@a Avenue to perrit ofbetter llghttng at these stre€tB. Or motion by Councllroan Eigh, secondeal by Councilman Elves,Ur. Strlngham of tho County Roatl Garage was giyen permlsslon to romove euoaL]rptus tree fron in front of hls garage, at hls otrvn expense and risk. - Carrieal, all votlng AYE. .0,nend e al claln ln Potter case presented. l,(otlon by Counc ilmanHigh, seconded by Counoilman Hives, that llabiLity be denleal . CarrLed, all yoting AYE. trriat t er referred to Attorney Davls for at tention. trettor read flom Cbief Earper statlng that he ca11ed on Ur.Bron0f leldof lre]ry 3ros. in connection with extenslon of parklng lfuolte on Primrose anal lark Roaals and one hour parking Ilmit 1n buslnessdistrlot, aad ldr. BromfleLdl reiluestetl that no 'actlon be takenuntl1 tho matter could be taken up wlth some of the merchants. Engineer Thomas presentetl estimate for widening a portion ofCalifornia Drive b€tweon Rhinetts snd trlnoo1n AT€nues - totalcost $e060.00. Inasmuch as the Genera]. fund w111 r:ot stanal expenseat this time the matter was Laial over until such time as money 1s ava11abIo for that purposo. Resolution lntroducetl anti passotl accepting grent of easoment from Wel1e tr'argo BaDk & Unlon Trust Co. to the City of Burlingemefor 0.0576 aoro6 of lantl (goro ) at Surllngane Avenue and Bay Shore Hlghway. - Carrl€d, all votlng AYE. Resolution lntrorluoetl and passeal reciting the fact that Grao6 Eo€yls the tluly authorizeal and appointoal Deputy City Clerk enil in thatcapaclty ts autborlzod to slga. the S6wer bonds 1n the absence ofth6 reguler City C1erk"J. B. Murphy. Itrot lon by CouIrcllman 3uck, Eooontletl by Couac llman Eigh, all votlng AYE. ReBolutlon authorizlng City Attorn€y to tako action egaitrst Bortlenrg Dsiry Delivery Company ordered Ordlnancc No. 8?? Anenal irxg Sectlon ? of Ordlnance No. 2LI of theCity of 3ur1lngame, entltletl rrAn 0ral inance speolfylng yaril areas 1n apartment house ttistrlct of BurLingan€', was reaal. - Introaluctioa by Counoilman 3uck. LLL tretter read from Attorney Davis to Mayor Eunt outllning City's statue wlth the State Hlghiray Commlssion in the uatter of 31 Carnino Real improvement: also reporting that Councllmea Suck aatl Englneor Thomast oonferenoe wlth the SERA resulted in the clty belng :assurotl nocessary men to flnish sewerage work preIlm- lnary to reslrrfaotng E1 Camino Real .Ur. Davis also reported that l,[r. fhonas I p]-ans hsd been s€nt to Saeramento antl hacl been approYeal and were expectetl back ln e tiay or so. Iliot ion by CounciLman Buck, secondetl by Councllrnan Eigh' that bltts for resurfacing EI Camlno ReaL from the Hlllsborougb llne northerly to Itlg€hl11 Drlve, be atlvertisetl for. It was so ordered. llr. Wilklnsonr ropr€sentlng Auerican tregion, asked oooperationof thq City in connection [Iith th6ir Armistloe Day oelobrationto be hcld at the 3ur11nga.m6 Hlgh School on Sunday afternoon' November lIth. The Council Yotetl entlorsem€nt of the celebration and lfayor Huat w11]. lssue proalamation later. Reports of Water Departnent tClty Judg€, and Poundmastor, f1Ieil . Pol-ice Department, Fire Departmenttfor septemb€r, w6re read antl ordered In natter of c oplaint against inctnorator at the Al-olso Apartments, Attorney Dayis was atlvisoal to havc l[r. A. Eoyse take up with City Juttge Stanley Ee11y, vlolatlon of City oralins,nce. {ttorney I&vla reported moeting representatlve of L{rs. Catherlne Murphyr owner of propert3r on 3e11evue Avenu€ r &nal agsuranco was glven l[r. Davis that the premlseg would be cleanerl up - expects to report at next moeting that everything has b€en taken care of. 0n motlon by Councllman Elves, secondetl by Councilman 3uok, streetlight was order€d installed on Eoover Avenue betwe€n Atlellne Drlve and Col-umbus Ayenue. This in response to request recoivetl from S. !. Eerndon of 1516 Eoover Ayenue. Oo motlon by Councllman Buots, secontteA by Councilman Hives, 1lghts wer€ ordered installeal at the Eorsosho€ Courts ln Washington ?ark antl a meter plaoed to alofray expense of eLeetrlc ity.- Ca rrled ' all Yottng AYE. fn matte" of proposeal municipal parking space at CaL ifornia DrlYe and Rhinette Avenue, Councilman Hives recommendetl that the matter be tlropped for the present. n[ot j-on 'matle by Councilman High, secondetl by Councilman Buck, that no money be paltl to any Burlingane City Councllman for any reason whatso]rer unless Clty Council has in r€gu1a.r open public meeting authorlzed such expentliture. - Carried, all voting AYE. l,[a,yor Hunt announcetl appointment of Seabury B. Peterson, 1109 Burl inga.ra e Avenue, ag one of the tr'ire Cormissioners. Clalms Nos. 7455 to 7509, inc., were read and Tlarrants ordereal tlrawn on the City freasury for their respective amounts. 0n motion by Councllman Buok, seconaleal b Enginoer Thoaae was glven authorlty to oasolst ln work on the Elghway, for one tipsr day. The meeting th€roupon ad journed. y Counc ilman Hive ei: City mploy compressor to ay at cost of $55.00 Bespe ct fo11y submitted, APIB yor v v