HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1934.09.17105 BnrJ.lngame, CaJ. tf . I Sept . L'l , 1954. Counol Lmen Buok, Handlog, Uigbr Elves antl Eunt answered the ro11 oa1l. A regular r06ettng of the Clty Councll was he].d at 8:00 P.M. on the above giver ttato - trfiayor Eunt ln tho Chair. The minut€E of 'the provious m€etlng of Septembet 4, 1954, w€re r6aal anal approvjd. tretter rearl &om Surlingam liiornanrg Club thanklng the clty for rent lng thelr Prltrroso noad Lot as a parking station' wlt} . tho uatlerstaadlng that the arurual taros will be pald by the Clty. Coruouuloat ion was orderetl fiLotl' tr{a5r or Eunt euggest ing that Counclfuaan Buck takE up with the lloman's Club the nqtter ofrn havlng the 1ot olLetl to make lt better for parking, aril merohants w111 be askeA to park their owo cars on this Iot ln oraler to provitle toorn for shoppere oars. Communicatlon reostved fro n E. I. l',[cDona].al r6questlng perniesion to transfer poo]. room 11ootrso fmm IVo. 26? Iortoa Avstruo to 1116 Burlingame Arenue, a}.so request lng pe:mlsslon to install bowllug a1ley iil basement of thls bulLdLng ln c otrneotlon lYlth pool room. ]reyor Eunt appoi.ntotl cornmittee of Counollmeu Buok, Eendlos, Eigh and Eivos to look into the mattet antl 660 1f itls atlvisab:le to transfer the 11cense. Snglneer Thomas submlttoti ost imate and plan for wltlenlag antl improving lntersectlon of Eillslde Drive and Alvaratl o Avean€. Uolion bt Councllman Eanallos, seoontletl by Couno i1rna n Eiveg, thet report of engineer be acceptetl coverlng wlderlng of Al.Yerado Averms at a cost to th6 City estlnatoil to bs approxinately $10gS.00 anal that Counoilmen Suck antl Eigh be eppointed 'oomrnlttee witb power to aot ln selectlng mothoal to be fol-Iowed. Carrleti, all votlng AYl. t Coromunicatlon read from Plaruxing Commission reportlng thet most of th€ s11eys 1n the Clty sre being us€al for alumptng tin oang antl othor dobrie antt tleslrlng to know if anythlug oan be tlone to improve the situetion. trIat ter was reforr€d -to W. A. RolLtnsr Superlntentlent of Streetgr to give an egtlmate at next meet lag as to what it wtIl cost to But a1lsys tn prossntable conct lt 1on. Blth further referenoe to cleaning u1l of alobrls itl lots la Burllngame, Clty Attorney Davls was lnstnlctetl to foLlow up hlsletters oa the Purity 'Store boxos anal lfrs. Brldget Murph;r ! s yartl . Comunlcatlou received fmm lang ReeJ-ty Co. regard lng aoqulsltlonty the City of patcoL of lantl otljolnlng Burllngane Elgh School antt Ctty Park lying illrect1y ln tho reat of the Gungt propert5il. This xoatter was referreti to Councllmen Buok and Eigh to look over and ma he report at next moettng. Easeneat Grant for sew6r purposo8 urder PIIA bontl proJeotr througb Carolan fraot, 3ur1lngerce, present€tl by lang Realty Co. I{otlon by Counoilnan Buckr secondeA by Councllmalr Elg[' alL votia8 Af3, that Clty aooept easomnt ss ls. Am€utleA Clatm for darnages from EarI R. Potter was dlreotoal to be accepted antl communiaatioa ordored turnetl over to Mr. tr'rark BJ.ool^,t o be hantlled by Insuranoo CoropanJr. Ilabllity for-this clalu -was tlenletl on motlonr the sa@ es the prevlous olalm pres6nt6d for tbe est furatetl cost of da,magee. ReLatlve to rUn turns on Burl lngene Ave uBe, CounclLmau Elves reportetl that Chtef Earper recommontls L$rr favs! trUtr turns and Ur-. Etves suggestetl th€-Ctty try out the prof,lbitlng of thosoturus. Eesolvetl by the Cit5r CounclL of the Clty of Burlinganethat rur turns are prohlbitett on Burl lngam AYanu€ at the Later- Eectlons of Elnrose Roaal, Park Roatlr an(l lorton Averluo. trdotlon by Couxo ilmsn Elves, secondl€at by CounclLnan Buck, Carzled, allvotlng AIts. L07 Motlon by Couacllnan Elves, eeoonaled by Counc l1mnn ElgL, Carried, all votlng AE, that Couaollmen Buck, Eandlos antl Eurxt be granted permlssioa to a ttentl league of California lIunicl-paLltles Conventloa to be h61d at Pa eatlera on Sep tember 84, 25, 26, and 27, L954. gorer Bonals. - Resolutlon ortler lug lssuanoe of bontls, flxlng tienomlDatione, lnterest, clates of naturlt los, anal directlagcity freasurer to BelL eatlre lsgue to Na tlonal Bsil]]I of San lfateo, was lntroduooal by Counollman Buok antl seoontled by Councllman.Ei"os. - Carrled, all voting AYE. Reports of ltater Departraeut, Poundmaster, PoLlo€ Jutlge, antlFlre Department, rere read aril oraler€d fl1ed. trfotlon by CounclJ.man Suck antl geooncletl by Couno ilman Eigh,Carrled, all votiug AW, that Resolution of J.E.Skeggs,Dlvlslon of Highwaya tlescrlblng the etreets withln the City Ifuoltg of Burllngame compristng the State Elghway Boutes - Routc 2 antl Route 28 - be atioptoal . Demanti e against the City Nos.7332-.to ?'l L>, Lqore passedt and Warrants ordorod tl raw:l on the Clty Treasury for thelrrespective amouats. lhe Councll thereupon atl jouruetl . u APPROWD: yot