HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1933.04.06RolL call: ?resent - Coulcilnen: Buok - Eock - Rlckard - Stone. Absent - Councilnen: Eunt. The reatting of tho mlnute s of Apr1l Srtl was ortleretl walved. The City Councll of the Clty of Burllngaroe met in r€8u1-ar seeslodat th€ Clty EaI1 at-B P.U. on oaII of }layor Buok' the purpose belng to lnstitute the proper r€guLatlon- of beer- ln- confornliy with the Nat loaal cnactroent aud tho enactment to bo of the State of Californla. City Attorney Davis presented and road tlraft of an ortlinanco cov;rlug the- subJect above montloned. After tlisousslng thc varlous-phasos oi 1tr ths ordlnanoe was lntrotluco{ urder tho h6ad of ilntroduction of ortllnancestt by Couacllman Hock. llhe request of Bev. C. T. Eversoa to insta3.I a teuporary. bulldfig to be useal for re1iglouo purpo sc antl to be looated somewheie ln or near the buslness tllstrlct, wag ortlerctl laltl over to the next nestiuE. Ihe Councll atljouraeat to meet Tuostlay, Aprll 11' 1935.' at B P.U., on motlon by Counollroan Stone. BurLingane, Ca11f.' AprlJ. 6' L959. Re spe t fully submlttetl' ctt c1 k APPROVED: r L6