HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1934.09.04to:l Burllnga.mo, CaIlf.' g€ptenber 4, L934. Tho Clty Counoil of the Clty of Burllngaue rnet geesion-at 8:00 P.M. on th€ aboYe 81ven tisto. the Chair. Councllnen Buoh l Eantllos, Eigh, Elveg anil Eu:rt aasweretl the ro11 call . Thc mlnut€s of the prevtoua sggsion of August 20th were read antl a pprovetl , A 1ett6r was reatt flolo F].orence K8uffuan onc1ositr8 a draft of a regolntlon sBonsorlng tbe endorsement of the norlmo Pr6Yention -Lawn whtoh.the-doElrctt the clty shoultt @tlorse. Chlef Earper on bclng queEtloned about the proposetl law opposeil _en_tlorse-ment by-tbe Counoll tlue to tho matter beiag hantlletl throue! .a dlffercnt prooetlurc by the Featoral Governmontr -wag afraid of a oonfllct of authorlty, antl at hie suggestlon tho resolutlon proposotl by tr{rs. trauffnaa was ord€red flletl . tn regular- trfiayor Eunt ln All nlght palklng on streets as c onpleinotl of tn a conmunlcat lon ftorn Biymoud I'trarshallr was referreil to Ctty Attorney Davls to look lnto ortllnaaoe on that subJeot antl report baok. A petltlos sponsoreil by 48 naue s of reslalents ln olose prox- lntty of Alolse Apertnents r 1401 }lorlbuntla Avenus, w88-!oat1, saltl'petitlon€rg protostlag againEt garbeSo beirg bulned 19 an lnolnerator causLng tl lsagreeablo otlots therefrom. A motlon to.abate the nulsensc wag offered by CounclLmen Buok and sooondeat by Couno iLman ElveE. - Carrloil' all votlng A]E. A lettot wag read fron trya la Atla,ns of El bamino ReaL' datoal August zZ. 1934, agalu oa11lng attention to dangerous tre€s ln-the nelghborbootl of bor hone, aud tho 6ame was orderetl to be aaknowlodg€at atrtl the conmunicat ion to bo plaoetl on fiLe. w. !. try€, 15rt4 Berna1 Avtnue r aonplainetl of the lack of A€ sorvlng poor people ln tho varloug electlou boartls of tho Clty anal County government antl suggest€d a ehsrcg€ ' urging agel€ctton from the u]lerployed. CouncluDan Suck replletl that every board shoultl have at l-6ast two erperienoetl . offioors lrrespeotlve of who they were cntl would so reconmend, the balance to be made up of doeerving unenployeal . A motlon to that effect wag matle by ltr. Buok, sare was tluly aeconaletl a.nal earrlotl r a1L. voting AYE. fhc Plannlbg CoDmlssLon recommentled that any lmproverlents as app11€d for by tho Llttle oxfortl School shou].d conp_ly with btlLding regdat ion6r the same to have a concrete founaia t iont ancl that any pernlts granted be for a llnlted perlotl. At tbe suggestlon of the Buildlng Inspectorr the communication was ordered filetl ina gmuch &a no roguLsr app]-lcation hatl been presontotl . lv. r. Durkln of 52e c]-ayton rrr33f-rffis"Jf3ft"a a pernit to builtt a home on trot 9, Block 19, Eriston IIo. 2' as per pl-atr subnittetl . Builtttng ftisp ector Krug upon being questionetl as to the merlts of the applloati,on antl plan, stetetl he had no objectlons to the grantlng of the sam6. the matter was !6- feired back to Mr. K::ug to lssu€ permlt contlitional that tho Cityrs reguLatlons are ful1y conpllotl with. A letter fron J. H. Skoggs ' Eigbway Sngineer, under tlate of August ?.5t L954, requestlng tho spproval of the routlng of hlghways known as Route e a.nd Route 68 througb Burlingame, was read. The samo was orderetl turnod ovor to City Attornoy -Davls for report anil recommenilatlon. e 104 A letter adtlressoal to Attorney Davis from the Southern Peolflo Coropany relative to the pavlng of Callfornia Drlve f roro Bro attwayNorth, wag reatl. Sald Company states they tlo not fe€l thoyshould be callerl upon to assume any of the cost of this inprove'nent, prLmarlly for the reason they ovtn no property faolag onthe street, antl further they are unabLe to vLsuallz€ any poes-lbIe beneflts that wouLd accruo to thelr proporty. thc matter wes left ln Inr. Davis t hancls to go furthee 1nto. The Burl lngarrc Elementary Sehools through l,[r. Eenderson, guper- lntentlent, ln e cornmunlcation edvlsed that shru.bbory has beon he bloycle raok at Rooserelt een atidotl that w111 carry yin6s, any ilefeots complalnetl of. planted on the street sitte of t LchooL and that a lattice has bwhlch h6 bellevotl would correct City Englneex Thomas Bubmltted Letter on th€ completion ofUnit No. 1 South Burlingsme Sewel, statlng that work wa G, no[ oonpletoal wlth th6 exceptlon of a portlon of the pavement re- pS.aoement thereon - tiue to the fact that the pxopogJlon had b€en uaderuannetl for some tlme the excegs of cost $158.91 lsmore then accounted for in the oxtra cost of superlntentlence,eto. On motlon by Councllnan ELves and seconded by CounollnanEantllos, M:n. Thomae was vot€d th6 above amount to compS.ete thejob. Mr. Thomas reported on the South Burl ingame Sewer, that theproposed combinatlon of th€ three remalnlng unlts of the SouthBurl lngame Sewer havo been effectetl iaal thst the same hae beeuoffloiall;r authorlzed, actual worh w111 therefore follow as Eoon &s the work programs can be perfectetl by the SERA whlchwllL prob&bLy be ln tho next week or tetr days. e canvaggtloa heLrl X[r. [homas reportetl on the Burl lngame Creok cuJ.vort floor, thatthe oulvert lE unsafo tlue to lte havlng been orlglnalLy plaoedln wlthout a floor, the dlstance of saial oulvert belng 612 feet.trfr..Thonas prosent€tl total estlmate of cost to put in thls f].oorat $1567.65 of which amourt $856.80 wi11 be assi.med by the SER.A,, leavlng a net eost to tbo Clty of $750.85. Ihe Cou.nolL wero alL of the opinloa that the propostlon proposetl by I{r. llhomas w&s very n€oessary antl a motlon to go ahoaA wlth thework wag off€r€al by Councl!-man. Suok anal secontletl by Counollnan E1v€s - Carrled, all votlng AYE. llhe report of Autlitot R. l. Sohworln & Co., oertlfleal pubIlo aeoormtants, of the flnanoial status of the Clty for the pastfleoal ygar, was roatl, and the same was ordereal turneal ovotto tho Slnance Coruolttee of the Counc ll . IIa yor Sunt oelled as the n6xt order of buslreae, forof the votes oast at the Special L[unlolBal Bontl Eleo on Awust 60, l9g+, on the propo*lon "She11 the cltlnour a bontloal lndebtctlness 1n the prlnclpal sum offor the purposo of aoqulrlng, constructlng and complfollowlng trtrurlclp&I lnprovements, to-wlt: Sewers forof Burllngamo lnoLudlag luterceptlng seners and geweplant." Clty Clerk }trurl)hy thereupon openetl the envedlfferent preclncts in which were enclosed the ta3.1y announoeal the votes as follows: $' of Burllagam 6, OO0. O0etlng the ealtl Ctty rage treatraent lops of the shoets enal rran 'lB'lr crt xDrr 'lErtrrPr rGn r0rA! 281 195 108 197 167 201 205 IIOB 245 L56 75 t65 12'l L59 150 AGA]I{ST Precinct Prec inot Pre oi nct Pre olnot Pre olnct Pre tllnct Pr6 c inot 5B 5rl 55 54 40 62 5B 1.550 1051 1JL9 I Resolutlou tleolarlng the resul-ts of the eleatioa was intro- duoetl by Councllman Suok antl secondeal by Couno ilmaa Elves, Bhowlag the proposltlon as set forth, tluly carrled. - All votlng A}8. 10s Ilblary 'r ----- Ps It lfiBintenauoo hJltl - Park Bontl I' clty Ea1L n 1912 Water Bontl rr 19e7 x'ire Bonal tr 1987 lfater Sontl n 1950 }lbrary Bonal r $1.59 The folLor!.lag f,osolutlona were pres€ntctl, reatl antl aaloptcal 'all Yotlng AYE. -A resoLutl qn aoc eptlng tleed to a trlangular park 50rx 155 I b, 1,44r, moie or 1ees,fornetl by the lntereeotlon of the Southern Paoiflc rlght of rvay, East lane antl th6 cent€rItre of Burl ingnne Avenue, looatetl 1n the City of Burllngame.-llotion by Cou:rcilman Buef and socond€tl by Counc ilnan Elgb. A resolutlon authorlzl ng sale of tro t 5, B1o ck 2 , Bur 11nga,n6 .115 .095 .0175 .01e5 .o5 .06 .04 The Councll thereupon atl Journeil. Iy subrnlttetl,I 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 .06 A resolutlon acce ptlng trot 5 ln Block 2, Burlingame E111s,-Ilotion by Councllman Hantlloe antl seeoadoal by Counc lIrnan E1 eb. A resolution wag read requestlng tho IryA to motllfy or .supplerent 1ts aontraot to allow the Clty on 1lubIlo workproJects to operate on a tlay labor plan ln the event the Contraetors btal 1E excesslve as c @pereal to the actoal costof the proJeot. A rcotiou to atlopt ReeoLutlon ae read waeoffereil by Councilnan Buek anal socoDit eal by Counc lLr!8ri Elgb.-Carrle0l 4L1 Yotlng AY.E. rur tums on BurLingBDo Avsnue waa tl iscuss€al . Po1loe cbief Eat?elln a comunloation went on record statiug that congestionrould bo ellnlnetetl greatly by no rUt turns on Burl lngameAvom.6. The mtter was Laltl ovo!, howev6!, for two weekgto go lnto the subJeot firrther. Clty Cl-erk J. R. Murp\y waa grented a leare of absenco for 60 days on fulI ?ay, ltr. lfurphy not havlng atralIea blmselfof tho usual two wooks vacation perloil tlatlng wtth yea! 1951.-Motion by Courlc ilmen Suck antl seaontleil by Couac IIman Elves. Pollos Chlef Ea rper was grantetl permiseion to a ttentl th€ Annual Interaatlonal Polioe Offioere Conventlon in [rlashlngtor,D.C., on September 24th wlth oxpoaao allowanoe from the Clty. tr[ayor Eunt conpllmentotl the work of Chlef Earper, annouaolngthere was perfect hamory An tho CouaclL aail that Chief Harper wouLti retaln hls posltlon as heatl of the Clty Polloe ttesptte eqy rurnols to the aontrary. 8111s, to ltm. trt. DuDn. - Motlon by Counc Llman Eives an(l geooualed by Counc iLDan 3uok. A resoluti6n authorlzlag the sale of lot 4, Blook 2, Eu-tffigamo El11s, to wml l. urnn. Motlou 6y councliruan Elvos and seoondeal by Counc llman Buck. The matter of a guccessor to tho late trfir. Jansseu, palk at teudant, was left in the hands'of trr. Aaalorsoa, Park $upe rlntentlent, to make hls orm seleotlon wlthout furtheraotlon oa the part of the Councll. A request of trfr. Ifagulre to use fLre house for bantl practlco under the terms of the CERA I wag reforrod baok to lfr. Magulreto present the roatter to the X'lro Corunls6lou for thelr oon-stdorat lon. APPXO R€q)eet lty Clerk A Resolutioa fixlag the Municipal fax Rate for 1954-55 at the followlng rates, wag lntrodueeil by Cou.uc iLman Eantllos 8ud ldconiletl by Couac ilman Eiv€s - Carrle{. -- Genoral l\Inal - -$0.9?