HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1934.08.20101 Bur1l,nga.me, Ca1lf., Augrrst 20, L954. A "egular meetlag of the City Councll was holtl at 8:00 P.1,[. oa the Lbove glven tlate . - Mayor Eu:et 1n the Chalr. Couno lIEa 3uck, Eandlos, Eigh, Elves antl lIuat answeretl the ro11 oa}l. The rolaute s of thc prevloue meetlng of August 6th were reatl antl approved. geveral applicatlous for the posltlon of Park attendant ocossloueal by the tteath of ltr. Jansscn, rero presented to the Counoll anti wore roferretl to Park coh'nl.tt6€ couposedof Councllmen Buck antl Elgh. lhe San Lfat€o ?yramitl of Sclots was grantetl a p€rnlt to contluct e Carnlval at the corn€? of Eowaral Avenuo ancl Primrose Road on Septeraber e8th' 29th antl 50th a6 per appll-oatlon onf1l.c. - ),(otlon by Councll.man Elgh. A letter was reatl from the San Xlatoo County Setleration of luprovement cLuts submlt t ing a oopy of Resolution obJeotlngto a levy of taxes ln any lvay to tak6 care of dellnquenoles exlstlng untler the Irprovement Bontl A,ot of 1915. Intlorsementof sald Resolution was askeal . Inasmuch as the City of Burl.ingame rs bontl status le 0E es to any tl€Llnquenoies, the eommunLcatlons were oralereal flled. The reports of the nire Departx0eat aud the City Pountlkeeper,for the month of Ju1y, were roaA and the ssne ortlered placetl on fl1e. Counc l1rnn Hives reported that th6 Southern Paclflc Company hail tentatlveLy egreeil to install a Grisrolal elgnal at Broatheay Crosslng as a safety n€asure. -Tbe Clty of Buillnga,roe rs partlclpatlon ln the cost to be approxlmateLy $500.O0 lnsteadof $L654.00 &s was orlginally askoil by the Southern Paelflo Co. Counellrl'an Eives compllmenteil ndayor Euat for the very aetlvepart he played 1n brltlglng this conciltlon about as the nalIload Commlsslon harl turned tlown the proposltlon of gates at Broadway Cro selng. Mr. Eives, Che il:man of Commlttee on Pub11c Saf€ty, suggestetl the atloptlon of an ortlinance ellminating trUn tnrns on Burllngamo Avonue at Park Roatl, lortoa Avetruo antl Prlmrose Roaal lnter-scstlons. )ue to the absence of Chlef Ilarper at the ueetlng the matter was lalal over to awalt his niews. Relatlve to parking on streets entering Sroadway, the Comnlttee on Publlc Safety approveti the prohlbltion of parklng ou th€ West elaleof streets for a distatrce of 50 feet, ae theee streets were too rerrow for aloubl€ parking. fhe Commlttoe r€ported elsothat they were oaaleavorlng to get a l-ot in the Broadway sectlon for parklng. the Councll aooeptetl ths report of the Comalttee, on motion by Counollnan Elves. Clty Attorney Davle reportetl as to Orientsl laundry onCalifornla Drive near Sur1ingame Avemo, that health antl sanitar"trr conalitlons w€r6 in oonformlty wlth city regulatlons and that there was no fire hazartl as reportetl by Fire ChiefDeesin. Counc iLman Elves reportetl he wouf.il make a personal inr€stlgation and subnlt hls findings.later. Attorney Davle reported pr€senting nap6 to the Southern Paolflc Coq)anJr antl the Inarket Stroot Rallroeal, wlth tentatlve assess- meut figures to be aesulned by thoD aB thelr share of costafor the Cslifornla Drlve Lmprorement; - was awaltlng a report from theso organizations as to what thelr proc€duro w111 be. 1,02 AL16yE to the r€ar of Surllngame Avetrue frontages were dlscussedanil actlon oa tho 6am6 was wlthheLtl for the present. CsrI Tore1lo,property own6r ln BLock 11, SurI ingeme lantt Company, obj€cted tosn a11oy through that blook, a].leglng the cost would be prohtb-ltlvc, quoted figure of $121000.00 whlch he deolaretl would be anexcegslve chargc agalnst prop€rty owners who would derlve nopartioular beneflt. Demands agaiast the Ctty Noe. ??55 to 755Lt lncluslver werc read anal approvod antl Warrantg were orale?ed drawa o{ th6 Clty [r€a,suryfor thelr reepetlvc emountE. llhe Cou.aoll theroupon ad Journeil . Resp€otfirIly subnlttetl, APPROYSD: or