HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1934.08.13100 SurLlageue. ca1 Aug 13th. 1934 A reguLar meotlng of the Clty Colncll wae held at 8.00 PM oa the above glven date. Ltayor Eunt ln the cha1r. Councllmon Buck - EantlLos - Elgh - ELves anal Eunt answ€rod th€ ro11 ca1l. Tbe mlnutes of the prevlous neeting of JuDo 6th w€re road and approvetl. Appllcatlons were reatl fron LI. J.Lalor aatt Geo A. Schaale solioltlug the appolntment of plsygtiounal attendantof ltia ehtngt on Park vloo Janss6[ tleceased. The game were ortleretl pleced on flle. A rosolutlon oontlelnning aots UnAme rloan in charaoter antl urglng all goverruoental agencles to end aote of sodltlous nature innlmloal to Amerlcan stantlartls anal prlnolplos was lntrOtluoeil by Buck and seoontlett by Elgh. Carrleti aI1 votlag AIE. A resolutloa sponsoretl by the CltrBE B€It Assoolatlon of tbe leap.e of Califoru.la Lftrnlclpalltlee atlvocatlng that aL1 re11ef ln the State becone a SealeraL fimctlon and ftranood by the tr'ederaL governnent waa Lalil ovor awaltlng a fgrther stutlt on the part of tbe couac11. Clty Attoraey DavlE reportetl that a tentatlve of 6 porcent of the total cost of tbe wtdenlng of Ca1lf Drlve would be the Southorn Saclflc rs portlon and four por-oent that of the Market Strost Rellroatl. Thes6 flgures to await the aotloa of thelr respectlvo logal" tlepartmentsr couac ilnan Bgok reported progreso on the part of the varlous lnoorporatetl oltles 1u Saa lfateo oouaty for a quartor cetrt 6hare of the gas tax reveaue i It belng pr&ved to the Soerd of Supervleors that the Couaty Cherter aloes not prohlblt a shar€ of the Couatyr E lnoome golng to oltlos. DIr Buck eskeal further tlne to ooatlnue h1s quest whloh wa8 Srautod. Ifayor Eunt roporteil oonfereaoe to bo h€Iit wlth the Southern Pao Co tlurlng the roek at wbloh nattere appurtenant fo the olty woulal be diEoueeed and ou nhlch he would ropott 18ter. The couacll thereupon stl J ourneal APIB Re speot tt€tl Clty CLork f,ayor