HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 2024.01.111 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Approved Minutes Regular Meeting of Thursday, January 11, 2024 The meeting minutes are intended to provide a high-level summary and action items. The official record is the meeting recording, which can be found on the City’s website or the City’s YouTube Channel: https://www.burlingame.org/departments/public_works/agenda_and_minutes.php https://www.youtube.com/@cityofburlingame3486 1. CALL TO ORDER 7:02 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG 3. ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT: Cauchi, Martos, Ng, Rebelos MEMBERS ABSENT: Israelit 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a) August 10, 2023 Regular Meeting Minutes Commissioner Martos moved to approve the meeting minutes by unanimous consent, seconded by Vice-Chair Rebelos. There were no objections. b) September 14, 2023 Regular Meeting Minutes Vice-Chair Rebelos moved to approve the meeting minutes by unanimous consent. There were no objections. c) November 9, 2023 Regular Meeting Minutes Vice-Chair Rebelos moved to approve the meeting minutes by unanimous consent. There were no objections. 2 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS – NON-AGENDA The following email was received from Doug Bojack and read for the record. Hello Commissioners, The San Mateo County Transportation Authority will issue a Call for Ped/Bike Projects in April. This funding is only available every two years. What is city staff preparing to propose for funding for this go-round? 6. DISCUSSION/ACTION ITEMS a) Downtown Burlingame Pedestrian Enhancements (Discussion Only) Mr. Wong provided a presentation regarding the latest efforts associated with Downtown Burlingame pedestrian enhancements, which was generated by a site walk with former Commissioner Leigh from the Burlingame Avenue Pedestrian Safety Improvement Committee. He explained that enhancements were limited to quick build devices and that staff plans to implement them as part of an upcoming work program. Mr. Wong stated the enhancements include the following: • Intersection of Burlingame Avenue and Primrose Road – maintain esthetics with pavers, paint standard 12-inch white crosswalk lines framing pavers. • Intersection of Burlingame Avenue and Park Road - maintain esthetics with pavers, paint standard 12-inch white crosswalk lines framing pavers. • Intersection of Burlingame Avenue and Lorton Avenue - maintain esthetics with pavers, paint standard 12-inch white crosswalk lines framing pavers. • Intersection of Burlingame Avenue and California Drive – crossing California already has the high visibility ladder crosswalk; City to paint two standard 12-inch white crosswalk lines for the leg crossing Burlingame Avenue. • Intersection of Howard Avenue and Primrose Road – converting standard crosswalk to high visibility ladder treatment. • Intersection of Howard Avenue and Park Road - converting standard crosswalk to high visibility ladder treatment. • Intersection of Howard Avenue and Lorton Avenue - converting standard crosswalk to high visibility ladder treatment with bulb outs on the east side of the intersection to minimize the crossing distance due to proximity to the parking garage. • Intersection of Howard Avenue and Highland Avenue - converting standard crosswalk on the west side of the intersection to high visibility ladder treatment. Mr. Wong noted a few parking spots will be lost to the bulb outs. 3 Commissioner Ng said although it doesn’t fit into the quick-build model, he inquired about any further study into the lighting at the intersection of Howard and Lorton Avenues. He noted there is no streetlamp on the southeast corner near the Highland Parking Garage. Mr. Wong stated he will follow up on this request. In the short term, he said he will follow up with Corp Yard staff about enhancing the current available lighting. No public comments received, and no action taken on this item. b) TSPC Chair and Vice-Chair Nominations and Selections Commissioner Martos nominated Vice-Chair Rebelos to be the new Chair for 2024, seconded by Commissioner Cauchi. The nomination passed by a roll call vote of 4-0. Commissioner Ng nominated Commissioner Martos to be the new Vice-Chair for 2024, seconded by Chair Rebelos. The nomination passed by a roll call vote of 4-0. No public comments received for this item. 7. INFORMATION ITEMS a) Public Comment Related to Informational Items No public comment. b) Community Group Updates No update. c) Engineering Division Reports Mr. Wong provided the following updates on various Public Works – Engineering projects. • Vision Zero Update – In December, the Federal (USDOT) Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Grant Program announced the final list of 2023 awardees and Burlingame was awarded $480,000 of funding with a $120,000 local match to develop a new action plan. While Grant agreements are being processed, staff plans to present a draft RFP to the Vision Zero Subcommittee in February. Additional information can be found on the SS4A website: https://www.transportation.gov/grants/SS4A Commissioner Cauchi asked how the grant money would be used—if it would be for the 4 study document or for construction. Mr. Wong stated he would get back to the Commission. • Occidental Traffic Calming Update – The November community meeting for the project was well attended. Staff is currently reviewing the comments collected from the residents. Due to the number of comments received, an in-person meeting is being tentatively scheduled for some time in late March. • Murchison/Trousdale/Davis Bicycle Improvement Project Update – The public survey has been closed. Over 200 surveys were received and are currently being analyzed. Another community meeting will be scheduled for the spring to review the data collected, and to introduce proposed concept plans to the neighborhood. • Bike Boulevards Phase I Update – The project has been awarded and will begin construction sometime in February 2024. The stop signs on Carmelita Avenue at Paloma Avenue will be installed as part of this project. • Quick-Build Pedestrian Improvements Update – Similar to the Bike Boulevards Project, this project has also been awarded and will begin construction sometime in February 2024. • 2024 TSPC Priority List and Subcommittee Discussion – This discussion item will be postponed for a future meeting. • Joint Meeting with City Council – City Council has requested a joint meeting to review potential discussion items. Chair Rebelos suggested the commission discuss availability soon for March for a possible joint City Council meeting. d) Police Department Reports Sergeant Roberts reported 16 collisions for the month of November. Please see the Collision Reports for details. Chair Rebelos and Commissioner Ng noted that the intersection of El Camino Real and Ray Drive comes up a lot, mostly with left turns from Ray onto El Camino. Mr. Wong stated that El Camino Real is under Caltrans’ jurisdiction, but the City can possibly make comments on the plans for the El Camino Roadway Renewal Project, which is currently at 35% design. For the month of December, Sergeant Roberts reported 12 collisions. Please see the Collision Reports for details. 5 Chair Rebelos inquired about the upcoming changes to Broadway and Paloma Avenue. Mr. Wong stated there will be some changes to the pedestrian signage as reported to the Commission during their October 2023 meeting. When funds are available, Mr. Wong pointed out that rectangular rapid flashing beacons are the ultimate goal at the intersection of Broadway and Paloma Avenue. e) TSPC Chair/Commissioner’s Communications Commissioner Martos acknowledged former Commissioner Leigh for the three years she spent with the Commission. He stated she was a very passionate commissioner about safety in the community and improving bicycle and pedestrian facilities. Chair Rebelos echoed Commissioner Martos’ sentiments. 8. COMMITTEE REPORTS a) Public Comment Related to Committee Reports No public comments received. b) Burlingame Avenue Pedestrian Safety Improvements (Leigh) No update: committee to be disbanded. c) BIS School Safety Study (Israelit & Ng) No update. Commissioner Ng inquired if there is still a sign for the turn restriction at Marco Polo onto Clarice. Mr. Wong confirmed the signs are still there. He said only the sandwich board signs were removed. d) US 101 Bicycle and Pedestrian Connectivity (Leigh & Rebelos) No update: committee to be disbanded. 9. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS • Occidental/Trousdale/Davis Project Update • TSPC priorities • Upcoming list of streets to be resurfaced • Lyon Hoag survey results • Data regarding usage of new California Drive bike lane (requested by Commissioner Ng) 10. ADJOURNMENT 7:54 p.m.