HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1933.03.061_O Bnr1lngaxoe, Ce1lf., Llaroh 6, 1955. l,te€tlag of the Ctty Councll of tbe City of 3ur1fngamo. Roli calL: Present - Counollroen: Buck-Eook-Eunt-Rlckaril-Stoae' Abseat - CounclLnen: fotre. The l,{lnutes of tho Laet meet lng were reaal aatl approv6'1 . lett€r reatl from tr'ire Chlef Dessla sugsostlag cbange la nanes of ?ark Avenue entl Grove Avenu€ aooount of coufuslou wlth Park Road antt oak orove Ayeauo la flre alarn servloe. the councll thought the suggestloa a gootl one anil ortleroal the CLerk to take up wlth eesfaeiis oa thes6 streete to get thelr vlews as to what uanes streoto shoultl be changetl to. D. R. MoPherson, 1512 Burlingame Avenu6, applietl for perroit to nake changes in the floor plan of hls hox0o and the same wa6 rc- ferred to-the pfnnnlag Conmigsl'on for thelr approval. [he Planning Comnlssloa recolmentled against the chang-€^ 14 cllI- itioation oi f,ots L4-15, Blodt 1.5, Buillngame Grove, fron-resldent- ial to apartmente as petltlonetl for by Chlls 6ud-Anne M. larscn. On ,ot:.oi, by Counclldaa Riokartlr B€oontleal by Colnc iJ.nan Eook, the actlon of the Plarmlng Commleelou wag alproveal. Th€ leaguo of Californla Mu:rlelpatltles through Oeo. R..*$9o' ireslaeit, opposetl the dlvoTBlon of gasollne tax noaey to-the geaeraf fuaa-i,t the amount $8r??9r750.00; requeetetl the -cl-ty of Surl lnganc to go on reoord eg lntlorslng- such actlon. A Ltko comnunication iron City llanager Eol-lle Thompson of Berk€I-cy' wae also read. The Coulc iL approvetl tbe resormendatloae of u€sslls Caaau and Thompsotr on motioa by Courrc 1Lman Stone, seoonded by CouDc ilnan Eunt. Clty Attorney Davls reportetl wlth reference to ges tar rete- natier now bLfore the RalLroatt com1881on, that Conmttte€ with !Ir. Roleson, City Manager of Redwootl Clty' as chalrmaut haA I confereace on tr'etruary 2Lst wlth englneers of the ratc tlepart- neut of the Rallroaal comml6slou.- Nothlrg of auy coas€quenoo transplreil . Mr. Dsvts rooonmeaaleil uo aot lou as to outllytl of fuioil s or the eq>loyment of speolal couaeel by the cltlos wlthin iire san lose eiviiton but asked that Cormlttee bo glvetl noral' support. It was so oralered. Assenbly BtIl 1565 spoasored--by !h9- c-1ty of Corouatlo' wlth iiierroi, to Motor Boits aad Yaoht Clube' was approvefl 9a.reEirrenaution of clty Attolney Davls who wag Cppotutetl to Look lnto antl report. Ass€nb1y BiLL So. 860 prohibitlng the sale of-strlped bass was iponsoiia by the Aseociated Sporismen of san tr'ranclsoo who aske'l [["-Co"ncti-rs endorsex1ent of ibis b1].1. Geo. R. Do11lngs, loaaL reildent, attttre esetl the Counoll algo aiivocetlng lts pasBag6 'C6u"oUriu-Eock-aekea that actlon be dteferretl until the CouncLl h;d n;;A th€ uegatlvo sltle of the queetlou, i{ qty' .After. oon- "iaui.tf" disousEton approval ras Laid o?o! and Counc llnen Eockt nioAira-ana Stone werel.rippolated Connlttee to lnveetlgate' Jarne a trarrenco, proP€rty owae r ln Bloct 5, Towa of BurllngBne, adtlresseal Counc il ln the intereet of Eettlng aa caBonout or i0-i;;i alongsltle the Clty EalL where-€grcss ard.lngr'ss ffv ue nad€ to the ieal of gtores faclag on Burll[game avenuo ' Tao Co""oU were of the oplalon that tf oesernent la grantetl son-c eonsiAeratfou rSoulct be natl e ln the way of 18nat whioh woultl pro- ;ie;-i;t aiiy saii-ettenglon ln the future. trfr' Larreaco slgnl- if"a Ui-"o"ti ta[e the matter up wlth interested property ow,,€rs. 1,L E. E, Srring, 740 Falrfi€Id Roa.tl, addressed Cqgngtl asling-that a covering-te placetl over tlie cr€ak In the 700 Block tr'alrfleltl Roaal, to lrevent the washing away of lanils to the rear of resltlences. Ifayor Buck lnfomed Mr. Swing that this rBtt-67 had been gone tirto sometime ago ana the estimated cost of the lmprovemeit was about $8OOO.O6, whlch precludecl the work belng. ttoie out of the Geaeral Funtt - $1ggo ste tt that LtIr. $wing consult hls neighbors wlth the vlew of havlng the work lfone untler a speolal assessment pIan. R. Slneock atialressetl the Counoll asklng for a clonatlon t applleil towartl leof,eatlonaL actlYitles to be sponsoletl _bY-.I{.C.A. alurlng the coming year. The Couacil slgnifietl would glve the rnatter thelr consideratlou. E. W. Eurt, proprietor of th€ I'am 1Iy Servlce laundlry' adtlresseil the CounotL, requeotlng tha.t loea1 laundrles be protecteal by ordlnaace that ttII provent "wlId catr lauodxlcs who do not observe hcalth reguletloner ftom c oralng lato Surllngane sollclt- lng buslness. The CounclL slgnlfleil the matter would havethelr consialeratlon. Ortllnsrroe No. 264 anentllns Sectlon I of 0rtllnancc I[o. 197 by ellnlnatlngfiliiE-zone on datifornia Drl've, was given first readlag - lntioductlon by Councllnan Euat. The' Councll thereupotr aalj ournotl . obey the they Re fir11y submltt er APPROYED: yor