HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1934.08.06BurLlngame. Ca1 Aug 6th. 1954 A regular rnset{'S of the Clty Counoll waB h91A at 8.00PM on the above glvea alate. trflayor Eunt 1n the ohalr. conno1fu06n Book - Eandloe - Elves antl Eu:rt an$rcrod thr !o11 c81L. counoll ElSh - AbEont fhe reading of the nlautos of th. prevlous no€tlng of fir1y 85rd Bele reaal and epproveal. A letter was reaal from M.A.Mu1iluer, sorlbo of San l,feteo PJrranltl #e0 of gototE anaounctng a fsgtlval to bo glvon on Sept P8-29 and 30th the same to be heltl at Ilowaral anal Ptinrose Roail s and reqrieotlng the use of these stre€ts (or thelr ontertatnnent. The eLerk was tnstructetl to commrlloat€ with Ltr l{ul tlner to ascertaln what the rsture of the entertalrrnent is to be. A letter was reaal froro the !'ox ilest Coast S€rrloe Oorporatlon requestlng the lowerlng of tbelr annuel buslness l-lcers€ fron $200. to S175.for the comlng f1scaI year. [he oouacil dlsoussetl the tratter at Ietrgth, corola[ to the tonclusion that the lloense of $e00. was not altogethsr too hlgb, conelderlng the poIlce antl flre gervlce renaleroal on behalf of the clty. The roquest was thereopon tlenleal. 97 s€wer has beenoffice for Av€ calIltlgof the bankdlsrupf thereLlef froroof buLkheatl was ortler€d A letter wBS read fron R.G.Eerda, 1268 3aIboaattontlon to the waBhing away of a Eizeabl€ portionthat is entlangerlng his property and b€ bolleve8 maynatural flow of the water thru the cre€k. -esksthe olty in the construotion of approxlmately 20 'rat the pessagoway urtler the street. The communlcaton turned over to i,Ii Ro11lns to get estlmate of cost. l[yda Aala,ns of 915 EI Camino Real 1n a letter dato JuIy ?0th again caLletl attentlon to the serlous contlition of tre6s facing her premlseg, aLso causing damage to her Iawn antl property. oltes eeveral court tleclsions sustalnlng her contentlou. riri she s reIlef fron the council or sh€ wi11 hoLtl them 1iab1e ln €v€nt of accltlent. Attorney Davls atlvlseat the Cltys responsibllity was I{II 1f proper precautlon 1s taken 1ir the lnspection of th€ treos antl from the repolts of the Supt of Streets on flle, the troes hsve been lnspecteal on s€veral occaslons antl were xeporteti safe. The letter was ortlered turne d over to L,Ir Davls to acknowletlge. A clalm for damages for S441.5L was preBentett to the oou]lalL by E8r1 R. Potter whoge automoblle was tlamaged thru aooLllslon wlth a clty owned machine tlrivon by tr'1r6 Chlef Dessinln performenoe of city work. 0n motion by Elvos antl seoonded by Buok tb€ city'e llablLtty 1n tho matter was denied. Carrlod all Votlng AlT. . Clty Bnglneor Thomas reporterl oraL1y in the following matters relative to the etatus of work proJects now underoonstruotion 1n the clty.Ihe work of pavlng tho gor€ at th€ lntersectlonof Sayshore Ave andl Burl ingame Ave has been tlelayed by the preparat iou whleh wae to be macle by the Sood Oraler men. The gradlngls oonplet€ anat the ttralnage is lnstalletl and lt is expeotetl the work l,,i1l b6 coBrpl€te by Aug Llth. The appllcation to oompLete the South Burl iugarao matle lnto one ualt and 1s aow before tho gan Franclsco approval. 'lTork on the North Burllngaroe project ls progr€sEing. The 48r' drain plpe at l[111s Ave ls now completely Jack€al thru tb€ ;iarketSt R.R. and the Southern Pac traoks. The plaolng of the double 4Bnplpe rhtch ls to carry the fJ.ow of Ml1Is creek is now untl6 r rvay. The canal oa the Easterly side of th€ railroad ls about 5O percent c otrp16 t eal . $s The appJ-lcat 10[ for th€ wlalening of Callfornla Drlve has not beeo gubmltt€al to elther the Boaral of SupervleorB or the S.E.R.A p6ntllng the aotlon of th€ Supervisors rolativo to the divlslonof the county gas tax ftntl. Th€ work on Callfornla Drlve sewer has not progressed satisfactorlly on accou:tt of tbe lack of sufflolent labor. 35 men have been requoet€al for each of the twoshlfts per week anal thor6 baB b€en only half that rlu.nb 6ravallable. the he).p propositlon has bson presented to the countyprojeots commltte€. L[r Thomas hes be€n lastructed to get men and 1f unable to alo so to report to the ltrayor. The proposltlon to re gurfaoo E1 Camlno neal using ourportlon of the gas tax allocation surveyeal, deslgned and estlmatd, the cost of whleh ie epproxirrately $81000. for that portlon b€tween ],{1L1s Ave antl Broadway. It was su$gestetl that efforts bo maale to indnoe the State Hl ghway Commlgsion to etlYance the funtls lacking 1n our allooatlon and charge 1t ahead to future allocatlons. Thls w111 be subxolt tetl for the consltleration and approvaL of the Elghway f, englneer. C.E.B€ssott presentetl oasem€nt grant to the Clty for culvort thru hls property ln the Easton Iniustrlal traot. A tesolutlon acceptlng the easoment was lntroduc€d by Buok antl seoontled by Eivss. - Carrloal all votlng AYE. A resoLutlon relatlve to hontl coulflsel ln whlch 1t was RES0IVEI by the councll- pursuant to the tr'etleral Energoncy loan untler the Natlonal Reoovery Aot as oerrled out ulL1€r the PIVA regulrlng the appointment of a bond oounsel, Tho Clty of Burllngamo appolntetl lursuant to sald Act the firm oforrlck, Pahoer antl Dahlqulst, Attorneys at law with offlo€8 ln the flnslo181 Bu1ldlag, San trlrevrclsco. tr'orego lng reao1utloa lntroducerl by Suck anal aecondotl by Eandlos. Carrteal 8L1 voting Am. A loan entl Grant agxeenent botweon the Ctty of 3ur1$ame antt the Ualtecl States of Am€rlaa ulxalsr antl subJect to the tortrs of whlch th€ unlted States of Amerloa wtU by loqn antl grent not exceeding ln the aggregate, the sum of $L4?,000. 00, ald tbe Clty of Burllngaroe ln floanalng the construction of a sewer luproveroent lnclutllng tntercepttag severs anal a sewerage troatmontplant was reatl. A resolutlon approvlng a loan and grant ae aforeealtl , between the Clty of Bur].lagame antl tho Ualt€al Ststesof Amerioa antt authorlz 1ng its oxeautlon was lEtroducetl by Counollman Bu.ck and was secondeal by Councllman Elves. Carrteclall votlng AIT. ordl.nance No 275 grantlng pernisslon to tho Town of Elllsborough ln Re sewer project' latrotluoed July zuil 1954 waE glv€n secontl reaallng and wag adopteal on notlon by Buck antl s€oortleal by Eaadloe. A1-1 vottng AE ortllnanoe No 876 oa11lng a opeclal Munlclp8l Bond E1€otlon ln tho Clty of Burllngalre for the purpose of eubmlttlng to the eleotors, the ., propo slt lon of lnourrlng a bontled lnttebtetlness ln the gum of $86000.00 for the aoqulaltlon, oonstTuotlon snal conpletlon of sewerg, lnolutllng lnteroeptlng ssrers anal sowerage treatment plaut was glven lta geoond reaaltng and was atlopteti on motlon by Buok antl secontled by IIlYeB. Carrletl all votlng AYE. t^x- Untler unf lnlshed buslne ss , alIeys on Burllngame Ave rfirsodlscugsed. E.xlolghou8o agreoai to soLlcit the varlous own€rs agreoing to got a naiorlty frontago or all for a sulr not to exooeil $L5O.00. If naiority frontag€ not IIrflr'Tn- seoured, h6 to b6 eoropensated to the amount of $50. at Least. Thomas trtu11en antl John Xtiokelsen voloed objeotlon to oity funtt s belng erpended for thlo purpose. 0n belng shown that tbege fuatl s woultt be returned to the alty tn the event the proJect would go th]|Il, Ur tr'lckelsen rlthdrer hls protost. The matter waa ordor€al l-altl over two w€eks' Lfityor Eunt announo lng that he b€lleveti property ownerE lnterestetl in the matter shoultl petltlon tle oouactl to have the work clone by e:rprosslng a wllLlngnes8 to have the lrqlrovement go forwarcl. 99 onmotionbycouncllman!uck,slxa.ldltlonalhorsesho€courts aC a coet nir t to "xceed $60.-were ordeloal providetl ln Y1ashlngton i"r[ to-le on the oppoelte sitle of t€nnls oourt as now located' r[e-pr"g""t courte ii uee to b€ movod to the nuw ]'ocati'on' raoir.in iecontlett by Elves. Carrletl a1I Yotlng AY8' A taPPer for the Poltces Etatlon exoseal $60. wae voted. Llotlon by Eivos andat a cost not to gecontled bY Buok. Parklug on siale gtreets a{Jolnlng Sroaclway as plesentorl at a prevl5us meetlng, waa aPprovod by- c-ounctluan faniios aatt a plat'wl1 be preeented wlg[tho altt of Chlef Earper ln lqrroving tho sltuation. Th€ 1954-35 budgot amourtlng to $etsoeO.oo.rlth e teatattve tax rate of $1 '59 was ratlfleg--gn tn ffiti;n nt Buok antl socoatleal by Elvog. carrled all Yotlng AYE' The matter of the CountY Boar'l of partlolpating in the payment of $4000.-towartls'nrtls aipro?ilatlon 1n the eewer boad lery was tlere ti-aeitalte ssEuarauoe thls money w111 b from- comftment from the Dletrlct Attorney' th setlsfied that a l€vy in taxes for Burllngame olrnorg woultl be taken care of. su?orvl soxs dofraylng Surllngame disouesetl. vlhlle e forthcornlng e eou-nell were 813.1s propertY Ierogntts egainst tho city llo ?255 to ?52L laeluelve were leatl antl ai'lhrrovetl and warrants wore oraerea-arira on the City [reaigiy for tbelr respectlve amoults. clty Attorn€y Davls announc etl he would ooBtact ths South€rn paolfio anil the Merket Strset Eailroatls wlth the ife"-oi iteiipartlofpatlon ln tho Callfornla Drlve rltlonlng. The counc 11 adjourned to meet li{onday april L6th at 6)00 P},( on xootlon by coulxcllrnan Buck. Carrled all votiag AY!. cl }lIAYOR APPROYEN