HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1934.07.23Burllngane, Calif.r July 29, 1954. An adjournod regulet meetlng of the City Council wag heltl at 8:00 P.U. on the above glven tlate. - lfayor Hunt iu the Ghalr. ( Couaollmen Buck; Bandlos, 818h, Elvec and Euat aasweretl the ro11 oa1I. the rainuteg of tho prevlous neetlng of JuIy l6th were reatl antl approvotl . A letter wag read from the Peninsula Section of the treague of Callfornla Ifiunicipalltles ativlslng of a dfuner meeting Thurstlay, August 19, 1954' at 6:50 P.M., at the L{etropolltanGrll"l in South San Sranclsco, antl requestlng the presence of the Counoll antl tlepartm€nt heatls at the eame. Thoee luterested were requesteil to note the tlne an{l to atteatl lf posslble. Clty Engtneor Thonas reportetl th€ best price for parlng goreat lntersectloa of 3ay Shore Elghway antl Burlingam€ Av€nue 'was .07 ler 6quar6 footr the same rocelYetl from San Mat€o neod & Fuel Conpany. Illth Mr. Thomaer letter was a cheok flom lang Realt! C6mpany for amount $490.00 to pay for the oost of thls lnprovement. trflr. Thoras was lnotructect to prooeed wlth the lnprovemeat as per bid. fhe l[orth 3ur11agan€ T[oman's Club aubultted copy of a resolution as to contemplatetl sowsr systen' ln whlch 1t was re solvetl that no offlclal of the Club Lend herself as a representatlvo of the alub to sponsor such a movement atthis tlne, and that whiLe the Club reoognizes the lnttivltlualrlgbts of the mombsls to exerclse sucb rlghto' lt ls therullng of the Bosrd tbat ao m€mber shall use her memb€rshlPln thls CLub to aot es a sponaor for tho novernnt, ancl thatln the event of acceptanoe of any membgr on the Sponsorshlp Comlttee the }Iorth Burllngame Woxnanro Club 6h411 in no way be lnvoLveil. The comnunloation was orderod recelverl and to be plaood on flIe. fhe Plannlng Comrnisslon ln a communioatlou reoommentted agalnst changlng the classlfloatlon of the B1r:rner property tleeorlbed a6 trot 1A, Block 2, llomr of Burllngame, from Apartuent zoneto Corrmerclal zoD6 for the pur?ose of puttlng a gasollne sorvLeo statlon thereou. The Council upheltl the llannlng Commlsslonts !€oomnentlat 1on - Motlon by Counc lJ.nran Eives anal seoontletl by Councllnan Eentllos . letter reail from the San trfiateo County Energenoy Be1lef Atlnlnls-tr&tlon, l. 0. IfcAloney, acttng al1!6otor, lrotestlug as to pref,erenee ln favor of Saa tr'rancisco workers on PWA Jobs ln San l&ateo Couaty antl requeating of CounolLs to wlre Ifr. H.1,. Eopkins, tr'etleral Rellef Adulnlstrator, antl l[r. Iiaro].tl lckes' Fedoral PWA Aalnlnistrator, both ln Vfaebington, protestlng against d€prlvlaB the people of San I'fateo Courty from obtaln- lag work on thls proJeot. felegrams wer€ ordered sent as requestetl, on motlon by Counc ilman Buck. the Councll epprovotl a total expendlture of $L900.0O as pr€- pareal by consulttng Engineer Earry N. Jenks, for emergency work requlretl to brln6 the flnal plans anal speclflcatlons for the proposed sewoge tlisposaL proJect to 8 potnt sufflclently far advanaod to enable their completlon eubsequent to the boad eLeotloa within the time prescribod by the ?WA prooealuro governlng this proJect. Motloa by Councllman Buck antl seoondeal by Counc llman Elres. Ilrte on the proposetl dlrerelou of a portion of the County Gaotax for oxpenalltures on Clty streets wag referred to Englneor ThoDa6 to prepare coples of l{r. James' report and eenal to the dlfferent mombers of the Courrcil. 95 96 0rtllnaaoe No. 2?0 oalIlng a spocial electlon ln the City of Burllngame for the purpose of submltting to the olectoro the pr6posltlou of inourrlng a bondetl lndebtealness ln tho gnrn -of $86rOOO.Oo for the aoquleltlon, construotlon snil ooropletion of sewers, inc 1ud 1ng interoeptlng sowero anal eewirage treatment plant, wae ielutrotlueetl anal givea lts flrst ieadlng.- Motlon by Couaollroan 3uok. Ortllnanoe Fo. 8?4emenatlng Ordinanoo l{o. 2'12 of the Clty of -Surllngane Iy provldlng provlsional zonlag 1n the Cornmerolel dlstrlat, lnlroduoetl .Iune 18' 1934' was glven Eeqond reatttag intl was stlopted on motlon by Councllman Elgh and seeonatod by Coulc iJ-nan Buck, all votlng AYE. Ordlnanoe No. 8?6 regrrlat ing the tllscharge of Emoke r so autl fiune s, lntrotluoeil July Satt' was abaatloneil by the Counc 11. fho Clty health lnsp€otor was instructed to lnvestlgate the eanitary oonilltious of an Orlental lauutlry 1n the 300 block ou Callfornla Drlve antl report h1s f lnillngs. Councilman EantlLoe was appolntotl to servc ou tbe varlous Commlsslons as h€Iti by h1s predooessor' Mr. fiook. fhe Pollce Commleslon was authorizetl to lavestlgato a plan for lem€dying traffic contlltloas by extendlng tho pro-. .hlblteil pirklng area 60 f,eet fron Broaalwey oa lntereeotlng str€ets 1n the-businesB aroe, as unaier preseat plaa notor- lsts extrlerlenoe illfflculty ln maLlng turu8 and slow up trafflc- booeuse ears are too close to lntereectlons. Demands agalnst the Clty Sos. 7249 to 7254, inc1u81v6' wsre reaal end approveil entl lTarrant s rugre ordered tlrawn on th6 City Ereasury for thelr respectlve anounts. The councll thoreupon atljouraed. ot Re spe tfrl1y eubnittetl, fr v er APPB or q