HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1934.07.1693 Bnrlingane, Calif.r July 16, LgU. A regular m€otlag of the Clty Counoil was held at 8:00 ?.M. onthe above glven tlato . - Lfire]or Eunt ln the Cha 1r. CounclLmea Buck, Eandlos, Elgh, Elves eril Eunt angwerotl theroLl oall. llhe mlnutes of tho prevlous metlng of July 2, L954, rere readantl approveil . ortllnanoe I[o. i', An orttlDanoe oa11lng a Speclal Eleotloa lnthe City of Burl lngame for the purpos€ of submltttng to theelectora the proposltlon of lnourrlng a bonaled ltrtiobtodness1n the sur of $86,000 for th€ acquisltlon, constructlou andoonplet 1or4 of a soreer proJeot, was reatl . fhe Bane b€ inglntrotluoetl by Councl.lman Buok at the suggestlon of gevereL cltLzeDs that the pur?os€ of the lsgue b€ more olearly tteflnettag to lncLuslon of treatment plant aIso.-The saue was'referedto the Clty Attorney to glve tbe mtter hls attentlon. Derna.nd s agaluat the City, Soe. 7845 4o 7248r lnc1uslvo, wero rea tl snd approvetl, antl Xlarraats wo?e ordor€d ttrawn on the A letter wag reatl fron PauL Mc0ar th5r, Chalrnan of PenlnsuleSeotioa of the league of Callfornla Munloipalltlea, statlagthat at nc€tlng heltl 1n.San }frBt€o July 6th, thore rag approvetlthe allooatlon of tba l/4 cent gas o1lne tax approprlatetl tothe Cltlee by the Couaty Boalal of Supervisors on the baglsgf 1950 Populatlou. Thls total ellocatlon 1s eatlmateal at $41,00O. 0n th6 baele of populatlon Burllngane w111 reoelvc epproxiroately $8778.10. In antlolpetlon of thls allotment, Eaglneer Thonas wa6 lnstructed to prepare speolflcatlong forthe retopplng of oak Grove Ave mre antl the proposetl wltlenlngof CsLlfornla Dr1v6 north of Broatlvay, also any other streetsnoedlng lmprovenent. At the San Mstoo Eeetlng there was also approvod a motlon to set up a perloan€nt oonmlttee conslstlngof one repres€ntatlve fron eaoh clty of the County to repre sentthe varlous cltles ln the natter of-..u.neup1oymont re1lef anal othorEtters of lnportanoe that rney corr before the Board of Super-vlsols fro ro tlme to tlmo. Couaclfunan Suok wag appolntetl Burlingane t6 representatlve 1n thle conaectlon. A 16t ter was read from lJovel.apd F.ngiaeers offerfutg the 1rgervloes a6 consuJ.tlng engineere on a fee basls to rearrangethe oltyra nunlolpally owaed ut1lltlee antl thereby lacreage roveauoa. - lYas ortl6retl pl.aoe d on f 11e. The rcsigratlon of J. \lI. Caaey as a menbor of the tr'lre Corn?nl sslon rEE road, antl the sa&e las accepterl oD motlon byCourcllman Hlgh and secondeal by Gounc 11nan Eantlloe. Bnl'ldtng Inspootor Knrg aatl Fire Chief Degaln w6re tlven per- talaelon to attentl Paolflc Coast Bullating Offlclals Conferenoeto bo heLd at Palo Alto August 7th to 11th, lncluslve. lfr. Jenke, teohnloal oglno€r on the Burllngane Sewer proJectl submltteil letter gtvlng outllno of englneerlng u/ork to brlngthe flnal plans autl spoelflcetlorls for tbe diepoeal p].antp"oJ€ot to a polnt sufflolently far atlvanood subsequ-ent tothe bontl eLectloa, rlthln the ttrne pr€Bcrlbod by tlie P.W.l.ptooooallng Borornltrg.thls cost. -llhe coet to thls polnt belng approxlmately-$1900. Ihe natter wag dlscussia at lengthantl was lald over oae week for aotloa. Polloe Chlef Ea4ler waa glvotr authorlty to provltle ornorgonoypol1oe servioo to IanLly lauxrtlry, 901 Callfornla Drlve, atoonpensatlon of $6.00 for 1? hour servloe, sald servloe tobe at the Jutlpent of Mr . Earper. - Mot 1on by Counollman Elves. lhe reports of the City Juatte antl lteter Departmnt, for Juae,were r6atl anal ordereal fl1eil . 94 clty froaEnry for tholr rospeotlvo srBouutE. The CounclL atlJourned to m6ot Monilay, July 85' 1954' 8;00 3.ltr.roD xnotloa by Councl1nan Buots. at Beq)eotfully mltted, APXBOVED cy -