HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1934.07.0290 Burllnganer Callf.' JUIV 2, 1,954. I, regular neetlng of the Clty councll waE h6ld at 8:00 P.M. on the abovo giyen datc. ltrayor Eu[t ln the Chalr. counoilmen Buck, Elghl Elves antl Eunt an$reretl the rol-1 0411. llhe nlnutcs of the prsvlous meetlng of June 18, 1954, w6ro read and approveil. fhe reglrlar order of busl,nesB was su6pendetl, Mayor f,unt anaouao- 1tr9 that a sueo€soor to A. A. Eook, former Councllmanl woultl be taken up at thls tlne. 0n notlon by Couaollnan Buok, Iltro. D. EanalLos waE nominatetl for the posltlon of Councllman - was aooonaled by Councllnan Elgh - Carrierl, all votltrg AYE.Mr. EantlLos was suurn ln by the Clty Clerk, J. 8. uurphy, aaal took hle plaoe et the CounoIL table. Ee thanketl the Counol1for the hoao! of belng seLeoted for tbe vacancy anal stateti he woultl oooperate 1n all natters that would p€rtain to the general welfare of the Clty. A letter wa6 ro&d from 3. A. Ro1lson, City lifanagpr, n€dwood Clty, requestlag the Councllrg attendanoo at a allnne! meetlng at the BenJarnln llrankLln Eotel, San trdateor tr'rlday, July 6th at 6:30 PrM.to Algouus matters of importanoe pertainlng to tho er(p6nd I tureof pub11o rnon6y that ttny be made avallable fron varloug souroogfor reLlef purposes 1u San ldateo County the coming year; lnadditlou the San Mat@, easollne llax Commltteo s111 nak6 areport on tbelr aocompllehments to dat€. fhe Coulc lL was aekealto obgerve the tlate an(l ond€avor to be preeent. A letter wag read fron Earl C. Thomao, Preslalent of the leagueof Callfornla ldunlolpalltie8r thanklug tho Council for support antl oooperatlon ln ths furfurlng of 6m6rg€noy leglslatlonthrougb thelr reoont donatlon. The san€ was oralered flleit. Ch16f of Pol.loe Ear?er reoomrerrtleal that a sme].I r'lsLana ' ln the oenter of tho lntergeetlou at Prirorose Roaal antl X'lorlbuntla Aveaue be removed to abate a trafflo hazarcl . A motlon to renove was offered by Councllman Suok an tl Beoondotl by Councll- nan Eigh. - Carrietl, all votlng AY!. A lotter wag read froro Chief Earper enoloslng reeommendatlon of one M111€r MoCllntook, fllecl wlth the Councll I,trarch 87, 1989, coverlng the rerooval of safoty statlon 1n Burllngamo gqualG. lhe reoortl of the Counol1.rs actlon at that tlme, as rglL asactlon taken prevlous to that tlne, was submittetl frou ooplesof th6 mlnuteg. Chlef Earper concurretl ln the reoororneudat l oag as Eubmltt€d by MsQflnlesk. R. !. Stoaer;:f,m. Woolley anal others spoke ln defenso of the gtatloa as a saf€ty to petleetrlaus. trfayo r Hunt alpotnted Conmtttee composeal of Ccuno llaai Buok, Elgh anil Ea.nallos to rak6 an lnvestlgatlon and eubnlt th€tr recommentlat long after coutaotlng roemberg of the Womans Club and businesg rnea. letter reatl from Blaomr trodge ItIo. 189, Daugbtors of Sootla, cxtolLlng Eoover EalL as a meeting plaoe for thelr lotlEe enil alolloring publictty glvon reoont noisy partlo8 whloh thoy a116go they hatre aot be€a a party to. Chlef Earper subxoltteal tlate as to all hsl1 us€ls a,trd tho hours of thelr respeotlveneotlngs. A rsoent luvestlgatloa oa turo occasiong founal e"erything orderly. Eenry Mlildenilorf nearby rsslaleat obJeotedto mu61o at late bourr aloal nolse ednatlng fron ball whioh dlsturbed hls slunber. Clty Attoruoy Davis suggosteil tol[r. trflald€nalorf to fl].e a sutt to abete a publ.lo nulsance if suchlt be. .0,t the auggestion of Chlef Ear?or to J'ay the matter oYer two sooks in whlch he w111 lnterrogat€ rosltlents ln the Ylclnlty,lt wee so ortlered. llhe report of the tlolngs of the tr'1re Department for June r xras !oat[ aatl ord€rsal plscoal on f11e. 91- troyao ilnan Buck announoed that at a nsetitrg of the Boartl of Supervisore helel t orlay, en Bppropllat€ resere funal tB to b6sot asialo fron gas tax fuacl s to be applioil on yarloua bettcr- rnent projects Dy citl€s. The Clty of Burllngane v111 red.veapprorlmtely $16,500 fro thle allotneat :: thls money to bo cxpcnaleal 1D th€ losurf,aelag of E1 Camlno ReaI. Due to thegreat aroount of work ln Englaeer llhonasr offloe of thls tlr through varioug work proJeots, he reconmended that Mr. Thonas be al loreeal an amunt not to exoeotl $200, to employ an asaist-aat to help prepare graalos, oto. lnoldent to thle work,offsrlng the saa€ 1!1 the fora of a notlon. - The sare wag duly seooniled antl oarrled. Counc i.ilnan Buck offeretl th6 following resolutlou:- RXS 0IJUI ION accIP[ilve CERTATI{ DEEDS rB0I[ r'. A. 3IJOoX[ TAX CotmcroR OI [m CIIY 0] BURtrII{OA}m, T0 TIIE CIrY 0I BURIINGAtrm, as foLlows: 21 Iotlot!ot IrotIot trot 11 1, 5, 4, 6, , Blook Blook BlooA Blook , BLock , Block 64, Easton AdtlitlonI, BurJ.lngame 8111s2, Burllngarae El1le2, Buellugane E1II62, BurLlngame Etl1o6, Burllngane Grove tr'oregolag resolutlon seoontled by Counollnaa Elves - Cdrried, eLlvottag AE. " At the request of Clty Tax CoLlector Bloomr afber a aonferenoestth San lratoo Clty offiolal.s, the ngentlenenrB agreenenttr botw€on both clti.ee as to pedtllels lLoeuse, was abrogBt etl forthtrty tlayB for a further stualy of the matter on the part ofthe Merchants CoEr0ltte6 of th6 San Mateo Chamber of Coameros. Rob€rt M. Dotlal, oomrnittoe o! the proposetl constructlon of a1L6ys al. ong Burl lngE'me Ayerlue, reportetl that work ls u.utler way but lt wag provlng quite a task to got slgnatures tlu6 toth6 nany paroels of property lilro1yotl - suggosted that theClty engage sono one to tlo thie work. the matter wae left1n the ha,'ds of councirmaa Elnea to int.rview c. a. Torello A resolutlon nag reatl aocepting fron George 8l anit A11oe !yon, 8n oasemo nt grant 3O feet in wldthr for the purposo of oon-etructlng a dtafunage canal and 1ts neoossary struotures, through the Eastoa Intluetrlal traot. Motioa by Councl lman Buck and seconalotl by Counc 11@n Elgh. A resolution for the aoqulBltlon, conetruction and compJ.etlonof gewere atral disposal plaat ln the City of 3urllngame, was lntroclucetl by Counc llman Buok anat oeooatletl by Counc iJ.man Etve6,Carrletl, all vottn8.e,Yl. Councllnen Elgh, Eaeidlog and Buck were appolnt€il a oommlttee to folloB thls work up so that anlntc1Ilgent proposttlon Ilay be su.bmltteal to the voters, aleo aloylse meaas of nee tlag the bontt obllgat ion-without luposlnga burtlon on the taxpayers. Ealtl grant ls SI47,O00 of rvhichthe Oovernmont offers to egpply 50fr. The llowrr of Elllsborougbwl1I eupply approxlrnately $50,000 ertl ths balenoe to be assuBalby tbo Clty of Burllngaroe 1n the forro of a Bond lssue. Clty&glaeor llhorDa s enuounoed that work woultl start at onos oa tb6Ml1Is Crqets tlralnage proJeat for wbich the Clty hag an aI1ot-neat of $t9,00q from the SER.&, the cost to th€ City b€lngapprorlmtely $LIr000. A motlou was offersal by Councllman Busk and s€oontled by Counc l1man E1ves, that a teohnloaL englnocr be enployetl to prepare plans antl speolflaatlous for eewer tlisposal pIant. - Carrleel . Counollnan Buck lntrotluced the foIlorlag ordlnsnoe: 0rtl lnanaeI{o. 875 - An ortllnsDoo grarrtiug permlsgloa to th€ Toum of Elllsborough la rsferenoe to sewer proJeot tn the City of Burllngarac. - Tbe Bame taklng flrst readlng. Cou.ao llmsn Buok lntrotluocal the fo1Iow1ag ordlnanoo : ortl lnanc € So. 876. -An 0rdlnsuae reguJ.atlng the tllechargc of smoko, soot atltl fumo8 rlthln the Clty of Bur1lnpno aDd provltllng peaaltlesfor tho vlolatlon theroof. - Ihe sane taklDg flrst readlng. 92 as to oost. L[r. Dodal announoed that the park trg statiou o! Prfuoroee Boad tg ooupleteit and roatly for uge. Couno ILDan Buck oalletl attentlon to tlangerous sltl€walk on Prlnrose Roatl, Ilorth of Burltngare Averue. Clty Attornoy Dorls wEs lnstructed to wrlto own€r to have the saroe plaoetl ln a safe conrt it iou. n€sp ectfull y subroltteil, I o .0'PPROVED! Mr. Buok algo reoonmsndeal that the fonoc be eet beats at Roosovolt Sohool rhere lt properly belorgs as ln 1ts preaeat looatlon 1t 1s aoutrary to looal ordlnanoo - was go orderetl. E. lT. $ohuck, Clty Supor1tltendeDt' was lustruoteal to proteot Callfornla D?tvs by EEltable ltghts whlle work la ln progrcsa. Denantle agalost the Clty lfos. ?181 to 72t[#no1ua1vo' f,olc road antt approyeil antl l{arranta were order6tl tlrawn on tho Clty lrsasury for thclr lospeotlve amunts. llhe Counoll tbe!€upon adJourn€il .