HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1935.04.01143 $urlingame, Calif., April 1, 1935. A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Burlingame was held on the above given date. The meeting ryas called to order at 8:00 P.M. - Liayor Hunt in the Chair. Council::en Buck, Handlos, High, Hives and Hunt answered the roll call. The minutes of the meeting of Larch 18, 1935, were read and approved. A letter was read from Lars Lmit Clark Burns, 1601 Easton Drive, requesting trimming or removal of dangerous tree in parkway in front of her premises. I.:ayor Hunt announced the Council would make an investigation on Sunday, April 7th. A letter was read from City Engineer Thomas advising that C.Vi. Colletti Fr. Co., Contractors on the sewer disposal project, had delivered and placed 6845 cubic yards of material at 0.45 per cubic yard amounting to $3080.00 less 10%, Leaving due them $2772.00 which amount is now due according to terms of contract. Councilman Buck moved that a warrant be issued to Colletti & Co. for 9'2772.00, n,as seconded by Councilman High, -Carried, all voting AYE. A letter was read from E. V. Sackett, 2309 Hale Drive, asking that Ordinance _To. 186 as to garbage be not amended but enforced. As the matter was disposed of at previous meeting the letter was ordered placed on file. A letter was read from the Pacific Gas & Electric Co. announcing a reduction in street lighting bill effective Parch 1, 1935, of X1425.96 in accordance with new schedule L5 accompanying the letter. The Council expressed favorable comment at the action of the Pacific Gas & Electric Co. and ordered the letter and rate schedule placed on file. The City Planning Commission in a letter dated '.'arch 28th, stated it was the opinion of the Commission that the Safety Station in BurlinPame Square is a menace to traffic and that in the interest of public safety it should be removed from its present location; however, before any action is taken the Commission re-ueets that the City Engineer be authorized to furnish cost of dismantling and removing the Station, also the probable cost of erecting a Safety Station at North Lane. At the su?:gestion of 1.ayor Hunt, the matter was referred to the City Engineer for such action. Mrs. H. B. Sprague, mem7,ier of the Burlingame .:Oman's Club and active civic worker, addressed the Council stating the Station in its present location constitutes a safety zone for pedestrians crossing California Drive; had been erected with that thought in vfew by pioneer members of the Burlingame ,Ioman's Club and was a monument to their efforts. She stated she had no objection to the alteration of the Station by making it safer but did object to its removal. J. T. I.'cDevitt, a representative of the L:arket Street Railway, addressed the Council stating the right of way on which the Station stands was acquired by his Co:r.pany in 1902 and since the erection of the Station in 1907 there was not a pedestrian accident caused by the Location of the structure. Lars. H. D. Rogers, Thomas Lorton, trim. Woolley and Thomas I.;ullin plead that the Station be allowed to remain where it is. mayor Hunt stated that before final action is taken by the Council all parties interested will be heard. A dangerous "Slow" signal on the S/E corner of the Safety Station platform was referred to Councilman Buck for investigation. On motion by Councilman Buck and seconded by Councilman Handlos, the Council ratified agreement for City Engineer Thomas to apply to the California Highway Commission for additional moneys to resurface a portion of E1 Camino Real. On motion by Councilman Buck and seconded by Councilman High, the Council ratified tentative agreement to drill well on California 144 Drive at an approximate cost of $650.00. The widening of California Drive North of Broadway, was dis- cussed. City Engineer Thomas reported that the natter was hold up due to the PWA not having authority to spend moneys for materials that must enter into the job. ldrs. Miriam H. Awan, L:anager of the San Mateo County Office of the National Re-employment Service, appeared before the Council to answer Questions on the use of Burlingame men solely on the sewer plant project. She stated Federal regulations made it imperative to employ ren from the County but she would give what preference she could to local residents. Of nine txuekmen employed in the project, she revealed four are from Burlingame and three are the Co-.pany's "Key" men. She also stated that Frederickson &- Watson who have part of the contract for plant equipment, have specified that Union carpenters will be carried. City Attorney Davis reported as to peddling permits given War Veterans, that he would recommend the withholding of applications for 24 hours at least as a means of discouraging the sale of novelties by out of town applicants. The matter was ordered laid over for the time being. Lir. Davis reported as to complaint filed by L:r. Cummings at the previous meet$ng, that the operators of the Richfield Station adjacent, would discontinue the use of chemicals and follow the Standard policy in use at other stations. The Mills Field Fair Site Committee announced a luncheon meeting at Pox Shoppe, Redwood City, at Noon April 2, 1935, and desired at least one delegate from the Council to be present. They also submitted a copy of Resolution endorsing Dills Field Site. Councilman Duck was named to represent the Council at the luncheon and a motion to adopt wills Field Site was offered by Councilman Handlos and seconded by Councilman High. - Carried, all, voting AYE. Attention was called to Public School .eek beginning April 7, 1935, by the League of California Lunicipalities and the Layor was asked to issue a proclamation in the press endors- ing the plan. It was so ordered. Henry Liiddendorff again called attention to noises emanating from Hoover Hall On certain evenings and askid that something be done in the matter. Councilr:an Handlos stated the Police Commission would meet very shortly and :.-.ake reco_:.mendation. ,% E. L:urray, 1401 Bellevue Avenue, complained that Ordinance No. 281 as to the burning of garbage, was not being enforced. Councilman Buck stated he had made several investigations and found no cause for complaint. Ordinance Ido. 283 de.laring alleyways to be a portion of the street system of the City of Burlingame, was given second reading and after sor.!e discussion was laid over for further consideration. The Council thereupon adjourned. Resp tfully submitted, U y e