HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1934.05.2181 Burllngams, CaLlf.' tr{ay 21' 1954. .a !€*a,Lar roectlns of tho cl8$H8lB\t1lngame wag held at 8:00 P.u. oa tf,e above glv6n datc. tilaybr Eunt 1u tho Chalr. Couaollmsn Buek' Elgh aDd Euat anar6real the Ro1L C8U. Couno llnen Elve8 aaal EooL :reoordsd ebecut. Tbe nlnutes of the prsvlous meotlag of May ?th were resat anil approvecl . A 1ott6r nas reaal f,ron 9upt. Schuck requeetlng the usuaL- aumnor vaoatlong for Park, Street aad Wstor omployeosr Bame to- bs- 8t th€ convenleuoe of their work. On motlo6 by Counotlnan Buok tbe samo r8s duLy voteil . .L letter rag roeal fron the Booseyelt Solt of the celtfornla cougrcss of Pareat g a,Dit Toaahers aEklDg tb.at unt 11 play8rouatl e aro socuretl' tbc sohool g]rourxds be kept open and properly supervlsed_as tenporary pleygroundg-for ohiltlren-. A-letter rvag aLso read from Eleano! B€6oher' Eal-iraaofaoo Drlvo, subeltttng epplloatlon aa a plqygrourd-ttnntlnotor OVer one of the ualte prOpoeeal -fOi the summer. Both eolDmulloatlong rer€ ordelod referretl -to tne CoEnttt€o on Perks antl Playgrounile. ,, lettol wes read froE Counollla[ Eook tenderlug hls reslgrqtlon as i nenber ef the Clty Couuoll ilue to hie health. 0n notlon by Couro llman Baok satl- seoonileat by Couna lInan Elghr the Eamo rva s looeptetl. t, lotter wa8 rcaat fron E. tr. trLabnr 15O7 Callfornla DrlYo, aatrlng ih.et Arterlal StoI,E be itealSratcat on Callfornia Drlvc at M1I1e Aveutro' Orove Avenuo 8!tl -Ilnoola Aveme. fhe ga^u was orderotl referred to Chlef Earper for report aad r€oonnenalatlon. lbe ttty Plannlng comnlslloa througb J. E. [1toh€11, Cbalrrnaar 6ub- nittea iEtter stittrg they bail coninlted rlth tbe owners ol sevoral va oant prqperttes and seoured permlsslou to u8o then as teuporarT pley epaoei. - looatloas ag followc: Irots ? to L1' lnoluslve, SurLlassne Park 5 on Foregt Ylev Ave. Yaoaut lots iu Orforil Drive at Callfornla Drlve. I{orth slile of Eo{srd Avsmo betneea Lorton & Elgllantt. Corner of Bellevue AYonuc antl EL Canlno Real. L 2 a 4 ( ( ( ( ) ) ) , thoulal the couloll tteotdo to use tbese lots, lt rlas euggosteal that t[-te-rt[l the uaderetanapug that the Clty perform the oleaulag of then at tts expease and assume the publlo Ilablllty laoldent to auoh uso. Oe ro6tlon by Counollman SuoI aad seoonaled by. Counollna11 Elgh, the Eru11e was aplroved aual the oleanlng referretl to tbe Street tlepar troent for a ttention. Bho Looal branoh of the league of Ilalverelty Wonen subnlttatl tentatlve budgat of $BOO.OO for superrlsed mnmer plqye3ounil Droparn for four ioU6of grorinae antl for l9a€hhgtou Park. After tllsousglotl th€ Counell aiciaia"iuei iould not provld6 an orpe?'llture beyoTi $500.00 and it iUi ba1aiae 1s to be-raleeit lt @.et be through the sponsors. [he ictfvitfei wero ther€fore ortlereil oonfl.aril to Boosevolt a1d eooLlalgt soLoorr auit lYaehlugton Part satl the Erl,otrsora lnetruoted to oonfer iitU tnc oomtttoo-on playgrouails' tresgrs &rak autt 918h. au appltdatlon for 8tr 011 statlon or the trorthwost oorne! of Bay thore V Aouf'e-vara aud Barl111gprqo Avoguo wag submltt€tl by tho trang Bealty Co.- enil f,as orderett refeiretl to the Planning CoDm1881oa. counollEn Buok ronortetl wlth referenoe to the estimat€al cost of ilOg.lg eubnitteal Ly Eaglneer llhogas for the lmprovement of tho interseotlon of Burllngaue Aveuue aad Ylctoria Roac[ vlth the Bay Srore Boulevard, that he hail-eonferred rlth tr[r-. Skogg6' ElSbvay EuSlueor; Ur. Sfeigi v o1untecrlng to tto tI'e wo-tk but f,ouLtl oharge cogta &galast ifioi.n[[g naAe Ctty ouI of gas tax fuails. The natter w&B ortlerral ilid np io awatt thi ltanninE Comm-1sslonrs-rep-ort- ln the mtter of "ppitoitio" for oi1 etatlon fflea ty laag 1a *Utoh the ownershlp of oertalnlauillsneoesgarytobeacqulrettbeforetholrtrlrovementganbe oonsumnatetl . 82 An appltoatlon to mako the annuaL Clty audlt at a coet og $aOO.0Oras }tleit by Joha E. Slitrtdlge. on uotlon by counollnaa Suok and seooniled by Counallman Hlgh, the auillt wae awardted to Bobert [. Sohwerln who has beon engBgod oa thls wort for the past threc i€8t8.- IYas go orclered. Request of Eerbert I. trauder to have dense-grow-th o_f-elns to the rear of -hls apartments, 11! Park Boacl, trlumil to a helgDt not to exoeeil 1O feet wag ortlerecl referrecl to ]fr. trauder to take uB wltb the ownor of the property as the Clty has no Jurlsdlctton. A requeet t!B! the poultry ordlnanoe be ohanged to prohlblt keeplng poultry wlthla the apartment h,ouse zon€rwas orclered lald overr fhc leagnu of Callfornia Muniolpal{tles la a communloatlon subnltteil a request for an approprlatlon of $75.00 to ilefray oqpeusee loroonlng leglslatlve work. CounolLaen Buok extollcd the very flno work iioue-by tbe league of Oallfornla l&ulolpalltlee Ln thts respeotla paat yearsr etated the amounts expendoal were mny tlrcs mor€ thaa net Ln the way of handlsome dtvldenils to MunleX.pallttes - offereil a regolutlon tbat ihe Clty of Bur}lnggmo approprlate $?5.00 as appLted for.- Saue duly seaonded aad aarrletlr all voting l,YlE. oounol}man fllgh lntroduoed BesoLutlon rlestgaatlng and authorlzlng C. M. llhomasr-Clty Englneer, to slgn all applloatlong aad lnstruments pertatnlng to State nb+eno*+ Reltef Adnintstratton pro_Jecte- for--the-Cfty of Bur}tngarne. - Same iluLy ssconded and oarrledr all votlng AYE. oounotlman Buck offereit as a notloa an approprlatlon of $4?40.00for materlal for the ooupletloa of the South Burltngane and 04ts Orove Avenoe 6ever proJeot. - Seoondeil by Counotlupn H18b -'Carrlgil,all votlng AYE. Uurler report of Speotal Cormltteee, Attorney Davls reoommendetl the Clttaoqulre tftle to Eoward Park on Eowarcl Aveuue and Callf0rrla Drlve ana a-smlll park oppostte the S. P._Depot, at a prloe of $400.00, sane betng ln tle nature of a refunil for taxes aadl street iseessnonts assumed by the Eoward Estatc ln past yearco - A motlon to thls effedt was offerod by Cowrailnan Buok - samo duly seoontlstl ancl oarried. fhe Chanber of Conmeroe rooomnenclerl that handblll orellnaaoe be adopted but that aotLoa on the adoptlou be deferreil untll the leepftty of the South Sen Fraaolgoo ordlnanoe ls paesed oa by the Suprene Courtr - li[aa so ordered. , The Chamber of Commeroe rooommended that the wldenlng of Sur}lnSsno Avenuc be dropped tenporarlly as on3.y two property ownoro favoreillt. Ih€y guggeeted that aa attempt b€ nade to provldo alley!. - !firyor funt requested Cbsuiber to submr.t a report q9. to Jus! Yha!-vfil be requlietl by the Clty ln the ray of erpendlture and lu the meaatlme tf,e Gommlttec to look l.nto the mtter of aoqulrfixg oaoe-nents. llhe Chanbee submltted oertaLa ]ots adJaocat to the Broailuay aad BurllngBrne Avenue buslnese dlstrlots as tleslrable fo1 Barktag uee wltb varying rentals. Coutrotlman Suok was of tbe opXnlou, that thelr renteLs or a f,alr portlon of them shouLd. be agsumed by the merehants. Superlntendent of Streets RoLllns nas lnstruoted to Look lnt,o the plaoing of gravel anit levellng of thege varloue lots and brlng ln a statement aE to what lt wlLL oost to put then la oondittoa. Counollnau Buok erltlolzerl the onpervlslon of the Comuanlty Shelterln 8aa lfateo rhere Eevera]. lnnates vero arrested reoently for drrrnk and dlsorderly con0uot, urged the Ctty of 8an lilatco to abandon tbe lnetttutlon or put lt under proper oontrol. Thc Clerk was lastnrcted to oomunleate wlth the San Mateo 6ouno IL to thls effeot. 0n motlon of CounotLman Buok, a one ton truok was ortterod purcbaaeil for the use of the Sark departrneat ulth a trade la for the ode now ln sefirloe. . Counollrea Buok tatroituceil resolutton reguestlag the County Boardof Supervlsors to prov[de la their budget for 105d-55 tbe aI].ooa-tlon of approxlnately $82rO0O ges tar reveanre to be prorateil tt tbe varlous lncorporatea Cttles on the baels of the L950 populirtlon. a*rr E3 ncBolutlon seoondoe by Counollma Elgh - Garrleilr aII votltrg AE.,{ g';'' - 'fr'*la erpeaillture ot $8rc.G for louil qreaker es part of the Park cqulpnent Baa aDprorod ou voto of the Counotl. Attentlon of the Counoll was oall.eal to the rcuoval of a mell park oa Florlbu[da Avonue aleo the removal of, the Safety Stattoa ln Burllagane Sgaere es Eattcrs for tL6 Inenb€rs of the Counsll tolsol 1nto. Denarrilg BgBlnst tbe Ctty lfog. ?096 to 7102, lnolualve, sere read anil appr ovcal aaal f,arranta toro ordEreil ilrarn on the Clty froasnryfor thelr respootlYe amountg. Ibc Coruroll thercupon adJouraeil. Be speotfirlly gubulttoal r er ]l IPPROYTD;