HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1935.03.18141 Burlingame, Calif., March 18, 1935. A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Burlingame was held on the above given date. The meeting was called to order at 8:00 PX. - T:ayor Hunt in the Chair. Councilmen Buck, Handlos, High, Hives and Hunt answered the roll call. The minutes of the meeting of Larch 4, 1935, were read and -- approved. A letter was read from the Lang Realty Corporation requesting permission to top trees to a height of 12 feet, on the North side of Burlingame Avemze from the Gunst Estate to Clarendon Road, on completion of the topping, red hawthorne trees to be planted over the entire frontage. The matter was ordered turned over to Superintendent Schuck for investigation and recommendation. The Lang Realty Corporation in a communication, submitted an application to drill a well on the North line of Burlingame Avenue ,:est of the Bay Shore Highway, for the purpose of aug- menting their Crossway 'rater System to supply the City of BurlinFzame. The same was granted on motion by Councilman Buck and seconded by Councilman ?lives, con itional that no water is sold elsewhere. A letter was read from Miriam H. Hester, Secretary of the High School Unit Parent Teachers Association, thsnking the Council for the use of the city Hall at a recent meeting. The letter was ordered filed. The Eighth District American Legion, through Merritt H. Brady, Chairman, tendered an invitation to the Council to a Conference and Rally at the Burlingame High School, beginning Sunday, I.Ay 24th at 10:00 A.M. and continuing through the afternoon. Eayor Hunt -- informed the Council to observe the date and to be present if possible. The Burlingame Jo,.an's Club in a communication, stated they have appointed a com_:.ittee to confer with the comr+ittee from the Chamber of Co -.coerce, the City Planning Commission, and the City Council, in order to discuss the opening of Burlingame Avenue and the removal of the Safety Station. The letter was ordered turned over to the Oommittee in charge. A letter %vas read from J. C. Cunnings calling attention to the operation of the spraying of chemicals at the Richfield Oil Station adjacent to his property, the same being objectionable to his building as well as to his lessees. The matter was ordered referred to City Attorney Davis to confer with Judge Stone for investigation. An anonymous letter as to gambling in a pool parlor on California Drive was answered by Chief Harper, who declared he had trade an investigation and was unable to find any evidence, -would, however, pursue his quest in the matter. The Seaside 0il Company presented an application for a Service Station at the Northwest corner of Howard and Lorton Avenues, stated they mould comply with all laws, rules and regulations in connection with the construction work and with the operation and maintenance of the business and contemplate a Station which will be a benefit to the property and to the aorimunity. A Resolution was read declaring that the intersection of Lorton Avenue and Howard Avenue be declared and here deterr.:ined as Arterial Stops. A motion to adopt the Resolution was offered by Councilman High and seconded by Councilman EAndlos. - Carried, all voting AYE. A motion was thereupon offrrod by Councilman High and seconded by Councilman Handlos, that the application of the Seaside Oil Company as aforesaid be granted, - Carried, all voting AYE. 14? A petition was presented by Yatalan Post ,=2868 Veterans of Foreign Wars, asking that the Council take action to prevent sales of Novelties by Veterans other than when these sales are sponsored by local Veterans organizations. Aon C. Reid and W. H. Augustus addressed the Council in t,.e interest of the petition as read. Mayor Hunt appointed a oorurittee consisting of Mr. Reid, Mr. Augustus and Police Chief harper to confer in the matter. A letter was read from A. F. Martel submitting a proposition as to the handling and disposing of garbage. The Council coald not entertain the proposition at this time due to their fran- chise with Arata Bros. and ordered the letter placed on file. Letters were read from Lr. & 1',rs. E. F. Steigelman, 1233 Flori- 'hund ( 4, 4p T yA Fairfield Road,and i� AC't�d;d IY ;$ 86�b �k � eYF� At enforced as is . The same were laid on the table for the time being. The reportsof the Police department and the Poundkeeper, for February, were read and ordered filed. Under Special Committees, :�.ttorney Davis answered recent com- plaint of Thomas L:uIlin that no stipulation had been made for only the employment of Burlingame persons on the savior dis- posal project. City Engineer Thomas stated that the PWA mould not consent to such a stipulation. "r. Davis and L:r. Thomas were asked to confer with the San ateo Natianal Re-employment Bureau and see what can be done towards securing workmen from Burlingame. A Res3 lotion was introduced by Councilman Buck where work for which a permit is required under the building laws and such %vork is carried on for more than 24 hours prior to obtaining said permit, the fee or fees for the payment of the same shall be doubled but the payment of such double fee or fees shall not relieve any persons from fully complying with the require- ments of the dif.erent ordinances, in the execution of the Mork, nor from any other penalties prescribed therein. The Resolution was seconded by Councilman High - Carried, all voting AYE. Ordinance No. 283 declaring alley ways to be a part of the street system of the City of Burlingame, was Given first reading. - Introducti6h by Councilman Buck. Ordinance 7o. 281 amending Ordinance ?:o. 186 of the City of Burlingame and its amendments relating to the burning of garbage, yeas given its second reading. A motion to adopt the Ordinance as read was offered by Councilman Buck and was second- ed by Councilzen Hives. Roll call found Councilmen Buck, Handlos, Hives and Hunt voting AYE with Councilman High voting NO. The ordinance was thereupon declared adopted. Councilman Handlos in explaining his vete, said be believed the passage of the ordinance as adopted would eliminate a condition that has been going on for a long time by giving the Council power to control the situation:- if not lived up to by apartment mouse owners he stated he would be the first to see that any vio- lation of the ordinance will be stopped. Councilman Buck replied in like nanner. L".essrs Lawson, Murray, Boyce, Aten, Tyrrell and Leuel, voiced strong disapproval of the action taken by the Council declaring the same as arbitrary as it allows burning of garbage In an apartment district whi]Pdeny- ing it in a residential section. Hugh L-.cPhee, apartment house oviner, voiced his approval of Ordinance No. 281 stating Ordinance ;Io. 186 was adopted at a time before the constructiet of modern apartments and did not meet present day requirements■ Further debate was stopped by Mayor Eunt in order to carry on the further business of the session. Demands against the City Nos. 7823 to 7895, inclusive, were read and approved, and 'larrants were ordered drawn on the City Treasury for their respective amounts. The Council thereupon adjourned. Res pe 11 submitt , City Clerk.