HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1934.04.0273 Burllngame, C81if.' APrll 2, 7-954. Austin Bentley the use of sah and vaoation p tiolegatotl wlth appointed oomrn sub Jeot. A regular mootlng of the City CounclL of Burltngam€ -was h61d on the ibove glven date. The mieting was ca.Iled to ortler st 8:00 l'M' Itrayor Buck-ln the Chair. Councl'Lmen Buck, Ilunt, Bicard and St6ne answeretl the roLl caLL. Cou:rciLman Hock record€d Ab66nt. The minutes of the previous meeti.ng were read and approvetl ' A letter was read frm the Burlingame Chamber of Comrrerce asking the City Eaglneer to make a preliminary survey and advise the approxiinate - co st for th€ wialening, of -Brrrlingame Avenue- from cLlifornia Drlve to EI Caxnino netl . LIayor tsuck was of the oplnion that a letition shouJ-tl originato.r"lth the-property- ownets antl if a rna jority frontage was represented he felt sure the Council would entirtain t[e same. City Engineer Thonas reportetl he had matls an €stimate of the wldening cost a couple of years ago but dloubted lf his flgures st this alne Broultl be of any value due to the change ln prices. Ee was lnstructed to nako a preliroinary survey aia trfirg 1n a report or same. - liotlon by Councilman Eunt' OO Yanoouver AYenue r in a co:lmunicationr ufged propertles after schooL hours and on Saturtlays ds as rocreational eenters wlth attendants ice authority. Councilman Eunt and Rickard wero eemen to contact the school authorlties on this Th6 Day }ite Sign co. Eubtrltted figure of $466.00 to.'Neonizen Broadwly slgu ln t'iorth BurLlngame antl rcoulal Eervloe the sam€ on a si= yiar Eontract at a monthly price of S7.50. Councilmal Stone iyas of tho oplnlon that the slgn should eome down as it was out of dato. The counoll ordered the communication placetl on fi16. Pollc6 Chlef Earper reported as to the dlp at iltersection of Sayswater Avenue- and lright Roatl, that tho difficulty there was eniirely due to speeding-- suggestetl an underground culY€rt- and the paving over ti, to the street 1eve1 . Superinterident schuok Repoited Itrat ttre drainage situation at that^qolrlt would aot pe-rrnrt of l{r. Esrpertg re comrnentlat ion. A sloYl slgzl was ordeled placetl at this lntersect lon. an ordinance tsubmitteal by the Town of Ellleborough relative to the Oak 0rove Avenue sewer ln whieh the Clty of Burlings.me is a partioipant, was referred to Attorney Davle to confer wlth Efftstoioogfi authorltles with th€ view of having-a.dlvision of this work, - spe c lfiett ln the ortllnanoe. Flrst' what 1g elrea'ty doao, &ntl Secoatl, what is contemplateA. Thls plan ls advooated to lnsure the City of Burlingamo t s aollection of money aLreaaly spent on the pro ject. A resolutlon orderlng tho elirnination of weetls on parking strips and settlng LIay ?th as the tlme for hesrlng protests'--waa intro- duoed by CounciLman Stotre and secondetl by Councl3.man Hunt. - Carried, all voting AYE.' Ortlinance No. 3?5 prohibtting oleotrieal interforence witb raalo roceptlon, regulatlng looation and ampllflcatiou' cleclarlng same to b-e a aulsaioe antl proYltllng punlshment for the vlolation thereof, wao given second reading antl wag atlopted on motion by CoulclLmaa Ewrt and seconded by Councilman Stone. - Carrled, aL1yottng AYE. Counollman Eunt reatl lettor fron Superintendent Jordan of the Southern Pacific Com?atry ln whioh 1t was stated that to rePlaoe th€ Grlswolal sl8.]e8l at Oaf Clove Avonue orosslng; with orosslng gates woultl cosl $aaZt.OO. ux. Euat was of the opiaiol that this prtoe 1s entiroly out of 1lne - he suggesteal furrhot tlelay to awilt a conference wlth llr. Joralan relative to w1g weg sign8.L for Broaalw&y, which present eysten he tleemed inadoquate- -r and aLio to go itrtber lito the matter of erosslng gates. Mr. Eunt wae lnstructetl to continue his invostlgatlon. ,11 oo1 er io po1itte 74 Councilman Stone rocomrnended the e1tpping of a dangerous ourve atthe intersectlon of Bur}ingiane Avenue ancl tsay $hore Highway, The same R&s referrecl to Clty Engineer fhomas to confer wlth property orrner relative to getting an easement for the Clty so this lmprove- ment uay be effeoterl Counetlman Eunt recomraendeal the paying of all tlerrencls owlng bythe City by the l.Oth inst. whlch he stated is required by cocle -offered as a motton, that the Flnaace Commlttee approve aLL vouchers by that time and the same be ratified at a subeequentmeetlngr secondecl by Councllman Riekarcl. - Carriecl, all votlngAm. Counclknan HuSt €)rpresseal commendation of Counoilman $tone who encls eight years of servioe, at the next meeting - offerecl as amotlon that a oertificate of appreciation be presented i,ir. Stonefor his untirlng oivio efforts and the falthful manuer ln vrhich he performetl his duttes as a Councilrnan - qra,s secondeit by Counoii,- man Rick&rd. Carried, all voting Alm. Councllman Stoae expressed h1s appreciation for the action taken by the Couneil. The proposecl wlclenlng of California Drive l{orth of Broadwayr waspresented by a group of residents along that street and attentlon was also called to the unsanitary condition of hIllls Avenue etormsewer. Superintendent of Streets Rolllns ln repLy to the latter, statecl that trouble had oceurred by sanltary sewage getting intothe storm sewer but that had alL been corrected and everything was now 0K. Clty Englneer Thouas reported that uothlng can be clone toward the widening of California Drlve untl1 the culvert on theEast stde of the street ls eliminated ancl a clrain ls completeclto take care of the waters from i,Iills Creek and vlcinity. Engineer Thomas was instructed to prepare an estimate of the cost of eLminating the culvert paraLleling California Drlve and submlt such datezas w111 have any beallng on the subject and present the same at the next Counal& meeting,-&Iotlon by Councllman Rlokard.. fhe Council thereupon adjourned. tfuIly subroittecl, 1I.)e I (1 AI'}}IC'TE}:\ NOTIt til. LIAY0R