HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1935.12.02a L78 SurIingdurs,' Callfornla Deo. l^gr l9g5. L regular meettng of the Clty GouaeiLheld on the aboye given tlate. fhe mee8:00 P.M., Mayor Buek ln the chair. the Clty of Burllngamo was ng was ealled togeNher at ofti Counollmen Buokr Eandlos, Htgh, Htves ancl Hunt answered the roLlAbsent, Councllmen, Sone. caI}. fhe minutes of the previous meeting of itlovember 18, 1955 were read and approvecl. Aoting Engineer Longson submitted repcrt on the completion of theconstructlon of E1 Camino Real sidewalk between Bellevue ancl Oak Grove Avenues, i{.P.A. Pro jeot $o.4LL. 4200 feet of sldewalk was installed at a aost to the Clty of Burling:ame of lIy' per square foot. Ihis ir:cludeg the rental of a rolIer anil the ro-building of the S.Iil. eorner of Florlbunda Avenue at EI Camino ReaLas requesteal b;r Councilman Eunt. The report was ordered received andplaced on file. A letter was read from J.c. Nowe11, clty Manager of Eillsborough, suggesting the sharing equally in the operation and lnstallattonof trafftc signal at the orosslng of El Camlno Real and FloribundaAvenueg. fhe present signal is inaclequate and cloes not meet the tsighway requirements. lhe comrnunication was ordered turned overto Acting Engineer L,ongson ancl Police Chief Harper for approval. A Letter was reatl from Blanche $. and Martin J. Cagney, 911 EL Camino Heal, requesting permit to add another driveway on premises whlch will connect wlth the one ln use so that orjrners may enter and park with safety thus obviatlng parklng on El Camino Real. Mayor Buclr was of the opinton that any endeavcr to relieye a hazarcl vuas 1audab1e. fn this he was joined by Councilman Eives.A motion to grant the permit was offered by Councilman Hives antl seconded by CounciLnran High. Carried--a11 voting AYE. An lnvttation to the Counell and departrnent heads to attend atlinner of the Peninsula treague of California l.,Iunicipalities at San Bruno on Decernber 19th at 6:45 P.I{. was aeceptecl. The 0lerk I?as lnstruoted to notify Iirs. Bohm, Secretary, the number thatviil1 attend. The Central f,abor Council of San Mateo through Buth M. Bradley,Secretary, in a eommunlcatton to the CounciL, stated the San MateoCentral anil BuiLding Tratles CoundtL request that a member,refresen-tative of a bona fide labor unj-on and wlth the approval of theirorganizatlon be plaeed on the following eornmittees, Boarcl ofIlealth, f,lbrary Boardr Boartl of Etlucation ancl such other boarclsthat eoncern publ-ic welfare and heelth. *t the suggeStion of CounclLman Hlves, the matter was orderecl lald over to further golnto. the Burlingame Flre Commlssion submitted a recommenclation thatthe Council purehase 500 feet of L J lT, flre hose, this to be eitherAnerlcan Company.rs ?t0racker Jacktr brancl or Eureka Rubber CompanylsftParagontt at 85/ or less a foot; also the purchase of 1"3orly Guardnturnout sults at $21.25 or less per sult. These articles areprovtcletl for ln the 1955-56 budget. 0n raotion by CounalLnan Eunt anal seoonclecl by CounciLman Handles, the foregolng recornmendatlon was approvetl. trang Realty Corporatlon submttted Map No.1, Oak Grove ldanor, sup-plementing Hap No.5, Burllngables whlch they requested the Councilto approye 1n aceorclance wlth the affirlavit appearing ther€ono Subsequent to the fi11ng of Map I{o.3 of Burlingables, the ownersof 3urlingables lVo.L ancl 2 obJected to the namlng of property, Burllngables llo.5. fhe change asketl is in order to comply withthls request ancl has been approved by the County Becorcler and tho legaL staff of the Tttle Company. City Attorney Davls atlvisedthe Council that the request was & proper one ancl reeonmendecl lts approval . A motion to approve Map l{o.L, Oak Grove Manor, ag above was offered by CounclLman Hlgh and was seconded by Councllman Hlves. Carrletl--al1 votlng AY3. l/ L7s EaLter Yantlervoort, former owner of Broadway Ye11,ow Cab Company submlttecl Letter actvlslng ae of date, Ilovember 81, 1955' he is {u1tt1ng the sab buslness 1n the }Iorth Burlingame sectlon having soLd hls buslness ancl two cabe to Edw. P, Ferroro ancl ['Irs. Mabel E. Gribault who w111 contlnue the cab buslness. The letter was orclered f iletl. Edward P. X'errero, or.e of the new owners of Broatlway Yellow Cabr submltted oral appllcatlon to aontinue business where Mr. Vaidler- voort Left off whioh was grantert hlm conditional that a suitable bond is plaoed with the Clty, aLso that be prooures a lloense to do business. Mayor Buck &nnouncetl a meeting of the Counoil wlth the Planntng- Comntsslon on }eaeuber 5, 1955 at 'l t6O P.M. to clisouss signs and awnlngs wlth the 1ooal merchants ancl repreeentatlves of the Chamber of ConmexG€o Thls ls 1n comBltanoe wlth a recommendation from the Planning Commisslon. Aotlng City Englneer Longson submitted report on the tleserlptlon of easenent grants and rlght of way for the construotion of a stdrn sewer, an open concrete gUtter or drain antl for streetpaving. Ee stated clesorlptlons have all been fountl in order but tne giant raentloaecl ts contlngent on gettlng }Y.P.A. help for the proJeot. Mr. trongsonrs lnterpretatlon of the latter eLause 1s ttrat lf the funprovements are not made with 11I.P.A. ' the easement grants for the storm sowel,, the oonorete gutter and rlgh_t o! way for the pavlng area of Oak Grove atlJacent to the Eigh SchooL property will revert baek to the orlglual owner' thus nul3.ifylng tfre esndition that the City sha1l pay for any lnprovements matle thereln and thet the proBerty of the $chooL Dlstrlot sha1l not be assesged therefor. 0n motlon by CounciLman Etves ancl seoonded by CounoiLrnan Euntp Mr. f,ongson was lnstrueteal to proceed wlt} plans and speclftaatlons for proJeet as outllned above. Carrieil-- all votlng AYS. Clty Attorney Davls reported with referenee to a1ley to the rear of Burlingame Avenue property tn Bloek 5 that he had consulted wlth Mr. Bronfteld ancl ldr. lawrence, property owners' who were wl1llng to go aheatl wlth the work, The Ctty Engineer was directed to prepare plans antl speelfleatlons and submlt an estimate for the oost of the Job. Motlon by Counclluan Eunt. Counollnan Eigh lntrodueed a resolutlon conYeying a strip of lantl 25' x L'|56.541 atljaeent to the S.3.8.R. rlght of way and extend- 1ng from Qak Grove Avemle to Broadlway, frou Ohas. N. Klrkbride to the Clty of Burllngame. 0ounotLman EandLos seoondecl the motion. fhe same was ctuly carrleril on vote of the Couneil Souncilman Etgh lntroducecl a resolutlon permltting the County of San Mateo to ito o6rtsln public l-mprovement work ln the City of Burllngame, to-wlti luproviag, gradlag, I,avlng and repalrlng of Dwtght Roatl and Oalc Orove Avenue. Foregolng reeolutton w&s seeonded by Councllman Eanellosr Carriecl-- alL voting AYE. grclinanoe No.285 governtng the wldth of parklng frontage on curb measurementg, Lastly lntroclueetl lilovember LSth,was reatl ancl after an amendment to appLy to cornmerclal dlstrtet on1y, was re-lntro- ctuoed and took flrst readln$. Introtluctlon by Councllman Eunt. Ordinance No.287, prohtblting the dlsplay and aclvertlsing of eontra-oeptlve clevlees etc. was given second readlng ancl was adoBted on motlon by Councilman Eives and secontled by Councllnan Elgh. Councllman Eunt stated a request had eome ln from $orth Burllngamefor an addltlonal tennls oourt. Ee suggestetl that lnasmucb as the Clty owned the property at the S.W. corner of Cabrillo Avenue and Easton }rive, that thts lancl be clevoted to that purposo. It was offered as a motton that the City Engineer prepare plans aad speclfloatlons for two courts, work to be done uncler llf.P.A. pro- gian; the Engineer to make the necessary appllcatlon for the s8n€. Motion seconded by Counoilnan Eandlos. Carrled-- all voting AllE. OounolLman Elves ssssrm!6naleal four Lanes on El Camlno Real as a safety measuro, algo the purohase of a strlping machlne to 180 faeilltate the work, offering the same ln the form of a motlon. Motlon wae geeondecl by Councilman HandLos. Carrled--alL votlng .lf$. A. J. Boyoe atldresseal Counoil suggesting that tl1tch paraIlellng the S.P.R;R. Company right of way north of lIorth trane be covered as sarceis clangerous for passengers allghting from nlght tralns. The samo was referred to acting Engineer Longson to take up with the S.P. Co. Mr. Boyoe aonplalneal of the burning of garbagc at apartment houseat 1401 Blorlbuncla Avenue at tlmes other than speaifted ln orcllnanee. IY.E. Murray of 1401 Bellemre Avenue foLlowed Mr. Soyce on the same subJeot voloing a vigorous protest and clemandlng the OounelL enforce the ordinanae or amentl it ancl pLace a minluum flne of at least $ZOO.00 on vlolatlon wlth suitabLe inereaseg for subsequent vlola-tions. Ctty Attorney Davig on belng questlonecl as to thls phascof the ordlnance stated the Council would be ln thetr rlght to do so. .&. motlon, therefor€, was offered by Oouncilnan Etgh and seconcled by CounelLuan Eaudlos that the Clty Attorney prepare an amendment to 0rtllnanee $9.186 by plaoing the mlniumm penalty for vloLatlon thereof at Sa5O.OO-wftu a maxlmum of $sO0.0O and for a thlrd of- fense, revooation of perrnit to burn. llhe motion was carrled on voteof the Council. faxes ooverlng lot 3 ln Block 1, Town of Burllngamer property of the Burlingame lYomans! CLub wer6 remltted on vote of the Counoll as thls property has been used for publia parklng for vehloLes untler the supervlslon of the Ctty CounaiL. Demands agalnst the City, I{o.g54g to I{o. 8555 tncLuslve were reait anrl aBproved antl warrants wer6 orclerecl drawa on the Clty freasuryfor their respeotlve amouuts. fhe Council, thereupon, atl Journed. Eespe submitte t Approved. la \ er a