HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1934.03.1970 Burlingame, Ca1if., Llarch 19r L954. A regular meetlng of the Clty Counoll of the Clty of Burllngsue was held on the above givon date. IIhe meet8ng was oal-l,ed to order at 8:00 I.M. - Mrayor Buok ln tbe Ghair. Councllnen Buek, Eoek, Hunt, Rickard and Stone enswer€d the HoLL CalL. fhe mlnutes of the prevlous meeting of l{arch 5th were reaci and approvecl. the regular order of buslness wa,s waivecl to take up tle subJeotof a park and pLaygrouncl in North Burllngame as rattfled at the sesslon of I;iarch sth. Counollman Hock of that Committee took the floor. Ee statetl that opposition to the pLan having deveLop- erl 1n the Corrnall and that lnasnuch as the whoLe proJeot wasgainlng oonsiderable pubIle!.ty, he wlshed at thls tlue to read a Letter recelved frou I'{r. 0"a D.OEuLltvan, Presiclent of }6i1Le Estate IDo. tn which was stated, "slnoe marked tltfferences of oplnlon nour appear to exlst, The L[1].1s Estato Ine. hereby with- clraw oonsent to the Leeser. nfir. Hock then went lnto the subJeotof the park situatlon stating tbat Lfiayor Suok appointecl a couuolttee to negotlate a purchase, or a lease of a portton of the }.fi11s Estaterfor park purpose and lf necessary to_go as high as $SOOO.00 a year lfa lease wa,s neoessar;r. H€ (Mr. Hock) was a member of that oommlttee. A propositlon was brought baok tnvolvlag $tre00.00 which was l-ess than the uaximum set by the Council and thls after revLew of tbe geveraL members of that body, was ratifled by them. Ifr. Hock then stated that ln prevlous public utterances LIayor Buck had stated that the authorization to spenrl up to S5600.00 was precllcatecl on two condltlons, one that the City be glven the prlvllege of drlLI- lng for water and, the seoontl that the rental be applled to the purchase prloe ten years hence. Mx. Hock s g.ted neither of these condltions were rnade part of the authorlzation gtven hls Commlttee; further, that on rOlL eaLL of meeting of i,{arch sth, when Commlttee.Is report was ratified, the l5ayor voted, AIE without reservation, accord.ing to the minutes of that meeting. Lflayor Buck ln answer to lir. flogkrstateti that he would stancl by his statement as appeared 1n the press explaining his obJection to the leasing p1an. II. f,. Brown and H. H. Boyle eensured the CoulciL for entering lnto the l-ease. C. fi. Douglas defended the Councll for the action taken by them. All letters, petitions, etc. hearlng on the park situation were ordered filed without reading and the regular orcler of ]:usiness was resumed on motionof CouneiLman Stone. A letter from C. Grlffith app3.ying for a position as pol.ioeoffloer was referred to PoLioe Chief Harper for attention. A Letter was reacl from Jefferson E. Feyser, Attorney-at-law, reLative to City Attorney Davisr opinion in a sertaln electricaL eontract performed by oo€e i{r, linvllIe, t'Ias referred to Attorney Davls for his attention. A letter was read from }:/alter Sequelra, 1458 laguna Avenue,stating that from transmit pt ropo woulcl be very 1ng unfa head of ordina,nc€sr Ietter read from 0. H. Ruclnick, proprletor of Pa'tlo Restaurant, 1465 Surlingame Avenue, offering obJectton to the llcensing of a new restaurant at L429 Surlingame Avenue, and alleging that this businegs is overclone and to the interest of those now engagecl in it, the CouncLL should not grant the License applied for. City Attorney Davls advised the CouncLl that they coultl not legalIy l1mit business of a leglttmate nature and aforesaicl request was out of order. The request was thereon denletl. secl ordinanae prohibttlng Radio amateurs between the hours of 5:50 A.Li. and 11:5O P.M.tr. ?he same was ordered referred to under 7L letter read from K. E. PauJ. Co. subnlttlng Mc0abe ard Y?cklntoshrsrorertles oa Eagton Drlve as avallable Park eiteg at $12,500.00 ina^ SSSOO.O0, respectively. 1he sane wasl: orderetl roferretl to the Park Commlsslon. Uayor Buok rgoltott past offorts in tb€ Cou'noil rs entleavor to soAuro proPer acr€age for City parko but nothltrg hatl-beeu aceorplish6d, w&s n6t entlreLy favorable to the sna1l pLsygrountt ln ooirgested- dllstrlcte where mny complalnts cone from nearby re si deut s . Nell C. WLlson, 8eA Ylalnllt Avenue, adtlrcssed Letter to the counoff urging'the pLaclng of a reg:uIar olty police offl-cer at Ucfinley s;ho61 oroislng tlurlng eertaltr sohool hourg. The seme wac ref;rr6d to Chief Earpel, as weLL as a petitlon from-resl- aents 1n the vlclnity of Sa,yswater Avenue snd DwiSht Road' who ,askeal for Detter traffto control at that point. fhe B].ac lng of a 2Ltr sewer plpe undgr the Southern Paclflo Co' traoli at 6ak Grovs Aveme was askeal to bo subeorlbotl to ln the form of an agteement which was refexrod to City Attornoy laYis for his re commentla t 1on. A pernlt recommenilatlon for the Clty o f-Bur 1- lngaroe to looate a seiarate sludge tilgestlou plant ln. San Srancisco Bay' ?Pprox-iiit"iy fOOg ieet 6ff shori opposlte Sanchez Avenue extentled aiil io dfsioee of effluent into San tr'ranclgco 3ay-opposlte t!e-plant' sane s^poasored by Bureau of Saaltaly EnglneerlnSr-9: 0. Glllespie' Chlef,-antl beartirg tlate of appJ.loatlon Lfiaroh 5' L954' wag order€d roceLved antl pLaced on fl1o. A Regolutlon was aaloBt€tl autho!1ziag Chas. U. fho@s anil trrralt A. BLooro to aot as agents ln all mattere pertalnlng to Clvll Works proJecte oarrl6tl on wltbin the iuristtlctlon of the Clty' ilating-ba;k slnce flovember 2l , L955. - ]'(otlod by Counclllnen gt otx€ -and seconded by Councllnon Eulrt. Carrled, aLl votlng AE. The execution of a contract rlth the 1own of Elllsborough for 5o1ut use of gewer as presentett-to- the Counc t1 on X'ebruary 19th' iaa agaln presented ln a revlseit forro and after readlng was referiect t-o City Sngineer Ihou:s to cheok, also a- clause to- be lneerted tUai avdttable funtl e uust come from the CY'IA as lt Ls cont lngent that an approprlatlon oone fron that sou:rce. Coutralluan Eunt asked for two sgeks more for report on Crosslng Gatee to awalt costs. Tho Balne wag Srsnted. Clty Attorney Davis reported wlth referenoo to Lorton Avenue wltl6nlng, th;t the sltuation wag rather intlefinlte as to recelvli! funds untlor tbe present set up of the gw{.-.tlggd further delay when he woultl have something more tlefinite to report. Irr. Davls reportett as to the inolnerator. at Roosevolt School, taat Ae hatl ieaelvett a lettee from Mr. Eeutlerson, Superlntondentt aalyislng him that ineinerator haa beaa pattLocketl anti.1ts.use tllseontlnucal. WlLI oonfer with Ur. tr:nlg lator relatlve to a new ].ooa t ion. Chlef Earper reported relatlve to compLa14f of Mrs. -Dutton,lIIe Rhinatte Atenue, operatlng a business from her honet that the sano was not truo. Statett Lfrs. thrtton nado salail at her resldenee for the Antlr€Y, Wtlllams Co., 1'300 BurLinggne Avezue, whioh is permlaelblo unaler City ortlinanoe. Arx ordinance prohlbitlng eLectrieaL lnterforence wlth radlo reeeptloa, regulating looatioa auil ampUftoatloar ileclaring game- to bo a nulsance an{I provltllng punlshment for the vlolatlon thereof, vas glveu ftrst reatllng - lntroductlon by Couno ilnan Eunt. fhis orcli,nanoe substltutes one that was glven first roaaling on Lfiarch 5th. EC' DgDanals agalnst the Gity, Ilos. 6868 ao 6949, incluslve, wororoad aad approved and Y/arrants were ordered drawn on the CityTreasury for their respective a,mounts. The Council thereupon ad journed. Respeet submitted, E erv