HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1934.03.056s Burllngarn€, CaIif., Maroh 5, 1934. A regula! meeting of the Clty Councll of Burllngame wa6 helil on the above glrr€tr tlato. The meet lng r,va s oelletl to ortler at 8:00 P.U. - L{ayor Buck ln the Chalr. Councilmen Buck, ea11. Hock,Eunt, Blckard &nd Stone answoretl the ro11 The minutes of th€ prevlous meeting of ii'ebruary 19' 1954r were read and approvetl . The regular oraier of business r/va s dlspensed with to listen to the reading of a letter from the Mcf,ln1ey larent Ieaohers Assrn urging that the City supply a polic€ officer at certain scbool- hours to safeguard chlldren crosslng tho h ighv{ey ln the Yioinity of MoKtnley School . :\ Letter was read from the safety Conmittoeof the larent Teachorg Asaociation oi L{cKin1ey Sahool of llketenotr. Clty Attorney Davls' opinion on the 1ega1lty of theCity p1s61ng an offioer for such a purpose' was also reett. Ee statetl that neither the uunioipality nor the School i6 oomp€I1€al by law to havo such servioe. The Clty may oxerciso lts Judgmentat aL1 times aE to ruhe ther protectiou shoulti be given at a certain point. If lt tloes not a11ow protectlon ard a reasorable and fslr dlscretlon 1s exerclsed by the Couacil' there is ao1lablIlty on the part of th6 City 6yon though an acciilent ehouldocour. I,,Irs. Btigar C. Kester, Aoting Cha irroan of the P.t.A. Safety Committee for l,{oKin16y School' and others adtlresseal the Council urging that a polieeman be tlelegated to furnish thegervice requestetl ln petltion read. Varlous members of the Couaoil anriounced tbelr sympathy with the proposltion but believetl the School trustees'should cooperate wtth the Clty ia the payment for such s6rvioo, which s€smed to be opposed by some of the speakers bellevlng such cost shoulti be borne by theClty. CounciLman Book believed the City should supply the officer an<l'means shoultl bo sought to undertake the finenoing of the same, offoring tbe same in the form of a motlon. fhe motlon was tiuly seoonded antl c&rried. Police Chlef Earpe! !e- narketl that his department was somewhat hantlloenpetl due to the accitlent to offioer Hall-ett, leavlng him an offioex short. The Counoil votetl ]tlr. Harper power to employ a substltute u:rtil suoh tlme as ur. Eallett ls able to resuae duties. S. E. Eaasr L221 Broattway, compla inetl of I;Irs. Dttton seL]-lng foods from ber home, L112 Rbinetto Avenue' which was ln vlolationof a Clty ortlinanoe. Th6 same was referretl to loIice Chief Earper for attentlon. A permlt was panted'Chas. E. Johnson, proprletor of Depot Fouataln Luroh, to se11 oandy, sotla, sandwlohes' anal loe croam, in Washiugtou lark' as por sppLioatloa. nequost of A. E. Lehner, 1e77 El Camino ReaL' to estobllBh a alistinctive tllning room ln Burllngame, at 1439 Surl inga,ne Avonue, featurlng britlge teas' lunches and tlinner dances, was referredto Chi€f Earper for lnvestigation with power to act. Aa applloatlon froro Ooo. tJ. Gates to pJ-ace a traff ic s 1gz.aL at L[cKlnloy SohooL, wag orderetl placed on file. letter xeaal from Sam D. L{6rk, tlirector of San Llateo County Relief Atlrninlstratloa, stating th6 cI{A w111 no 1on86r pay for th€ rnalntenaaoe of the Burl lnganre Ageuoy entl asks that the City appropriato $?5.0o per nonth rather than have lt close. Tbe Council dolayotl action on th€ request with the view that tho County Soard of Suporvlsors Day take ov€r thls antl other like egencles, whioh action w111 bo suggested to them. A letter was read fton the Parent Teachers Assoclation of Eerbert Eoover Sohool, lnalorslng a p1a ygEountl for the Northem seotlon of the Clty. the same was referred to new business. 69 Under r€port of Committees;r Treasurer Bloom reportetl that LIr. Courtenay &dvis€d hlm he would be in Burllngane the lastof the week with a orew and would proooed in the sinking of awell ln 'Jashlngton Park. Untler report of Speclal Oonmlttees, Councllman Hock reportedrelative to a park for l{orth Burlingame, that he and Councihnea Blckartl hatl a conference with 0gdon l{i,11s 1a whlch they sought en optlon of purohase for a pleoe of lend to be devoteal to reoreatlonal uge, along Li111s Creek. Was unable to preYail on the ldlIls Estate to sel1 the property but succeeded la getting from Mr. l,{lLls an unofficlal agreemeat to lease 25 acres covoring a t6n year perloti at a rental of $2800.00 p€r year, ln atldition the Clty to pay the texes at an estimateti amountof $500.00 yearly, the lease to be ext€ntiod at the expiralionof ten y€ars if the City se€s fIt to 6ntor lnto' or a purchase msy be entertalned on a prlce lo be flxed at the expiratlon of the lease. Councilrnan Eock stated that Lir. L[i11s expressedhls w111lngness to assist the Clty 1n fufnlshing antl plantlng trees ancl shrubbery and laylng out waLks' on the leaslng of the property. The Councll dtscusseal the roat ter at length, agraelng on the real necesslty for adequate playgrouqjls iu ord6r to attract newoomers to the. City. The Cou.ncll, on motlorr by counollmen RLckartl , and seeonded by Courrcllman Stou6, thereoa ratlfietl the actlon of Commlttoemen IIo ck antl Rlckard, antl ortlered the City Attorney to prepare the necessary papers oalling for a tea year I€aso of the property from the L{lLls Istate vrith such other provlsos set forth as may bo tleernotl oxpetlient. The Clerk was instructed to oonr-municaieto the larent feacherg Assoclatlon of the Eoovor Sohool the aotlon as set forth as an answer to their letter. 0n the recommenclrr t l on of Counellman Eook, the laying out of the new park rvas ortleretl referred to the Plannlng Cornnisslon for submlsslon of a p1&n tha.t wl11 be in harmony with the surrountl-ings, they to presoat the same to the Council for approval . A Besolutloo osts.blishin6 poiling plaoes, also appolntlng olestiou offlcers entl flxlng thelr corpensatlonr was intro- tiucotl by Councilrnaa Euat anil aeeondeal by Councilman Rickard Carrled, all votl:rg AYE. Ordtinance 1{o.'275 regxrLatlng radlo broadoastlag in the Cltyof Surllngame r was glvea flrst readlng, lntroduction by Couac l1man Hunt . Couucllman Hunt reported delay as to crossing gates, awaltingcosts, etc. lilr. 31oon presented estimates on cogt of fence ln 'l/sshington Park but the same was laid ovex for revlew later. There being no fllrther buslaess to com€ before th€ Council' ad j ournment rvas teken. Respe otfully submlttetl, v e AP?RO?ED: