HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1934.02.1965 A !€guLEr moetlng of the Clty Councll of Burlingame was h61d oD the ilove given rtate. Tho moetlng was called to oraor 8t 8:0o P.u.- ]rayor Suok ln the Chalr! Burllngame, Ca1lf., F€brrrary 19r 1954. Counollmen Buok - Eock - Ilunt antl Biokeral answered the ro11 c811. Counollnen Stone notetl absent . The ninuteg of the preYlous meoting of tr'ebruary 5th were reati antl approvetl. The regular ortler of busln€ss was dlopensed with to I1sten to a !esolution presented by Town Attornoy Arthur H. Retllngton of Hlllsborough, atetermining that lt w111 be for the lnterest and atlvantage of the Town of Eillsborougb to 6nter lnto a contraotwith the Clty of BurLingano for the Jolnt use by the Town of Hl1lsborough, of a certaln soner to be sonstructetl ln the City of Burllngame antl the authorlzlng the executlon of suoh a doutraot. fher6 boing some tlifference of oplnlon ln the figures arrlvetl at betwe€n the engineors thought 1t was better aooord. - Suoh was the e tno Eunlolpal.it ies, tho Couno 11y the mattor ov€r untl1 they were 1n of thto 1a orale The Peninsula DlYlsloa of the Treag'ue of Californla liuniclpalitles ln a communieatlon, eruouaoetl thelr next meetlnt at San leandro on lxarch 2nd st 6:50 P.trt. antl urg6d a fu1l ropresentatlon ofCity offlctals. ldayor Buck asked thoso interestetl to note the tlnc and entleaYor to be present. ndrs. ThoB,B Eughe s of 1528 Ilowartl Av6nuo' presonted a written cormunlcatioa alleglng the premises noxt door (1552 Eowartl Avenue ) hail been convertetl lnto apartments and as such 1t was a vlolatlonof the zonlng ortllnanoe antl was lrorking sn inJuty to hex laelther the rental or the sale of her property. City Attorney Devls roportett that be ba.al ma,do an inYestlgatlon into this matter antl founal the apartment s were bul1t fourtoon years ago aad previrus to the aatoptlou of any olalinanoe on zonlng, as suob the City lachecl Jurisdlctlon in the premlses and advls€d the Counsll that th6y had no other alternatlvo than to deoIltr€ }lrs. Hugboer request,rhldh was sccoralingly dono. nlgtrlot Supertntontlent !. D' Eentlorson of the Surllngame Elementary Sohools' wrote in answer to Letter sent hlm by th.e City Clerk relatirre to school ohlldron rlding blcyoles on sidewalks, that the roatter wae presented to the scholars in thelr assemblles and to various prlnotpals - all signifled they were wL11Ing to eooperate. n{r. Eenderson statetl in his Letter that he belleveal lf the lnfluenceof the sohool departroeut ls exerteal towartla forcing children lnto th€ str6ets, that the City Council should soe to lt that traffic regulatlous ar6 more rlgidJ-y enforced, Poliee Chlef Harper took exeeptlon to LIr. I{endersontg statement about traffic conditlons, statlng he coultl not detall all hls men to traffic work wlthout slighttng other duties which were equally as important. I{r.Cribhons of Burllngame HiLLs sectlon suggested a cltlzents commtttee of 2e or 25 eltizens to be elothed with authorlty and to serve wlthout pay to aet ln trefflc cases onLy, in the apprehension of vlolators. Chlef Earpor was of the oplnlon that this was not a bad idea. The Councll thereupon gpve hlm authorlty to s6l-ect his men and to prooeeal with the plan aa outllnetl . - lJotlon by Councllman Hock a ntl secondetl by Council,man Eunt. Iistrlot Suporiatendont L. r. Eenderson of the Burl lngame Elementary Sohools, wrote in answer to a letter serrt blm by the City Clerkrelative to the contenplated removal of the traffle offioer fron the 11 Carnino Crosslng at LtlKirJ.ey School' that the Dlstrlct Attornoyrs off0oo hatl submltted a writtea opinion und er date of Sebru.ary 9th statlng the duty of dlrectlng trafflc on publio streets anti hlghways is a police functLon and is performetl by clties wlthin their incorporated Li"r0its and by the state Eighway !atrol 66 0n th€ publto hlghweys 1n generall as suoh, any expentilture ofsehool dletrict funtl e ln their oplnion would be impropor. CityAttorney Davis took issue with the opinion of the Distrlat Attoraey,stating there was a jolnt respouslbiS-lty and the School trusteescan tlivert futxtl s for such a purpo se Just as welL as the City. Oathe suggestion from Counc ilman Eock tbat Ur. Devis preseat ewrttten opinion on thls subJoot for the next meetlng, the utte:luas left ln abeyanee. The matter of the remoral of two trees at the rear of 2601 SaetonDrive, for which a pe:rnit was granted at the last meeting, was reopenetl on the roceipt of a letter from R. W. Ryan, e616 Eegtotl,rlve, who obJectecl to suoh a proeedure, statlng he wae reatty anitwllling to bear the enti,re expense for any damage the trdetnay cauBothe sewer. 0n representation from hIr. Sohuok that some of th€roots of the treos hatl washetl away anai that th6re was a f.iablIltyon th6 part of the Clty rlf elther or both fell anti sorn6 one waslnJurecl, the Councll thereon, on motlon by CouacLlnan Eoot aatl secondetl by Councllnan Eunt, voted that thelr prevloug aotlon stand.-Carried. Em1ly F. Partrltige of 1456 Berra1 Aveme, through her Attornsy {. E. McCurrly, presented a claln agalnst the City of Burllngarne for $251000.00 for luJuries alleged to have been reoelved by a fa1Lon a tl€foctlvo slalewalk at the Northwest corner of EL Caxatno ReeL entl Hll1sltte Drlve. CounolLman Eock offeretl as a motlon that theCity deny any 11ablIlty ln the premisea - wag secontled by CouncllnaoEuat. - Carrled, all voting AE. Two petitions for tho relalenlng of lorton tryenue betweoD, Eoward Avenueantl Be11evu6 Avotrue with EaJorlty representatioa from abuttlng property owr,ero, w6re presonted, work to be done &s a CWA proJoot wlth ao costto be borne by the City. John W. Sickoisen adtlressed the Councllin the interest of the petitions. The petitlons wore referred toClty Attorney -Davls to investlgate the possibllities of the proJectwithout argr cost on the part of the City. ResoLutlons wore read from the Surl lngame Chamber of Cornmeroe andthe Broatlway Assoclation urging the City of Surllngane to ta.ke aLlposelble steps necessary to procur€ imnediate action to provltte saloqueto proteotlon to all. Ra l.lroad Crosslngs in Burl lngaD, Uayor Suck relatetl the Cityrs efforts in that respeot ln the past,statlng the Ra ilroail Commissl.oa hsal put the proposltton up to theClty to 1nstaI1 the gates at the various crossings, whlch costsould be prohlbitlve and he dfuI not believe thls woul-d be falr toth€ t&x!ay6!s. Councilman Eunt reLated the dtfferent lavestlgatlons antl recommenclations uade whl1e a member of the Comraittee on orosE-itlg slgnaLs' stating suoh a gate q.s was neetleal at Broatlwey aud Oak Orove Avenuo i'would cost eaoh $2500.00 or over. Couaollnan Rickardl desl-roal to know why gate orlginally at oak Grove Aveaue crossing was removed antl belleved the Railro&d Corunl.ssloD ahouLal roscintl any aotloa looking to the Clty to pay the cost of equlpment and instellatlon at this crosslng.- Askeil that the Clty take steps to get protectloa at the oxpense of the Southera PaolfloCo. at Sxoaalway, Oak Orove Avenue and ?6ninsu1a Avenue orosslngs. lfiayor Buak appolntetl the fol-1ow1ng oommlttee cornposed of CouneiL- rEn Hunt aad Rlckard, Clty Attorney layls, and R6ue1 BeutLey,Presiilent of the Broatlway Development Assoolation, to holal an informa L me€ting with the Southern Paolfic Co. aad the LIarketStreet Rallway Co., looklag towartt crosslng gates at Burllngame Croselage. Clty Attorney Davls reported la the trinvl1l€ complalnt submlttealby Ur. Mea[ey at meetlng of Sebruary 5th, that he sew nothlng luthe Las 1n the way of an 6vaslon, as 1t appearg thet a sub- oon-tractor coul(l not perform hls contract antl a new sub-contractor was substltuted and corpletetl the job at th6 san€ fl guro as bid,thsreforo believes u.ad6r the oxlsting faots that nothing can be tloue to r€liev€ this sltuation as ov€ry nan has a right to con-tract lmespectlye of rulss antl regpf.stions of any private assoo-latlon or organization; to aleprivo htuo of this right woultl be unconstltut lonal . 67 Counollran Rlckartl lntroduoed le6o1utlon authorlzlng tho l,{ayor to exeoute aD agreemeat lrlth g€orgo Courtncy for the placlng of a wcll and a e[bmetgotl pumplng plaat ln ltaohington Perk' lt b€1ng spocifleil tbet fn the eveat of water tl6ve -oprnent Mr. Conrtaeyrs lnteiestg w111 be protected for a perlod of elght yearE, as tho City sannot l-eeaui lease City property. Beeolutlon secontieal by CouaolLnan Euat - Carrled' all Yotkg AB. Counollmau Eook latrotluoedl Eesoluttou that the Clty roake applloa- tloa to ths Stat€ Departrocnt of HeaLth for permlsslon to oon- struot lntereeptlrg -ewere and prellnlnary sewage treatmont pLent for the purposo of provlttlug an improvod methotl of sewage dlsposalfor the City and that the Clty Engineor bo hereby authorlzeal to preper€ antl subnlt to the Stato Departnont of Publtc Eealth all sucL lnforaat 1on end pLana requlreal by then ln the grantlng of Balal p€rmlt. Booolutlon sooondetl by Councllmaa Hunt - Carrletl ' a1J. votlDg AfE. City Attorney Davis askeil for further de18y ln racllo complalnt ag he is await ing the 18n on the subJect from the Ratl lo Commisslon 1u lashington, D. C. Inolnerator at RooseveLt Sahool was referretl to PoLloe Chlef Earper wlth request that future use bo eba[doneal anal provlsiorrs bo tratlefor tho relocation of a new Lnoinerator to be as far renovetl from dwel1lngs as posalble. A oorplaint from J. I/. gooks16y, 260'l Saston nrlve, that premises at 2615 &aston Drlye, h&tl beoa convertoal lnto apartments in vloLatlon of Ctty Ord inance, was referred to the BulLdlng Inryector. Clty Englneer Thonas w&s lnstructed to investlgate aa oasement peral-lellag the Southern Paciflc Company on the Esst siale saal lying South of Broaalway, for the ?urpose of namlng the sene. Demands agalnst th€ Cltyr Noe. 6?BP to 6864' inclusiver were reatl and approv€d and i'Ja rrants wore ortlered drawn on the Clty Treasuryfor the ix reBpeot 1ve a,mounts . Thr Councll thereupon ed Joornetl . Re spe fuI1y submittetl, APPROWD: or