HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1934.02.0563 Burllngame, Ca1if. ' February 5, L934. A regular reeting of the Clty Counoll of the Clty of Burllngam was heltl on tho above giyell dat6. The meetiag was oalleal to ordcr at 8:00 P.M. - Ueyor Suck ln the Chalr. Councllnea Suck - Eock - Eunt - Blokard ro11 calI.anal Stotre answeretl the The ninutos of the previous m66tlng of January 151 1954, were r€ atl antl &pprovoil . A wrltten oommunlcatlon was recelved from lY. G. Pedersen, 2122 Roogerelt Ave nu6 r compLa inlng &bout snoke from aa lnolnerator on sohool giroundo etiJaeent to his homo, permeat lng the place and naking his home unlivebLe et times. Pollce Chlef Harper urged the removal of th6 lncinerator to sone other portion of the grouarl s statlag the comptalnt of LIr. Petlergen was relL founded. Tho roatter wag refemed to Attornoy Davls anal IJr. Krug to take up with sehool authorLtles wl th the nlew of relocatlng the lnclnerator it some plaoo on the grounils where the smoke w111 not be off€nsive to reslde nts. . Appllcatlon of J. tr. & A1lce Cookoley, 2607 Easton Drlve, to ?6rnove two trees at the rear of their preroises wag gtrantetl on the report of Superinteaalent Sohuck that said trees were locatetl lrmediately edJace[t to the s€wet' in an easement that the Clty has c ontrol- of, and he wouLal recommenal that the troes be remov€a. A rosoLutlon endorslng the Joint use of the Dunber ton Brltlge by the Southern Paelflo anti the Ylestern laclfic Railroatls' was introduooal by Councilnan llock aJrtl seoondett by Councllman Stone. Carrletl, ell voting AYE. A resolution adopted by the Town of Elllsborough relative to th€ oak Grove Ave nue sewer, ln which the eommunltles of Surllngame and EilLsborough are now tnereaslng antl enLar8lng the capaoltyof such sswer untl€r a CWA proJeot' was reacl. Due to the absencoof City Englneer Thomqsr action on the resol-utlon was tteferrodt the councll bel.ievlng that there should be something lncorporatetl ag to rental aad raalntenanee r also a revision ln certain of tho flgrrre s embotlletl in the r€soLution as to whioh the particular comrunitieE ar6 to subaoribe to. !, wrl.tten communlcation was receiveal fron the l/estertr Yttater t-,tlaing corporatlon (A.8. Swlne?tou,Pr€s. ) statirg they d.id- not deslro to -exerolse optlon submltt ed at meeting Jarmary 15th reLatlve to eupplylng the City reith water. The comrnunication wag ordered plaosd on fl1e. A wrltten communicat lon waa reoeiv€tl from l{l.S.Daacer 1404 Cortez Avenu6, requentlng the Clty druqr at Broatlway be kept open Sunaiays al-leglng t[at oomrutoss bad ao other tiloe but that tlay to remove waste fiom thelr premlsos. Counc iLman Euat thought the suggestion a gooti one and mov6d that the requost bo grs.nteal by the -increasetn-satary of attondant froro SSO.6O to $60;00 per month for extra Eervloo perforI0edr-was seooaaled by Councilman Stono - Carrietl . fhe planning Commisslon in e communieatlon oalletl attentlon to the rernotlellng of prernises at 15I? Burlingane Ave nu€ for posslble uEe as apartments which rtould be e, vlolatloa of the zonlng ortli- nance. tho ms,tter was referretl to the BullaUng Inspector to Look lnto. Ilhe Planning Corrrl€slon recommended against the removal of a treo at 120 31 Caraino ReaL by LIrs. Li. Christensen who alleged tha,t the tr€e obstructetl the vlew of tbe entranee of th6 garage as lntlloatoal in premises above. [he Councll sustalnod the ?lanning Commissionts reoom,'r'renttatlon antl orderetl the Clerk to so adYise }trrs. Chrlst€DBono 64 City Attorn€y Davis presenteal ordinanao prohlbltlug lnterfer-enc€ with the reoeptlon of ratiio broatloagt slgnelsi statlng itwas ?11egotl that 1i,1r. Wo1fo of Eoward Av enue was broadoastlDg anal it rvas his untlerstandlng that he was the possessor of arattlo licenso frm the U. S. Government. fhe matter wag dis- ousEeal by the Councll. CounciLman Stone was of the opitrionthat Attorney lbrl6 shoultl seo the I'g4lA_Sommisslou en(l esoertAl.n rh;t rigbts Tiolfe hae unaBfflS$Iwave bioailoaetiag. Aotion was tlefer"cd ponaling further kirowle tt ge of tho eubJect. L[ayor -3uok reported reoelpt of comnnrnlcation from J. E. gk€ ggsrelative to the tteslgnatlon of certaln hlghway routes througf,the Clty over whioh the State uould havo C coitaln aoEtro1.-Attornei navis recorrnontletl against t[e passage of resolutionproposetl by L{r. Skeggs steting there ryas danger of the CltyrelinqulshiDg oontrol of the troos by their Cdopting thcresolution'; The Counoll therenpon decldetl they would hanenothing to tlo wlth tho resolutlon proposed by i,Ir. SksggE. W. E. Itrealloy oal.l6tl att€ntion to the vlolation of, electrlcalordlnqnce Etating s itr. Irlnvlll_e was al_1ovr1ng hls pernlt to beused by an outsltler which w orkqil a tilsaAvs,ntage to Local oon-traetors. Buildlng Inspector &grrg stated the-man lras auerfiployor of lluvllle and the latter was within his rlghts.Tho Counail was of the opinlon that lt was not a rnatt6r forthen to decide and suggested to itu. Medley that he pLaoc hlsoonpJ.alnt before the eectrlo&L organlzation for thelr revlew.0a motton by Couno ilman Rickard and eeconded by CounoilnauStoao, Ir[r. Davis antl Chlef f,arper were instruoted to oeeUr. nlnvlile and report. L{ayor Buck reported to Counc iL that Mr. lyoa would give aneasersent to the Clty for the care of ltlorth Burl ingame storxowaterg over hls property for the sum of $658.00. -A notlontonacoept LIr. tryonrs offer wag introduoetl by Counollman Eook eaal seooaaletl by Couno 1lmen Blokard. - Carrlstt, a1l votlng Ay?.fhe sult lnstltuted against IJr. Iryon ls to be abaudonedl onp&ynent of abov6 mentloned sum entl ratiflcatton of samfrom Ltr. lyon ln the form of a g"aut. Rldtng of bloyclee on eidewalks by childreu woa dlseusseal.The C1erk was ingtruoted to writo the varloug sohools urslnsthe prlaclpalg to instruot the children that such rlttlng-ls' a, vlolatlon of a City orttinaoo€ aud wlLl not be pernlssible. Councllman Riokaral was appolnted oomnltto€oan to- oooporateln the enforoemeat of ortllnaroe. Problems ooncerning the anbuLance reoent]y purohaeed by theClty were dlsoussed by Comnlssloner lho6. trerke. It waspolntotl out that the vehlole nnrst be repalntett and soue nneohanloaL work is trecessary; a slron 1s also wanteit. Iuatlttition the Councll is asked to tletermtae what restrlotlonsto place on the use of the ambulanco anal the llmlt of th6boundaries 1t 1s to servo, elso lf usetl too extenslveLy the{g.I gf onoroaohlng on the personnel of the departmeat.trlabiLlty featur€s were aLso brought out as was also oor0:petltlon wlth existlag sertloe. llhe Counoll deoltiett to refelthe natter to a commltteo oonslsting of Councllmen Eock andRtckartl who are to confor with the tr'1re Corurlsslon and brlnglu their rocorxnenalat ioas . Tho Councll thorenpon a ct Journed . { Appr or Resp tfu).J.y submitteai