HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1934.01.1561_ Burlingeme, Callfornla' January L5' 1954. A regxflar neetlng of the City Counoll of the City of Burlingame was [e].tl on the ibove given ttate. the meeting was calletl to oreler at 8:00 P.It., llayor Buck tn the Chair. CounciLden Buck, Eock, Eurt ' Rlckard and Stone euswerett the tolL oall. The minutes of th€ prevlous rnootlng of January B, 1954, vrere leadl and approved. A wrltten comrounlcat ion was recelved fron H. trr. l,[cnonald stating he hatl purchasetl the Burl.ingane Bl11lartl Iarlor at ?62 Lrorton Avgnue from J. R. Moore aad asketi that L{oor€rg llcense be trans- ferretl to hln. 0n motion by Counciltran Stoncr secondetl by Councilnan Huut, the request was granteil . A wrltten comunloation was recelvetl froro 3. R. norkor csupaign Ctalrman for the 3oy Scouts of Amerloarasklng & tlons.tion tofurther the activltlee of the organlzation for the oomlng yoar. After a br16f tllsausslon the commrmloatioD was oraler€d laltl on the table. 0ity Attorney Da,vt 6 reportetl wlth reference to fLood oonditions on the LIa a3aln prop€rty, 1221 Balboa AveDue, that same are oausetl by coadttlons on the adioialng propetty of Mr. Earklns' next dloor, whlch should be rex06dlod. I'frB. Earkltls reported to tbe Bulldlng Iaspeotor that these condltloas were no tllfferent than ln many other seotlons of the City aad oxpx€ ss€al the opinion that she shouLd not be foroedl to make improvements lf they w€re not exactetl of othere. The matter was referred futth€tto ltr. Davls for attention. _!he Vrlestera Water Minlng Corporatlon afflllatetl wtth llnttgron & Swlne:rtoa Inc. of San tr'ranolsoo, submltted a written proposal to supply water to tle Clty of Burll+gau€ for I l>erlod of flvey€ars, eommencing wlth a rate of $0.1? per 1000 gallons for thoflrst year and endlng wlth $0.L0 for the fltth year,-varlous other conslderatlons were embotlled 1a the proposaL. fhe Counoll tlissussetl the matter, agreelng to glvo llndgren & Swinerton Inc' an optloa for elx roonthg. Mr. RosentlahL' Attorn€y for potltlonelst adtlrosgeal the CounetL statlng h6 would comuuaicate ths Couac 11 rs proBosal to his cllents. A rrittea propossl to supply tra,ter to the Clty for a period of 61gDt yosrs at a rato of S0.15 per 1000 8ia11oas' wag subnlttetl by George Conrtney. Yar ious othex conslclerations were embodletl ln the proposal, anong then the turning over of the plant' wa,te rrlghts ana roaL ostate to the City, on the showlng of the paynent of all blllg rende"sal durtng the periotl of the contract. Councll- man Eook recorunentled that before iih slplug the contrect Mr. Courtuey sttpulate that the ws1l or r,vells b€ not locatetl nea! aalr loca1 resldenoos wher6 they xoight be considered a nulsanco. This was agreea to on tho part of the Cou.nct1 antl the agreemeut rlatle to oonform, Bs well as a provislon eetabllshlng a flxed standartl for the wat€r; suoh stanalard to be baseal on a eherolstrs anelysls of tho preseat supply fron the Ctty of 8au Franclsco and the clty weL1s on 3erns,l Avenuo. lttth these changes made, a motlon to eecept ltr. Courtn€yrs propoaaL was lntroaluooil by CounclLmaa Euat antl seconded by Councllrlan Rickartl .- carrioal' all vot ing AYE. Councllman Elckaral lntrodueed a resolutlon aoceptlng on the partof tho Clty an easement pant for that portlou of roatlway 1e&al laglnto El1lsborough 0aka known as Jackllug Drlv€, saltl partles tothe oasemeat be tag lvan tr. tr arrevlch, tr'lor€nce Marvovieh, the Anglo C&llfornla NatLolra1 SaEk antl the Clty of Burlingane. - Resolutlon sooonAeal by Councllman Stoae, - Carrletl, all votlug AYE. 6,2 tr[ayo r Buok comrreudeal the work of Po].tc€ Chief Ha4rer anti h1s asslstauts ln the approhension of a burgLar operating ln oneof the stores ln the businesg distrlct a night or two ProYious. llhe Reports of the Water Department, Clty Jutlge' lo1lce Department' tr'ire Depertment, &nd Pounalx0agtgr, for Decelobet, L953. were roatl t aLBo th€ annltal flre report for L96t. The same vre rg olderod plaooal on flle. Demsnds agalnet the City troe. 67L6 to 6781' lnoLuslvc and approvctl and Ylarrants werg oraieretl drawn oa the Cfor thelr r€speotlv€ anounts. fhe Counoll thereupon ad journeal. were readty Treasuryt I rl R€ spe ct submitted, v APPROYED: yor