HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - PR 2021.11.18• City of Burlingame BURLINGAME . I Meeting Agenda - Final Parks & Recreation Commission Thursday, November 18, 2021 7:00 PM BURLINGAME CITY HALL 501 PRIMROSE ROAD BURLINGAME, CA 94010 Via Zoom Webinar On September 16, 2021, Governor Newsom signed into law AB 361, which allows a local agency to meet remotely when: 1. The local agency holds a meeting during a declared state of emergency 2. State or local health officials have imposed or recommended measures to promote social distancing 3. Legislative bodies declare the need to meet remotely due to present imminent risks to the health or safety of attendees On September 20, the City Council adopted Resolution Number 116-2021 stating that the City Council and Commissions will continue to meet remotely for at least thirty days for the following reasons: 1. The City is still under a local state of emergency 2. County Health Orders require that all individuals in public spaces maintain social distancing and wear masks 3. The City can't maintain social distancing requirements for the public, staff, Councilmembers, and Commissioners in their meeting spaces. Pursuant to Resolution Number 116-2021, the City meeting rooms will not be open to the public for the November 18, 2021 Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting. To access by computer: Go to www.zoom.us/join https.IlusO2web.zoom. us/j/83013255846?pwd=YWZSZUswVUdgcXN5UWFjdTFOTUY5QT09 Passcode:691383 Or One tap mobile: US:+16699006833„83013255846#,,,,*691383# or+12532158782„83013255846#,,,,*691383# Or Telephone: Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 669 900 6833 or +1 253 215 8782 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 301 715 8592 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 929 205 6099 Webinar ID: 830 1325 5846 Passcode:691383 International numbers available: https://usO2web.zoom.uslulkdpEO5uAzr 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Approval of Minutes City of Burlingame Page 1 Printed on 1111212021 Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting Agenda - Final November 18, 2021 a. October 21, 2021 Minutes Attachments: Minutes 4. Correspondence 5. Public Comments Members of the public may speak about any item not on the agenda. The Ralph M. Brown Act (the State and local agency open meeting law) prohibits the Commission from acting on any matter that is not on the agenda. Members of the public may provide written comments by email to recreation@burlingame.org. Emailed comments should include the specific agenda item on which you are commenting, or note that your comment concerns an item that is not on the agenda. The length of the emailed comment should be commensurate with the three minutes customarily allowed for verbal comments, which is approximately 250-300 words. To ensure that your comment is received and read to the Parks & Recreation Commission for the appropriate agenda item, please submit your email no later than 5:00 p.m. on November 18, 2021. The City will make every effort to read emails received after that time, but cannot guarantee such emails will be read into the record. Any emails received after the 5:00 p.m. deadline which are not read into the record will be provided to the Parks & Recreation Commission after the meeting. 6. Old Business 7. New Business a. Chair Rotation Attachments: Staff Report b. Elementary and Middle School Youth Sports Programs Update Attachments: Staff Report C. Commissioner Assignments 2022 Attachments: Staff Report 8. Staff and Commissioner Reports 9. Future Agenda Items 10. Adjournment Next Meeting: Thursday, December 16, 2021 City of Burlingame Page 2 Printed on 1111212021 Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting Agenda - Final November 18, 2021 NOTICE: Any attendees wishing accommodations for disabilities should contact the Parks & Recreation Department at (650) 558-7323 at least 24 hours before the meeting. The agenda packet is available on the City's website: www.burlingame.org. City of Burlingame Page 3 Printed on 1111212021 CITY 0 Raoawteo PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION DRAFT Meeting Minutes Regular Meeting on Thursday, October 19, 2021 1. CALL TO ORDER The duly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame Parks & Recreation Commission was called to order by Chair Ardito at 7:01 pm via Zoom meeting. 2. ROLL CALL COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Milne, Ardito, Chang, Pappajohn, Holzman, Brunello, and Wettan COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Parks & Recreation Director Glomstad, Recreation Manager Acquisti, Recreation Coordinator Vega, Recreation Coordinator Jones, Senior Management Analyst Hager, Parks Supervisor Holtz & Recording Secretary Helley OTHERS PRESENT: Youth Advisory Committee Members Shareen, Zack, Ashley, Dylan, Maddie, Ethan 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Pappajohn made a motion to approve the September minutes. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Chang and was approved. 5-0-2 (Lee & Matthews absent). PRESENTATIONS Youth Advisory Committee — New Board and Initiative Introduction Supervisor Vega introduced Adeline Jones, the Department's temporary Recreation Coordinator, working with the Youth Advisory Committee this year. The students introduced themselves and shared what YAC's goal is as a committee. They shared the events they have participated in this year, including the Family Campout, Eggtober, and the Muddy Mile. The group shared its initiative this year of Teen Mental Health. The group reported having more events in person, such as Thera - puppy in the Park, in collaboration with the Peninsula Humane Society. The YAC Social will be hosted in Washington Park this year by Burlingame YAC on November 20. Parks & Recreation Commission DRAFT Minutes October 21, 2021 The Commission thanked the group for sharing what they have been and are planning on doing throughout the upcoming year. Vice -Chair Holzman asked if the group has considered how to utilize social media to advance their initiative. Maddie Gillette replied the group had workshops with Facebook last year and learned how they could expand their social media/marketing and Parks & Recreation pages platforms and will be using Facebook's suggestions. The Facebook page had been successful with an older population, and if the group works on their Instagram page, they feel they will reach more teens. Commissioners thanked the group for presenting and looked forward to supporting them in the future. Mills Canyon Work Improvements and Fuel Reduction Efforts Parks Supervisor Holtz introduced himself and gave a background on the canyon area and past work done. This included resources from Parks staff, CalFire, California Conservation Corp, volunteers, and contractors (he noted the restricted availability this past year of the CalFire Work Crews and Conservation Corp due to the wildfires in the state). The work included trail improvements (creating level pathways and stairs from upper entrances), vegetation management and clearing of the existing drainage to prevent erosion, and fuel reduction management Commissioner Pappajohn asked about electrical wires in the area and if PG&E was assisting with clearing. Holtz responded that there are no overhead utilities in the area except for the Adeline side, which are on private property. Therefore, there is no assistance he is aware of that is available from PG&E. Vice -Chair Holzman asked about the native plants and if there would be plantings. Holtz responded since there is limited water access, this restricts the plantings. Commissioners thanked Supervisor Holtz for his thorough and informative report. 4. CORRESPONDENCE None 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS None 6. OLD BUSINESS None 7. NEW BUSINESS a. RecTrac — New Rejistration and Facility Reservation System Implementation 2 Parks & Recreation Commission DRAFT Minutes October 21, 2021 Management Analyst Hager introduced herself and provided background on the Department's current systems to manage registrations and facility rentals. In preparation for the new Community Center, and because of MaxGalaxy's sunset, staff saw this as an opportunity to consolidate to one software system that manages both activity registrations and facilities, can accommodate the increased capacity, streamline processes, and improve the user experience for community members. Therefore, in January 2021, staff issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for a new registration and facility software management system. After a competitive proposal process and thorough review, in August 2021, the City Council approved RecTrac dba Vermont Systems as the Department's new software for registration and facility management. Some highlights of the system include: 1. A comprehensive system with modules to meet the needs of the Department, including program registration, facility reservations, field allocations 2. An integrated and user-friendly web interface for patrons 3. A competitive price that includes the basic features currently in use by the Parks & Recreation Department and new capabilities sought after by Department staff 4. The ability to offer rental requests online and upload required documents for rentals, field allocations, and user accounts 5. The ability to track and report scholarships awarded to community members. Staff is in the early data -gathering implementation phase of the project and anticipate going live with RecTrac for the Winter session registration on December 14, 2021. Subsequent implementation phases will include adding memberships, ticket management, and league management Commissioner Pappajohn asked if there would be training for the older population. Hager noted a marketing campaign would go out for education on the program. Commission Milne asked if there would be testing before the launch. Hager confirmed there would be extensive testing and expected a few kinks as in any implementation. Staff requested that the Commissioners help with the testing. Commissioners thanked Hager for her report, and they look forward to utilizing the new system. b. Approval of Doi Feces and Hazard Notification Plan Supervisor Acquisti gave background on the item. Since City ballfields have been open for off - leash use, City staff and field users have encountered feces, burn areas left from urine, and hazardous holes from digging. The plan staff is proposing has occurred in other cities to address similar issues. The program's goal is to help raise awareness and emphasize the importance of monitoring and cleaning up after dogs. Staff is proposing the following plan for approval: 1. Beginning February 2022, signage is placed on one specific field per month, educating patrons of the effects of feces and hazards on the field (Burlingame fields are closed to 3 Parks & Recreation Commission DRAFT Minutes October 21, 2021 users from December -February for maintenance and to protect the grass during the winter weather). 2. Recreation staff will enlist the assistance of the field users and the Department's Park Monitors to mark the impacted areas on the grass 3. Each week, Park Monitors will document the flag markings and remove the flags on the afternoon before the field's mow date (for example, Ray Field is mowed on Thursday at 7:30am, the Park Monitor will remove the flags on Wednesday evening). 4. Validated field users will be asked to assist in this endeavor by removing any flags impeding their area of play and returning the flags when their usage is complete 5. After one month, the Dog Feces and Hazard Notification signage and flags will be taken to a different City field. The Commissioners agreed that the program would bring awareness of the feces and urine damage to the fields. Commissioner Pappajohn made a motion to approve the Dog Feces and Hazard Notification Plan. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Milne and was approved. 7-0. c. New Recreation Coordinator — Kylie Randall Due to a scheduling conflict, this item will be on the November agenda. d. Oath of Office for New Commissioners New commissioners John Brunello and Howard Wettan took the oath of office. 8. STAFF AND COMMISSIONER REPORTS a) Parks & Recreation Department Reports Director Glomstad reported Alpine Park is next on the remodel list. Commissioners Ardito and Chang are on the subcommittee. The Victoria Park renovation will begin next week. The Tree Lighting ceremony will be in person this year on Friday, December 3. She also encouraged Commission to visit the City website to review the draft District Mapping options produced by the City Clerk office. Top Golf negotiations are still in progress. The Commission rotation and committee assignments and a proposed public art installation will be on the November agenda. b) Commissioners Reports Commissioner Brunello said that he has lived in Burlingame for ten years with two children and looks forward to working on the Commission. Commissioner Wettan said that he has lived in Burlingame for 12 years with three children who participate in sports and YAC. He has been on the Traffic, Safety, and Parking Commission for the past ten years and on the Bond Oversight Committee, and has worked with the school district. 4 Parks & Recreation Commission DRAFT Minutes October 21, 2021 Commissioner Pappajohn welcomed the new commissioners. Commissioner Chang welcomed the new commissioners and reported the Muddy Mile event was amazing, and thanked staff for all their hard work on the event. Vice -Chair Holzman welcomed the new commissioners and reported she enjoyed the Pickleball fundraiser put on by the Burlingame Parks & Recreation Foundation. Commissioner Milne welcomed the new commissioners and expressed thanks for the Muddy Mile event and how well it was executed. Chair Ardito welcomed the new commissioners. 9. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS 10. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:38 pm. The next meeting of the Parks & Recreation Commission is scheduled to be held on Thursday, November 18, 2021, at 7:00 pm via zoom webinar. Respectfully submitted, Joleen Helley Recording Secretary 5 Parks & Recreation Commission DRAFT Minutes October 21, 2021 BURLINGAME STAFF REPORT To: Parks and Recreation Commission Date: November 18, 2021 From: Joleen Helley, Administrative Assistant II Subject: Chair Rotation RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Commission review and approve the Rotation of the Commission Chair. BACKGROUND Commission Rotation: Pursuant to the Rules of Procedure for the Officers of the Parks & Recreation Commission of the City of Burlingame (adopted October 20, 2005), Section II, C. Rotations of Officers: "Officers will be rotated at the Commission's first regular meeting in November of each year. The rotation order is as follows: 1. Vice -Chair becomes Chair. 2. Commissioner who is not an officer, who has served the longest period of time on the Parks & Recreation Commission without or since serving as Chair becomes Vice - Chair. 3. If two or more Commissioners have the same length of service on the Parks & Recreation Commission, then the Vice -Chair shall be chosen from among them by a random draw. 4. If a Commissioner, eligible under this subpart, declines to serve either office, an additional Commission rotation will take place." DISCUSSION As there are no extenuating circumstances, staff recommends that this year's Commission rotation be approved with Commissioner Leslie Holzman becoming Chair and Andrea Pappajohn as Vice -Chair (Exhibit A). FISCAL IMPACT None EXHIBITS A. Commission Chair Rotation Exhibit A Park & Recreation Commission Rotation 2022 Position Commissioner Appointed Term Expires Terms Served Chair Leslie Holzman Nov-18 Oct-24 1 Vice Chair Andrea Pappajohn Nov-19 Oct-22 Ian Milne Mar-16 Oct-22 1 Dale Chang Oct-20 Oct-23 Christine Ardito Jun-18 Oct-22 1 John Brunello Oct-21 Oct-24 Howard Wettan Oct-21 Oct-23 euR- NG AGENDA NO: STAFF REPORT MEETING DATE: To: Parks and Recreation Commission Date: November 18, 2021 From: Kylie Crandall, Recreation Coordinator — (650) 558-7302 Subject: Elementary and Middle School Youth Sports Programs Update RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Parks and Recreation Commission review the report regarding Elementary and Middle School Youth Sports programs. BACKGROUND The Parks and Recreation Department has a strong history of offering after -school athletics during the academic year to the six elementary schools and one middle school in the Burlingame School District (BSD). The year is divided into three seasons, fall, winter, and spring. Below are the sports offered within each season. Elementary Middle School Fall • Flag Football . Flag Football • Girls Volleyball • Volleyball • Cross Country (2020) • Cross Country Winter • Basketball • Basketball Spring • Tennis (2020) • Tennis • Track/Field (2020) • Track/Field • Ultimate Frisbee (2020) • Golf • Boys Volleyball • Badminton • Ultimate Frisbee (2020) As the COVID pandemic guidelines prohibited the previous way of offering sports, the Parks and Recreation Department pivoted and worked diligently to continue to provide programming, even offering new programs as noted above. When discussions began with BSD regarding students returning to the campus in the fall, so did the conversations about youth sports and enrichment classes being offered onsite. Parks and 1 Elementary and Middle Youth Sports Update November 18, 2021 Recreation and BSD staff continually met throughout summer 2020 to create policies and procedures to safely provide programs and comply with Health Department guidelines. DISCUSSION As the COVID-19 pandemic left organizations to navigate new terrain, the Parks and Recreation Department presented the Burlingame School District with various options regarding implementing youth sports back on campuses. These options were a new way of offering youth programs, as the past year had been spent outside operating activities in a cohort model. The City and the District staff presented their guidelines and, together, agreed on the following: Anyone on campus must wear a mask, even when participating in the activity. The campus is closed to anyone except players, coaches, and City staff (this includes any spectators at practices or games). Inter-district/inter-school play only. The indoor and outdoor mask mandate was the most straightforward to enforce since the rules were the same as the school day. Not allowing spectators on campus posed an interesting challenge for Department staff, especially with the elementary school -age parents who had participants in volleyball. Flag football was played outdoors, and spectators were allowed as long as they wore a mask. Similarly, cross country meets were located at Bayside, where spectators were allowed. To provide the families access to watch the indoor games, Department staff created meetings on Zoom for each game to be live -streamed. Spectators were provided a new link each week after they sent their email address to Recreation Coordinator Crandall. The Department hired an Athletic Director (AD) to monitor all Zoom links to only vetted viewers and enforce no spectators on campus. To date, this position has strengthened the relationship between the City and BIS and the City and the participants. Another new challenge this season was the drop-off and pick-up procedures for practices and games. Since the campus is closed, either the coaches or AD must walk to the designated location (typically the front of the school) to pick up the players and walk them to the location of their sport. At the end of the practice/game, they walk them back and wait for them to be picked up. Lastly, Middle School Sports Programs are part of a multicity organization known as NCRL (Northern California Recreation League). Burlingame partners with Brisbane, Pacifica, Millbrae, San Mateo, Hillsborough, and South San Francisco to offer competitive play among the 6tn 7tn and 8t" participants. After discussion among the cities and BSD staff, Department staff decided to have BIS students play only within their school. This decision has been met with both appreciation and criticism from the community; however, for the safety of the students, the inner -school play will continue until both the City and the District feel it is the correct time to open the campus to teams outside the District. The Elementary Sports Program was minimally impacted by the inner -district guideline, as, historically, they have played against other schools in the District. The challenge during the fall (and will continue into winter) is the space to play games. As the gym on the BIS campus is being 2 Elementary and Middle Youth Sports Update November 18, 2021 rebuilt, programs can only use the BIS MPR for games. City staff have done creative scheduling and will be hosting middle school games during the week and elementary games Saturdays and Sundays. Going forward into winter and spring, Department staff will continue to work with BSD staff to establish policies putting the safety of the participants at the forefront of the discussion. Department staff will continue to hold the coaches, staff, and volunteers to high standards, making sure they enforce the guidelines and coach with compassion as the youth have not been in organized sports of this nature in 20 months. With the start of child vaccinations, the Department is hopeful that NCRL competitive play can resume and allow spectators indoors. As guidelines are lessened, enabling programing to expand, City staff will continue to offer quality youth sports programming and make modifications as needed. FISCAL IMPACT In January 2022, Department staff will be presenting a financial analysis to the Parks and Recreation Commission for all recreation programming, including the Elementary and Middle Sports Programs. Exhibit: • None Vj BURLINGAME STAFF REPORT To: Parks and Recreation Commission Date: November 18, 2021 From: Margaret Glomstad, Parks and Recreation Director Subject: Commissioner Assignments for 2022 RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the Commission review, assign, and confirm the commissioner assignments for 2022. BACKGROUND Each year, in conjunction with the rotation of the Commission Chair, the commissioner assignments are reviewed and modified as needed. As new committees are needed throughout the year, the Parks and Recreation Director asks the Commission Chair to appoint committee members from the Commission. The number of commissioners per committee will vary depending on the type and need of the committee but cannot exceed three commissions due to Brown Act requirements. The current commissioner assignments are: Special Committee Assigned 2021 Dog Park Advisory Group Holzman and Pappajohn North Rollins Committee Lee Alpine Playground Chang and Ardito Non -Profit Organizations P & R Foundation Matthews BYBA Pappajohn BGS Milne AYSO Holzman Coyotes Lacrosse Chan BSC Ardito OLA / St. Catherine Milne Mercy Lee BAC Chang 1 Commissioner Assignments 2022 November 18, 2021 The Dog Park Advisory Group provides guidance to City staff regarding dog -related matters. The Committee is comprised of two Council Members, two Parks and Recreation Commissioners, and City staff. The group only meets if needed. The Community Advisory Committee for the North Rollins Road Specific Plan was developed to help plan for the future of the Rollins Road area. The Specific Plan provides the framework for the development of that area to include residential, and public, and private open spaces. There is one meeting left. It is expected to be held in January/February of 2022 by Zoom in the evening. The Alpine Playground Committee provides guidance to City staff in the design development of the Alpine Park playground structure renovation. The Committee is comprised of two Parks and Recreation Commissioners, representatives from the Burlingame community, and City staff. Each non-profit field user organization and the Parks and Recreation Foundation have one commissioner assigned as a liaison. The expectation is for the assigned commissioner to reach out to the organization leadership at least once per calendar year to learn about the organization's current needs and report back to the Commission. DISCUSSION In order to assign the new commissioners to committees, the proposed assignments for 2022 are: Special Committee Proposed 2022 Dog Park Advisory Group Holtzman and Pappajohn North Rollins Committee Milne Alpine Playground Chang and Ardito Non -Profit Organizations P & R Foundation Milne BYBA Brunello BGS Holtzman AYSO Pappa'ohn Coyotes Lacrosse Wettan BSC Ard ito OLA / St. Catherine Wettan Mercy Brunello BAC Chan The final assignments will be determined after commissioner discussion and confirmation at the Commission meeting. FISCAL IMPACT There is no fiscal impact. 2