HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1935.10.14169 Burltngame, California Oatober 14, 1955. A regular meettng of the Clty Counctl of the 01ty of BurltngameraE heldl ou the above glven rlate. She meetlng was ealledtogether at I P.M., trl[ayor Suek ln the ehalr. 4r"""ot, Coune 11mrol5*ouLos, Elgh, Elves and Hunt.AbEent, CounclLmenr"None. ![he ralnutes of the meetlng of October ?th were read and approverl. Jemes 8. Jaueg, W.P.A. Couuty Manager for San Mateo, addressed theCouncll wlth referenoe to the present status o"f 'fl.3..0,r proJects 1nBurllngane; the polnt in questlon belng the necesslty of theCouncil authorlzlng the payment of the dlfference tn wage scale :before any one projeot ean gtart. Mr. James stated that L20 hourg ",,.,f,of work per nan under the present seaurlty wage 1s requlred, unLess and untll spoasors requeet in writlng that the prevalltng wage beeubstltuted ancl the monthly bours of work be shorteneil aocordlngly.Mr. James urgetl the wage questlon be settLeal later and the Cityproeeed wtth the worg authorized. Ee read a oopy of a telegramfrom Ralph G. Watlsworth to Mr. E.e. Eaweg, cltrector of P.I9.A. workeonftrmlng the above. Mr. J. Canblano, reBresentative of trabortn $ia Mateo County acldresseil the Councll 1n the interest of theprevalLlng wage scale and belteverl 1t should be contlnuerl. Ee subnitted an oplnton from Arthur I. Johngon, attorney for thedepartnent of labor statlstlos and law enforeement, statlng lt was rnandatory to pay the prevalltng wage soale uucler the state prevallingrate 1a$. Mr. Jemes replled by statlng that the legallty ls up tothe Unlted States and not the sponsors. IShe Counoll, thereupon, agreed to prooeed with the aompletlon of the followlag proJects under the security soale;-- South Burllngame $ewer 0940-59 EL Camino Beail Blilcvalks 0940-40Callfornla Drlve trldening 0940-50 Motion by CouaelLman Eunt andl seoonded by Counollman Elves.Incorporated in the notion was a,n authorl.zatton that the nayor be $ oulloEcrGqi to slgn papers bearlng on P.w.ar proJects. \ ilamied i.11 vottng AtlE. An appLloatlon for attentlant at the sewer plant was presentetl by Angelo Dellaoosa. Idayor Buak announced that the posltlon whioh wasbut a part tlme one was being looked after by one of the enployeesof the water system uncler the suporvlslon of Mr. $chuck. Appl.taatlon of 0ertrutle Aronetein of 1064 Creek Drlve, Meulo Park toeleet a regidence on 7-lZ lot 1& - Block L, Burllngame-Park #5, whiohls 55r on Barroilhet Avenue antl 176r on Elrn Avenue, was granted. & aorylalnt of E.E. Snnlth, 1448 Drake Avenuer BS to out of townresldents monopollzlng lragUna Avenue tennis eourts on Suntlay mornlngs to the cletrlment of Looal people was referrecl to the po11ee department for attentlon. A petltlon was read from residents ln the vielntty of Palorna .0,venueand EdgehllL Drtve asking for a stop sign at that polnt clue to a dengerous oornor and a chlLdrensf playgrouud nearby. Mr. Mitchellrchalrnan of the Plannlng Coumlsston and nearby reslclent asked thatthe oorner of Xrairfield Boatl antl Edgehill Drive be lncorporated aLso ln the petltlon. fhe matter was ordered turned over toChief Earper for attentlon. I petltion from buslnees men on Burllngame Avenue protesting thelnstalLation of Park -0-Metefs on that street was read. CounclLmanHunt who sponsored the movement withdrew reoornqendation, statlng ttsas apparent the buslness people dltl not want Park -o- Meters. I letter from Clty Englneer ?homas oertifylng that Sreclerlekson andl{atson, _Contractors for the sewage tlisposal plant had ooropletetl thelrwork antl he, therefore, reaonrmanded that the Councll aocept saue.After a short tliseusslon the matter was ordered 1ald over fcr one week. Clty Snglneer Thomas submltted estirnate of cost for gradlng anclrnaeadamlzlng hlghsohool parkins area of L8,620 square feet with orusheat rock, 4n-ln thlekness, et a cost of I$OOO CnA g/e" armoraoat topplng at $.04, $fZS 1f needed; a totaf of $et5- 1_70 {r. TI!8. Eelily, Cl,erk of the High Sohool Boaril who wllL partioipateln thts cost' stated he woultl eornuunleate these flgures to the- SohooL Board for suok aotloa as they nay determlne. trf,r? Edity eaLred attentton to the rup filed by trang Realty coupanywhleh shows the rear encl of lots backlng up on htgh school property whieh he aLleges is not as lt shoultl be. As to a roail from Oak Groveto conneot_up wlth Burltngarue Avenue affordlng egress and lngressto Penlnsular courts, Mr. rang who was prosent at the meetingstated that De had withtlrawn the lclea of doing the work under-theW.P.A. Plan and would eontract for the work. IIe presenteel a ten-tatlve plan of a new subdlvision shortly to be opened up whiahwould alLow for a roatlway to PeninsuLa Cotirts. Mr. J.II. MltchelL addressed the Co oeedtag with the Terraoe Oreek pro Englneer Thomae stated the work, 1 Cpproved uncl1 iu the lnterest of pro- eot 0940-41 as planned. done, should be started as 3f v soon as posslble on sccount of winter rains later. CounolLman Eunt was sf like oplnlon. Mayor Buck statert a 1e8.00 asgessuent on eaehLot partloipated ln by the benoficlaries would take sere of the lmprovement wlthout throwlng the burden on the City. Such work,heretofore, has alnays been done under an assessment plan antl notthrough the general funtl, whlch would establish e preoedent that may be far reaohing. Aotlon was deferreil to a later meetlng. Counoilman Eunt moved that the Councll go on reoorcl requestlngthe Board of Supervisors to open Californla Drive through toMtllbrae untler a H.P.A. program. fhe Councll were agreed thatthe plan was a good one but it would lnvolve the acqulring of aright-cf-way before the projeat oan ever be submltted. fhere belngno seooncl, the natter was latd on the table. The Counatl thereupon acl jouri:ecitr Respeo ly submltted a Io