HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1934.01.0859 A legrrlar xao€tlng of the Clty Councll of the city of Surllngaue was helit on the -bove $lteu date. lhe moeting was calleal to ordcr et 8:00 F.M., l[ayor Buck ln the ohair. Burllngame, Ca1lf., Js,nuary Br L934. CounclLmon Buokr Eock' Eunt t ro11 e411. Rickard anti Stone answeretl the nosolutlons entlorsing the good work of the Bay offlcers Peace assoclation and the calrfornra state chanber of cornmero. lnthelr effortg in orlme preventloa' werevroatl ancl atloptetl . - Motion by Councllmaa Eunt. Copies of sald reEolutlotls w€re ordered s6[t to tbeso organlzatlons. [he minutcs of the prevloua raeetings of December 1Br ].935r autl Jaauary 2, ]-954t were read entl approvetl . .1, wrltten oomrnunloatlotr wag reeelYed from fhoroes larke Jr. su]- mltting roport of the Burllngane Firo ComI:{ssiou-neetlag helil Frlday-eveulng January 5' 1954, ln which the fo11ow118 propo- eltiong wore adopteal Ia the form of recommentlat loas to thc Counc11. - (1) The retnstatement of Cllfforit Sfunrns' city €trpLoyeo, 8s I oa1l nember of the flre departnoat anti aLso the appolntnent of WllLlarn Chapman antl Ceoll L,ongson as oaI1 mea' thts bringhg the total number of City ernpLoyee oalI men to goven. (2) Ihat heatls of watet, park and street tlepartments' each have one city employec who ls a member of the Ilre elepartnentr aE a oaI1 nBn on auily lu towa and subJect to tr'ire department call on Sundaye and hollctayg from elght A.M. to elx P.M. (5) Under aew sohono of organlzatlon the clty etrtr)loyoe oalI n€n w111 report to the fire bouse to form a secouA crew for the pu4)oso of mannl$$tha seaond pleee of ftre apparatug-to rospontl to an orlglnal fire alarm or to a oa11 for anothor flre €lsewherct tbis arraigeneut to obtaln only ln the ttay tlne Son 7 A.M. to 7 3.1J. (41 It ls reconmeatletl that thc tllaphon€ flre hora be drut off fron 9 P.M. to ? A.tr[. except ln case of a eecond alarm or whou a soeond epparetus 1e out to a prior aIarn. l[he oosmunloation was orderetl referred to the varloug departnent heails affecteil, to slt 1n slth the tr'ire Conmleslon anil Counc 11- mcn Eook and Rlckatil representlng the City, wlth the vlew of wortslng thls matter out to the satisfaotlon of all parties. tretter read from J. E. Sk688g, Dlstriot Englneer Eighoay, atlvlslng that languago usetl 1n reaolutlon passeil by the C,ounoll on Novernber-2oIh is lneonslstent wltL the State Elghway policy lf the Btate is to take over ooraplete Jurlstllctlon of the City streets, for th6 Ctty to retaln Jurtetllotloa ov€r tbe trees. Attoruey Davle subnittett eopy of 16tter wrltten Mr.-Ske88s oathis subJ€ot, date Deoember 27, L956, statlng he hatl epprovetl of the pirtlcular form;', as far es the Ctty Is concern€il antl haa atlvlseal- the Couno 11 to fol1ow that rather than aay other form that nay Jeopardize the cityrs ri6hte. Mn. Davis stateal to Counoll that Aedwood City was pursulng the same eourso as Burl lngamo aJlal would advlse Counall to stand by the resolutloa of Sovember 20, A953,. 0n motlon by Councilnan Hunt anal tiuLy Beconaleal, 1t wa6 so ordered. Oroup ineurance for City employeeE tlYaa dlscussed. - Attorney Dlvtc rcatl an AppoLLetc Court aleclsion, Frisblo Ys. 0rC6rlor,a cas6 arlslng ln the City of Beverly El1ls wher€in it wao tlocldeal that CounciLs canno t pay out Ctty funil s for group ia$1ranc6 premlums. Mr. lavis ativised againot partlclpatlon by r- the City. - The rnatter was thereupon droppoal. 60 fhe Councll approverl the omployment of a wa t cbrnan at ni$t at MlLls Avenue snd EL Camino Roal, to safeguartl trafflo unt11 worts aow 1n progress 1s completetl . A request to remove a tree antl rep3.aoe with otro rnoro Eultablctat 8r0 Alplnr Avetlue, was reoolved frou xrretl oelger a[d nar referretl to ]ark Supexintenalent Aadorsotr for attentlon. AD approprtation of $SO.OO t,ra6 allowed 3o11ae Chlef Earper for flniehing bls offlo€ anal adttiag a roou for photo tleveloplng. Attorney Davls antl Bul1tllng lnspector Krug were lnstrsoteal to lnvestlgate lnto a dlrelnage problem at Ma,oBaln horner 1221 Balboa Aveaue, antl report. The Council ther€upon adjournetl . APPROYED: yor Re spe 1y submittetl er