HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1935.10.07L67 Burllngame, Ca1tf.Oct. 7, 1955. .& re_gular meetlug_ of the elty Oouneil of the ctty of Burlltrgam€was held on the alov_e Slygp tlate. The meetlng wls oalled t6getherat I p.M., Mayor Buok in the ohair. CounelLnen Buc!, Eandlos, Elgb {d Etvee and Eunt answered ro1l ca11.AbEent, Counollmen--[one. Ehe mlnutos of the meetlag of Septenber L4, wero reael and approvecl. .0.n lnvltatloa to the 0ouno11 to meet with the Board of super-vlsors at Redrootl Clty on October gth was extended Uy Couity ManagerKellogq.-.Th" purpose of the meetlng betng to dtsousl trrJ ti,o----e-e-eedl"gFi!1, proJects uncler the new sage set-up of the v{.p.I,.fhe CouirolL was agked to observe the rlate and- to attend if posslble. 3 letter wag reatl fron Clty Englneer Thouas encloslng J.etter fromE. Gordon Eawes, Slreetor of I[.P.A., ooncernlng proJects sponsoredby the Ctty of Burllngame ancl whloh have been ipproiea as ?olLows--South Burllngame SerorEI Oamlno ReaL sldewalks Terraee Creek Culvert D,,re to san uateo ,o*f?itf:;ti3 3*I:"5liili"f;p1red to rrashrngtonfor a ralse rl !!"^yagq sgple from the g++:oo:og-69 first appioveotg^!!*t or- $fS-oE-88-94, thls tslIl entail adiled eapenaiturei'of S4078 on the above proJects ltsted. Atr expresslon is asked fromthe eity ot B}tlllgsme as to whether or not they are wlLIlag to assu,me thts additlonal responsiblLlty oa aBy or all of aforesaldproJeots. The CounclL oonoluded to let the-mattor rest awaitlngaetton of the neetlng to be held wlth the Board of Supervisors dn0atober gth. a letter was read frora the chamber of comrerce requestlng theCouncll to wlthhold aotlon on the lnstallatlon of-?ark-o]Meterson^Burllngamg lvenue and Broadway ln order that they nay havestfflelent time to go tnto lt with the merchants aaa menborBoThe counoll so_ agreed. rn the meantlmo, Mr. Mopherson, a reBre-sentatlve of the ParkoMeter Company explalned tbe workings of tfremeter and the sueoess 1t has attatned &herever plaoed. dttyAttorney Davls readl e' letter from the otty auelltor ln 0ktah6nactty te&llag of tts suoeess ln that city. action was withheldawaltlng lnvestigatlon by the po1loe conrmLsslon antl the Chlef ofPoLloe on uotlon by Councllnan Eancllos. a agq nuLsance at 1616 wllIor avenue was oor4)lained of byresldents ln the vleluity; same was ordereel referred to the poltcedepartraent. H.W. Schuck, City Water Superintenclent, wagattencl water works conventlon at San Diego,with expense alLowanoe not to exoeed $5O.OO granted tlme off to .Octoter Zgd,. to 26th I' resolutlon was adoptetl sponsortng the aotlon of the San 1dateoCounty CounalL of the &merleaa tregion ln tbe eetabllshuent of auntform call of L0 bLasts repeaterl twlee from the several flrestations in the event of emergenoy clisaster aud relief calrs.Motlon by CounolLmaa Eandlos. TUg reqorts of the wateq poLiae, enel fire ctepartments, ancl the olty Judge for September werd read antl ordered plaeed on-fiLe. - Clty *ttorley Davls reportetl he hatl about oompleted hls oodlflaatlonof olty orttlnances aad they would shortly be glven to the prlnter.Ee remarkeal that prtntlng hail exceeded hls origlnaL estimaie butnot to a very great extent. 01ty Englneer Thsnas reporteil he had not as yet hearcl fromf,aehlagton as to thetr approva,l of the East lane proJect. 0rdlnanco l$o.e85 amending 0rtllnanc6 So.2LO by eddlng subsectlsn854 was gtven flrst reacling; lntroclustion bi Counctluan f,unt. Gounollnaa Eandlos reported about a street ltght belng lnberliled lntreee oa Poppy Drlve near Oolumbus Avenue and askeil that the matter 168 be oorreeterl. It was so orderecl. fhe rouncling out of the southeast corner of Floribuncla Avenueat EL Carnlno Reel was referred to Engineer lfhomas to do when eltlenalk work ts i.n progress on EL Camlno ReaJ.. Flre Preveation \flee\ was presented by Stre Chief Dessln la an lnvitatlon to allpthe fire house to wltbegs varLous de- monstrations lookiag to safety. Councllnan Elves oaLled attentlon to the poor Looation of the elgus 'StIRlIS0lldEtr along the Sayshore Elghwav, also the slzeof the signs whlch wore termed not large enough; 10 or LBfoot signs being suggestetl. fhe matter was refereel toMr. Blooa for his attentlon. 0a notion by Counollman Hancllos, C].arenoe l5o1fe was emp as radlo teohnlcian for 6 uonths at a saLary of S50.00uonth to supervise work on.new poIlee radio. loyetlpet H.E. Eitrly, member of the Eigh Schoo 3oard, tllsoussed with the CounoiL the parklng sltuetlon lu Washlngton Park, the roadlwayto the PenlasuLa IennLs CLub to the rear of the park grand- stand, the ilrainage problen aLong Oak 0rove and the sugges- floa was made that roacls be opened through by the Lang Cor-poratlon from Oak Grovo Avenue to BurLlngame Avenue ln thetr ner subdlvtsion as & me&ns of reLtevlng auto traffic tbrough Y{ashlngton Park. Mr. Eddy remerkerl that while the greatest amount of parklng was oaoasloned by funetlons sponsoretl by the City yet a uaJortty of the spaos was property of the sohooldlstriot. Ee belleveil the schooL board would oooperate ln the solvtng of the paq.ktng probS.em by eontrlbutlng to some of the cost, posslb].y 5A16. fhe rnatter was lald oyor one week forfurther revlew. Mayor Suok aanouaoed ag memberg of the reeeptlon comlttee for tbe FloraL Carnlval, 0he differeut Board Members and Chlef Earler. In agreement betweEn the 0tty of Burllngame and the Southern Paolfle Conpany pernitting the Clty to lastaLL a 6r oonoretcfloor beneath the ralLroad briclge [o. 15.01 and inprove thodltch chaanel aoross the rallroad rlght-of-wey was approveil on motloa by CounclLnan Eunt. Deuancl against the Clty for $5gg4.g1 by Earvey Conaer as flnal payuent on bis selser eontraat was approved on notlon by Councllman Eandlos antl geaoaclecl by CounctLmen High. [he Counell aclJournerl to neet Monday, October 14, ].955 at I P.trd. on lotton by Counellnan Eandlos. ALI voting AYE. Re subml d, a fr