HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1935.09.141-66 Burllngame, GaI., Sept. 141 1955. A reguLar ueetlng of the Ctty Oouneil of the Clty of Burllngane was heLd on the above glven clate. fhe neeting was eaLleal to- gether at I ?.H. by Clty Clerk Murphy due to Mayor Buokrg absenee Counoilnen Eand3.oe, Hlgh, Etvos aatt Eunt angweretl the ro$L oalI. Abssqt -- Mayor Buok. Mayor Buok belng absent, CounolLuan Wm. D. EauclLoe was eleated Mayor pro-tem. flhe nlnutoe of September 5, were read and approved. Ihe wrltten request of Annle R. Sanniag, owner of Prtmrose F1os6r thop, to eollott saLe of boutonnleres at Burltngane aacl Sroadwey Rallway Statlons, was oa motlonr denled. A letter was read fron Charlotte I. Johnson, $eoretary, Esrarel A?enue Untt, Parent-Teaohers Aesoolatlon, opposlng the opoufng of the roail 1n baok of BurLingarre Eigh School to auto trafflc, be-lleving that euoh a step woultl be a menaoe to the safety of ahlLdror. fhe letter was ordlered turaed ov€r to the Park Csrnmlseloncv E.I{. Klahn antl ill.C. Rlahardsr r€sld€nte of Callfornia Drive ln I{orth BurJ.tagame, ea11ed attentlon to the unsafenesg of sldewaLks ancl street from Rhlnette to Mllle *,venuesl also laok of safety clevloes both day*ntght where there 1s an aocumulatlon of rater along the Drlve. Oouncilnan Eunt replied that the oompletlon of Californla Drive wag being held up awalting governmental appro-prtatlon and asked that Clty Attorney Davtg look lnto thls uatterat onae wltb the hope of getting early actlon. It was so orclerecl. The reporte of the Water Department anri $ire Departments for the uonth of August were read and orderetl filetl. lhe $0OOO gas tax approprtatlon froua the State was tlisaugeeal anallatd or€r awaltlng word from Mr. Skeggs, fitgbway Englneer. Counellman Eunt oallerl attentioa to "3ark-0-[etersr non ln usc ln the South anil thought sueh a system along Burllngame Avenue night be a blg belp 1n solvlng the trafflo problen sn thls street by paylng a smalL fee on the part of the nootorlsts for the privLlege of parklng. Otty *ttorney Davtg was instrueted to inqulre lntothts natter and report. The use of lYashlngton Park was grantetl the Sathers I Councl the athletle program, P.|I.A. of BurLlngame Elgh SohooL, fo evenlng of September e?th. 0rellnanoe I1o.284,'creatlng a speoial gaE tax luprovement fuatl, lntroduced August L9thrwas glven seeoad reatllng and was aclopted sa motlon of Counolluan Eunt and seoonaled by Couacllnan Elgh. Carrietl -- all voting AYE. llhe annual audtt of R.!. Sohwerln 0onpary of the flsoal affalrsof the Clty of Burllngane was presented to the Couacll and sae c ordererl referred to the flnanoe eommlttee. Denands agatnst the Ctty of Burllngame #8290 to #8560 lneLuslve wero roail ancl approveel anrl warrants E€re orrlerecl drawn en theClty ?reasury for thelr respeetlve amouats. ?he Counoll, thereupon, ad Journecl. submitted, 1oTt f hc v A ro Respee a