HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1935.09.03Lb4 Burllng&tne, Callfornla September i8r 1935. I re8uLar meetLng of the Clty Counoil of the Clty of BurLlnganonag held on the above glven clate. fhe ueetlng wae oalLed togetherat 8:00 PiU., tlayor Buok in the Chalr. GouaclLmen Buek, EandLoE, Elgh and Eunt answered roLl ca1l. .&bsent, CotlnelLtran Elveg. fho nlnuteg of the neettng of August 19th were read anel approved. .E letter adclresaed to the Counoil from M. Ftnntgan,l456 H[ Canino BeaL, ln regard to the burnlng of rubbigh was orclered referredto the fire ohtef for attentlon. CounolLman Eigh askeal ancl was granteel permtsslon to absent hlmselffor a short while. A letter was read frorn Jas. J. Roddy, Jr., Soeretary of the State Board of Callfornia, Anolent Ortler of Elbernians, thanklng the mambers of the Gounoll for the invltatlon to hold the L957 Conclaveof their ortler in Burllngame. Mr. Roddy advlged that the lnvita-tlon hail been acoepted to meet lu BurLlngame-San lrateo ln 1957. The eonrnunlcation was orclereel plaaed on f1le. .& Letter fron Trafalgar trorlge Se. 5g61 9ons of $t. Oeorge, request-lng perplssion to use Washtngton Park BalL Srounds for soccermatohe$n alternate Sundays durlng tho conlng season unt1l about [tarah 11 1935, was gfanted on motlon of Counal].ruan Eunt. A.tr[. Snellgrore was orclerecl to arrange booklags and the play to be under the suBervislon of the ?ark Conrmlsslonr The citles of Sresno and San Dlego solloited the CounelLrs en- tlorsement for the boltltng of the next annual convention of the Ieague of California Munlolpallties ln their respeetlve cltles.lhe Counoll approved San Dlego antl orclereil the vote of this eltyto be east acoordingly. A resolution from the Sroatlway Development Assooiatlon about theunsightly eondltlon of the durap off Broadway was read. IWra.yor Buekstated that the 0ouncll was lnterested ln naklng the duqr Bre-seatable to all the oltlzens of Burltnggmo, rplanting lrees and theplaeing a tlrag 1lne to oover up partly-submeiged debris at auearly date. 0ity Engineer C.M. thomas lnformed the Council that Earvey E. Connerri contraet, Doolret #ftOt-t, for the lnstallation, construc-tlon aacl eompletion of the interooptor sewerg and reLlef station upoa the BurLlngame sewage dlsposal proJeot ls completely finlshed and heras Engineer, reoormencls to the OouneiL lts acceptaaee. A resolutlon to this effest was offered by CounotLrnaa Eandllos and seoondeal by Counctlnan Eunt. Carriec[-- All voting AYE. Olty Engineer Thomas submitted ilraft of a letter nalIed toJ.E. Skeggs, Dfvision of Elghway Englneer, whereia he asked for approxlrnateLy $5OOO.00 from-federaL-functs to oomp3.ete the secondunit of the resurfaelng of EL Camino RoaL. Thonasr estlmate of oost is $18r ?,65.9L wlth an emount aue:llab1e from the gBs tax fundof $L9,459.65, Ieaving a balanoe of $4826.e6. I{o actiou was taken ewaltlng a reply from I.[r. Skeggs. .6. letter was reatl from the lYorks Progress Aalmlnlstratlon aoknow- lettging recelpt of the Counell,rs actlou of July eed. It was stated that $aa Mateo 0ounty workerg w111 receive the same reagg soale as San Sranalsoo untler the }Y.P.A. fhe corymunlcatlon was orderecl reoolvetl anct placetl on flle. fhe Plannlng Connlsslon 0Kril the request of Dr. A.J. Be].ton to pLaee two 'h6uses on Lot 6 - BLook L6, Burlingane Park #8; thls partioular Lot having a frontage of lOOr ancl ln tho optnlon of the l 16s Conmlsslon ls sultable for two hougoe. ?he Counoll qpproved the Flannlng Commlsslon'g recomenclation on motlon of go"noli*rn Euni. -irre Commlsslon aleo approvecl the app1loatlon oi tni-f"ng Bea1ty gonpany to resub6lvld€ the oertaln portlon oi tne gar6tan Suf,afvtilon as shown on the map.whlch wag re- ferreil to the -Counell for approvaL. A.regolution as aforesaitl wae offered Uy-gJ"""ffruan li;il, tpprovtas.Malf *9 ot--g,.rffogtbles. Same was secou{aled bi CounalLnaa Eand[Ios' Carried -- all votlag AE. n resolutton flxlng the tax Levy for the ftsoaL yeaf L955-56 it-$iI66-oi.."iuh o[e nunared aoirars of assessedl va].uatlon rae offered [i Co""ol1uen-Eunt and was seaonded by Counailman Eand].os. 6i*1ed -- all votlng .l[YE. Several representatlves of the ?enlnsula [ennts C].ub ?ppoared before tne-eoun.ii reqoestlng the resaindlng of -a! orcler of ;"g,.;i Lgth. ofosiog i:lanc [hrougn_a portlon of Washlngton-piif wniofr eba{ out-auto travel to penlnsula Court. ry"yor Blok ipe*fing for ine Counatl stated the ortler ras ln tb6 interest ;I-ilbl[o "sagety, the lqug not bellg a dedlcateil one whieh made eaeh antl every ilenter of the Counoll and the Clty ae- we1L, defentlants fn"a-aamage sult ehouLd anyone happen to be lnJurecl' gounoffgau funi re*aifea that when thb pernlt was granted the ie*ofs Club about I year ago to bu11d thelr eourts there was no qtler way to apprbaoh t[eu but the route now ln questlon ana'tlrreveft tnet-iho"ra not be shut out now. He urgecl the natter be more tfrorougtriy looked lnto. Bepresentatlves of the llennls Cfot were asket t6 neet wlth the melnbers 'rf the Councll ?uestlay iventng, eugusi 20th ln Waehlngtoa ?ark and 8o further lnto the sltuatlon. 0n notlon by Counollman.Hunt antt seoondetl by Counotlmen Handlos, guifOfog Inipector Erug was granted permisslon to attend the nrifaerYs coiriereuoe iI gan Ifego ln September. An amount, not to exceed $50.00 wae votetl Mr. Krug aB oxBensos' Councllrnan Eigh returnecl and took h1s plaoe at the CounelL tatle whloh he vaoattil earller 1n the evenlng' $ounollrnan Eunt sltnouncetl e meetlng of the Sau }treteo $ounty Fi;6-0rgaafzatlon 1n Burlingame 61t, EalI on Srictay, September 6th at 8:00 P.M. and urgetl all to attentl. Councilnan EanclLos reoormendeit a light in the oenter of Palona Avenoe on the-iest side of the stre€t between Cermellta antl Sanohez Eyenues. fhe same motl-oa wag granted. Street Superintendent Ro}Ilns -reported relatlve to OertlesJ com^plaint oi-Gufiytarafnage at LgZg Drake Avenue that temporary reLtef hatl teen pio?laea whleh vouldl sufflce for the present. fhe Counel]., thereupon, ael journed. Respect submitted er l dappr ,[orr a