HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1935.08.12L6L Burllngame, August, Califcrnia L2, 1935. A regular atljourned meeting of the City Council of the City of Burlingar:e was held on the above given date. The meeting was calLecl to order at B:00 ?.L1., llayor Buck in the chair. Councilmen Buck, Ilandlos, arid tiigh airswered the ro11 call .6.bsent -- Oouncilmen Hives ai:d }iunt, The mlnutes of the meeting of Auguet 5, 1935 were read and ap- proved. ilayor Buck reported with refereirce to sunken sider;ilalk on Prinrose Roacl as conplained of by i;lr. Ylurlitzer at a previous meeting,tnat investigation showed tire damage caused bj, a 10r nain belong- 1ng to the 0ity beinq not properly secured; as such, the Clty would make the necess&ry repairs. The Baradat home at El Camino F.eal and Broadway being yacant several mor:ths and the yartt badly neglected a::d oyergrown, the same B/as referred, to the Street }epartr:ent to clean up the frontto nake tire place more preseritable. The elimiriation d'f the rnarking "Xrourth Avenue" on Maple Avenue was' referred to as nisleailing and was ordered turi:ed over to tire Street )epartrnent for investigati-or1. A faulty curve in ',iashington Park near the grandstand was alIe.a:ecl danger0us to rnotorists and pedestrians by Councilnan l{andlos and was ordered turr:ecl over to the Street Departnent for proper correction. City Englneer thomas sub::iitted figure of $9, gag for the straightetr-ing odt of Carolan Avenue antl providing parking Bpace for 75 autos. 0n motion by Couneilman iiigh and seconded by Oouncilman Eandlos, ]vlr. thomas was instructetl to :lake applieation to the gnRA for agrant so the Job may go forward. City Englneer ?homas ealletl attentlon to the neeessity of B25r of Bn cast iron water main for the purpose of supplying the se$rage ptrant with water. This will involve an expenditure of ,$1500. Thi,s'ttem w.as overlooketl at the tirne of the applieation to the SERS for a grant. He suggested application be raade for the amountof $1300 as aforesaid. A resolution was offerecl to the effectby Councilman High and secondecl by Councilman Handlos. Carried--a1lvoting AE. ],{AYOR Buck presentecl tlre proposition of a srvinning tank for Burllngame and called on City Engineer fhomas for a report insofar as he hatl gone. LIr. fhomas reported what plans and figures he had u/ere purely tentative, estinating a tank 25 yds. vride antl 75 yds. long rvor:ld cost approximately ,$40r000 and with natatorium complete, close toi$?0r000. il.I{. Boy1e, loca1 business man and property owner voiced objectlon to the project golng forwarcl at this time due to the financial stress the eountry is passing through. Invoicing this ob jection, i,'ir. Boyle deelared he was represerrtlng the views of the business nen on Burlin€iane Avenue. F.lT. I{awkes,property or.'ner 1n l{orth Burlinganie spoke in favor of the project as did Couneilman Handlos, hlayor Buck and L{r. i,{itchell, Ohairmanof the ?lanning Commission. Due to Councilmen Hunt and. Hives beii:g absent, further discussion wa,s laid over awaiting noredeflnite plai:s and figures from the engiueer. John J. Schultz, 1500 Ell1side Drive, suggested to the Council thefree use of a room at his ho:ne as a clinic for ti:e exarnination of school childrenS tEyes. L{ayor Buck suggested he present his offerto Dr. Gans, Director of Public liealth. There being: uothing further to come before the Cou-irciI, ad journneirt was taken. Respectfu Appro Ir J erll . tect (