HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1935.07.22157 3ut1lngame, C&lif., July 22, 1935. d regular meeting of the Clty CounclL of the Ci,ty of Burl lngaure was helil on the aboye glv€n dete. The meeting was calletltogether at B:00 P.tr[. - trnayor tsuok in the Chair. Councllmen Buck, Eandlos, High, oe11. Absent - Councllmen - itrone. EiY6s and Hunt answeretl the roll Tho minutes of the meeting of July 8, 1955, were reatl and approneil. A resolutLon adoptetl by 3url1ngam€ ?ost I[o. 165, American treglon,relative to the lndlscrlnlnate use of flreworks prlor to JuJ.y 4th, was read. Said resolutlon actlv6Ly oppos€s sales prior toJuly 4th antl urges the Cour:ci1 to take sorne aetion 1n thls respoct.After sone allscussion, the Councll favorotl the plan but thought 1nortler to be effectlyo the varlous cities of tho Couaty and the County as weIl, should Joln iir an ordinanco that would be unifcrmln nature oovering the subJect matter at issue. City AttorneyDayls lvas asketl to Look into the matter further and report. A reruest from R. D. Llaclean, Iianager of 'Lhe State AutoraobileAssociatlon (San l,,{ateo Di strict ) relative to the placing of a.' trafflc slgn at the intersection of laguna anrl I.Ia jtIIa Avenues, was "€atl . Chief Herper reco::rmendetl s sigrr with an &rrow ,rlrEtr'Trr, eame llluminated, for cight traffic at this polnt. trIr. 3loon was lnstructetl to purchase the sign on motlon by Counc l1nanEunt aird secolided by Coun: ilnan High. Slgns "F0 PABI:Ille'r et the end of the grandstand to the eutrance of the Te'rlis Co,.rrt l'.rerestso spl':'ovetl by Mr. Iiarper and the sanie y,rere orde"ed purchasetl . J. Er Bramstetlt, 1P44 laguna Ayellue, subnittetl application forposition of attenclant at the new ser/er p1ant.-fhe seme \:/as orderedplaced on fi1e. .0.n applicationflom Earl C. Anthony,Inc. to use vacant lot onBurllngane Avenue next to l,fartinrs real estate office, for thesale cf usetl carf ln conJuncticli rryith his 'ousinesg, ,.'.ra s granted on colditiot: of the payrent of the usual business llcense. -]iotion by Councllnen EiSh and seccnded by Councilmar: Elves. An inyitetiori to the Ltaycr and Council to attend the San Ij:rteo County swirrning f,nd dlvlng champlonships, at the San L.ateo High Schoo1 pool'on fu]"'y 24, 1955, at 7:50 P.l,i., ves extendeti byJ. A. Axooril: tli.rector of reereation. - The ssrr:e uas acce;ted. A sy[opsis of the yarlous actlvj.tles of the City for the fiscalyear 1934-35, vras presentetl by l,{r. BLoom. - The sane rvas orderedreceived and f lletl . Th6 Planning CorDmlsglon recommended egalnst the zonlng ofDonnelly Ayenue to com.rercial use as presented by E. I{. Dessin,tlue to protests of heJorlty frontage. All papers were returnetlwLth the Commlsslonrs flnttlnge and rocommentlat ion. lue to some changes as to the status of certain Donnelly Avenue frontageswhich were i,ncorrect on the map, the matter wag referretl back tothe Planning Commlsoion for thelr lnformatloa. L proposedl ordinanoB rcgplattng certaln laneg for airplanes tofoIlow, was discussed. Ctty Attorn€y Davts advisetl the Councllthat tt ivas withitr thetr polvor to make such regulatlon. Onmotion by Counc ilman Eunt end seconaled by Counci lman High, th6matter was referretl to Attorney Devis to addross a conmunlcatiotrto the Mi1ls FieLtl and 0aklantl Airports cElling attention tolow f1y1ng antl suggestlng the diversion of planes to lanes thetare less populetetl . A malntenance distrlct for the care of the now Burlingame s€we!off Broadway, enbotlying Burllngame El1Ls ltos. l, 2 and 3, antlsettlng forth the amount of assesgments on the various 1ots, alsothe perlod of payments, was referred to a corcmlttee consistlng of Councllman E1gh, Attorney Davis a trtl Tr€asurer B1oon for the 158 preparation of an agreement enbodylng the above. Attention was'ca11ed by the FederaL Emergency ReLief Defartment in San Franeisco, thet the vlsge scale for unskl11ed labof tn San Mateo County is less than in San Francisco County, salcl Low scale in San Ltateo County belng due to regUS.ations atlopted by the Department of Pablic ltlprks of the United States. - Thjs is asketl to be corrected in the form of a resolution to tbe Depart- ment of Publio lYorks. A motion to thts effeet was offered by' Councilman Eigh and secondeel by Councilman Hanillosr Carrledt all votlng AS. 0n motion by Councllrnan Eives and eeoondedl by Counallman Highr an appropriatloa of $?5r00 was votecl the league of- California l,lirirtcipalltles a,s part of the expense fund ln the revlew of utlIlty vaLuattone before the State Boarel of Equallzation ln August. In the event that any surplus should accrue after the Iaf,ors are completed, such resldue ls to be appLled tO annual cl,ues. City Assessor Murp\y was lnstructett to appear before the State Board of Equallzatlon at $acramento ln defense of assess- uent as preparedmbY the CitY. An lnvitation to the Counoll to attend a two-way radto sot up at Slttsburg, 0a1if.rLater in the month, was aooeptEd on the part of those able to attencl. fhe matter of the stralghtening out of Carolan Avenue to cor:nect vrlth East !ane, -with the view of ' taklng care of park- lng at the approaah to the tennis eourts, was presentetl to the CounciL by Mayor Buck as a matter worthy of eonsicleration. The matter w&s ord.erdcl referred to the Plannlng Cornmission to Look into. Councilman Hanctlos Iecommendecl the re-paintlng and the re- glasslng (where needecl) of slgn ,BR0ADIYAY-BIIRIII{0AMI!" this it the iequest of the Broaclway Development Association. The Counoil approved said recornraerrdation ancl ordered the matter turnecl over to Mr. Bloom for attenticn. Iemands against the City, Nos. 8145 to 8e19, incluslve, readl and approved and Y{arrants lvere ordered drawn on the Treasury for their respective amounts. The Council thereupon ad,iourned. RespectfuJ.ly submit ted, A}PRO were City v E- T