HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1935.03.04139 Burlingame, Calif., Maroh 41 1935. A regular meeting of the City Councll of the Clty of Burltngam ras [e].d on the above given date. The meetlng lvas ealleit to order at 8:0O P.]J[. - Mayor Hunt ln the Chair. Councl].men Buekt Haatllos, Eigh, Elves and Hunt answereal the ro1L calI. The mlnutes of February L8th and February 80th 1955' were reacl ancl approveel. A letter wag reail frorn Jutlge A. 8.. Cotton thanklng the offlciaLs of the Clty for their favorabLa cooperatlon at alL times in aclvanclng the uutual lnterests of the Clties of San lfrateo and Bur3.ingame. The same was ord,erett plaeecl on file. A Letter qras read from Ollbert I. KettLe, Searetary of The Three Cttles Emergecny Commlttee, re Badlo Broadoasting System, reoommerr9- ing that Citles of BurLlngane, San lv{ateo and HlLLsborough- establish one aentral raallo two way broadoasting $tatton ancl that the tnttlal eost e.nd subsequent maintena.nee be plogqted 1n an equltable nanner and that satal t[ree Citles equlp a].1- uirYir-automoblles wlth the same stanclarcl two way broadcaetlng and receiving sets. Mayor Eunt exllressed hlmseLf as believlng thts Y/as a moYe tn the righ! direetlon anrt appotntetl Counol-Lmen Elgh and fiantllos as a Commlttae to look into the matter. x A Letter was reacl from the Chamber of Con:aeree thanklng the eouncll for cooperatton and support extentletl to the Commlttee on the outtlng through of BurLtn.lame Avenue. The Letter stated the ground-work hacl been completeel and ftrrther-oooperatlon is needeA 5y permitting Hr. BaslL tstters to clraw up defllite plans and pre- pire estimate as to the entlre cost of the projeot. Idayor.Euat innouncect the Council and ?lanning Comnission stooal ready to meet any time wlth a committee from the $hamber of CommeICOr fhe Planning Conrulsston 1n a communication, recommencleci the rerrcval of the street car shelter Statton from its present locatioa ln Burllagame gque,re. In maklng the vsssmmenclationr the Corrmission was of the optnton that this str.ueture as lt stantls ls eonfusilg_ to approachtng traffic. 1lhos. Mulllnr Burlinsamo eitizen, volcedl obJeetfon to iUe Stationrs removal. The matter ivas referrecl to Councllmea Buck ancl Eives to make an lnvestigatlon and report, baek. A letter of rypreeiatlon thanklng the Eonorable l;iayor, Coundlmeq anel Park Cormisslon, for tb.e horse shoe oourts recently lnstaIled ln Washlngton Park, was read. This letter bore the sigaattrs_of 32 of the foLlowers of the sport. fhe sane was orderecl plaeetl on f lIe. Irettere were read from severaL Burlingeme Property owners asktng that no ehange be made ln Ordinance I{o. L86 relative to Garbage. fhe same were orilered received an{ fllecl. Clty Attoruey Davis reporteil that Contracts were alL ln shepo aflIdI Bonds haai been flletl for the sewer proJect - all that was aeeesser.y now was the slgnature td the s&me by the $ayor and Clty eteik. A motion was offereri by Councilman H18b that thls formaltty be coaplled wttb. The same was tluly secondecl and carrled. ghos. MuLlin, BurLlngane eitlzen, cleslrect to know the status of labor to be employed, wb.ether UnJ.on or Son-Union. Englaeer Thomas replled that that was aLl coveretl in the grant sqbmitte.t b{. the ?WA which paid the standarel wages irrespeetive of whether it was Unlon or Soa-Union. };tr. MnLlln offered obJection to men on the job comtng froa outslcle the Clty. Ur. Thouas stated ths men must be fnrnlshed from the County quota, as per rullng of the f!YA. After $ome diseussion the matter nas refemed to the Clty Attoraey anrl the Engineer to eheek on. Ordinanee I$o. 2SL amenciing Orclinanee I{o. 186 and its anentlments relntroduoeel antl taking tts first reading on February 18' L935, wag re-reacl. James A. travgon, appotnted commltteoman to meet 1_40 with Mayor Buek, obJected to the ordlnance as reacl' stating lt dtd not agree with the copy of the Ordinance ln hls possesslon ag amencled and which he as a oommitteem&E was assured wouLd take the pLace of the Orcllnanee read on tr'ebruary 18th and was now up for final passago, Mr. Iawson statecl be wlshed to retaln hls posltion as a protestant ancl therefore eannot make any recommentlatlon beoause he has not the approval of the seYeral, protestants to t]:.e s&me. Ee does believe, however, that tbo ordinanee agreed on with Councj.lnan Buek ancl IiIr. Glvens ls as ne&r lcleal as tt aeems ean be maele wtthout complt.oatloas.fhis orclinance he askecl to be read. Iong discussLon follosed, $essrs Liurray, trauder, Boyee and, others appealing for no ahange ln Ordlnance I{o. L86, wlth Messrs nalyr Bohannan antl others speaking for the ortlinance as read. Mayor Hunt askecl for the reading of Orclinance referred to by Mr. Iawson. The CLerk thereon read the 0rclinance, the s&me taking flrst reacl- lng ln Lieu of Ordlnanee previously read,, Counellman Buek lntrocluclng the sane for flrst reacl lng. Clty CounciLman C. A. Buek eorpllmentecl City CLerk James R. Elurphy on 25 yeers of servlee. The Councll volcecl Hr. Buckrs remarks. Mr. Llurphy responclecl in turn thanklng the Counoil for the many courtestes he had been extended by this and previous Corrncils. There being nothlng further to com6 beforo the Counell atljourn- ment was taken. Respe ct fuIly subuitteel, APPRO