HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1935.02.18136 Bur3.ingame, Calif.r February L8, 1955,. A regrrlar meettng of the City CouaoiL of the City of Burliagane wes helel on the above given clate. The meetlng was cslLed to orcler at 8:00 P.E. - Hayor Eunt in tbe Chair. Counclluea Buak,Eaadlos, Eigh, Elves and Hunt answerecl the roLL ea1l. IIbe minutes of February 4th and trtebrrrary IL, Lggi, were read ancl approvetl. A Letter was reacl from R. I. Stoae tenclerlng hts resiguatlon as member of the Flre Commission, assigail:g as a reason h1g eonneotlon with aaother City offlee. A moticn to accept witha vote of thanks for hls servlce as a meuber of the Fire CormLsston, was offered by CounelLman Buok anil seconclecl by CounolLman Hives. - Carrierl, aL1 voting AYE. ll":xeeBest,, to trln and out certain ctangerous ltmbs from treesln front of L005 Burllngaue Ayernre was rnade by Mrs. Enlly Earries. The same was referred to Etr. Schuck for attention. The treelnspeotor was aleo asked to make an investigatlon. City Bngineer thomas made the followtng reconmeaclatiou onblds reatl at meetlng on February 11, 1955, and which were re-ferred to hln for reBort aud. recownenclatlonr -For instaLLation, construction anrl eompletisa of thelnterceptor sewer and relift statioa,per prgposal Schedule IVo. 2 - $5 to Earry E. Conaor, &sg,94L.07. 3or tnstalletlon, eonstructiou antl grading of Roaclway antl General X'11L, to e. Yf. Caletti &_Co:, as Ber proposalloheciulello.g- -$t4re00.00 Xror lnstalletlon, constructlon and compLetlon of the sewe"ege treatment works, the Dtgoster 0as & Eeatlng Equlpment and the Gas Eolcler, to Frederickson & Y{atson Construotlon Co., as per proposaS. ScheduLe So. 4 - $28re50.00 A motloa to aeeept the reoomrnenciatioa of the Clty Englneer as eforesal.el, subJect to the approval of the 3WA, was offererl lnthe form of a resolution by Councllmon Buckr- Iqas seconeleel by Counellman Eivog. - Carrieel, alltvoting AyE. the reports of the 3o11oe department ancl the ?oundlkeeper, for Jaauary, L955, were raail and were ordererl plaeecl on fiLe. llhe ratter of the rerouting of busses from Burl.ingarne Averas was l-altl otrer to await the vtews of Burllngame Avenue business mea, on the reco*r:renclation of Councllman Buek. Ctty Eagineer fhouas reportetl the interferenca of sewers whenrelaylng proposed stdewaLk on the East sicle of EL Camlno ReaL near Oak Grove Avemre, woulcl result lu lnereased oost, a portlon of which he thought he mlght be able to get the SERI to &sslill€.Ihe natter was referreel firrther to I*1r. Thomas to see what cen be tlone ln that respeot. Ctty Attorney Davis reporteil unfayorably as to the liaenstngof outsi"ele ageneies hauling anil deliverlng their goocls to Burllagamo stores. He stated that were the Clty to enact an orellnanee the s&me would be dlealared uneonstitutlonel by theCourts. The netter was ortlereel droppetl for the tlme belng. CounciLman Buek presentecl the report of the tree extrlert wlth referenco to trees on BL Camino ReaI ancl the same was orderedpleeed on ftle. 0rdlnanae $o. eSL amencllng Ordinanee I{o. L85 and lts amendments as read at meetisg on February 4, L955, was reread with eertai.nnorllftoatlone from that of Xrebruary 4th; the sene taklng flrst readlng, iatrocluction by Counctl-man BueE.Mr. Jameg A. f,awson speaklag on the enaotment of the proposecl orrtiuance, presented a letter anil petitlon slgned by some A60or nore resideats protestlng the ordlnanee as read - BeLlevesthe present 0rdtn&nce I{o. 186 to be a good law ancl has stooil the test of time ancl condltions, firrther belteves the propssdilt L37 amendment whi,ch was flrst reacl February 4th is amblguous, thattt ls a ilangerous wetlge in its present form aacl does not represeat the wtII of the altizens of Burlingane anrl lf atloptetl w111 cause serlous and bitter cornment between our eaforoementoffleers, the Clty employeeg the cltlzens ancl ltkewlse the CouneiL itself - therefore prays that proposecl amendnent be withdrama ancl rely on 0rcllnance ltro.'186. The matter was tlis- sussecl pro and eon by many oltizens, property owners ancl apart- ment house owr.ers. Councilman Buok who sponsoretl the orrilnanoe as amended, statecl he beLieved lt was a most sani.tary one andllts adoptlon by the Clty would be a forwartl step. Mr. lawson askecl that the matter be referredl to the Planning Conmlsslon and the appointment of two addlttonal memhere to representboth slcles of the controversy. Mayor Hunt &nnouneetl uofiuther dlscussion would be had as the hour was growing Late, wouldl take up the subJeet agaln at the meeting of Marah 4, 1955.ti[r. trawson lras appolnteil Commltteeman to neet with Counollman Buek, sponsor of orelfui&neer ancl other members of the Councl1. 0rcllnance I{o. 279 introilucecl December 5, L954, grantlng per- nlsslon to the ?oritn of Elllsborough to use jolntly with the City of Burllngeme, a eertaln sewetr, pumptng plant, treatment p1aat, anel acoessories, ancl authot|zlng the exeeution of a contraet ln'connectlon therewtth, was given second reaclLag ancl the same was'adopted on mottoa by Councll"man Buck and seeonded by CounclLmanElves, Carrtecl, aLL votlng AY3. 0rclinance I{o. 888 amentllng Sectlon I of Ordlnance'lYo. ].66, coya!-ing blIlboarrls, etc.rlntrodueerl February 11, 1955, was given seeodd reacltng and was atlopted oa motlon by Councllman Buek ancl seoonded by Couneilman Eanc[].osr-Carrlecl, all votlng AYE. On rdcoir-renclation of Counollman Hardlos, Earl Sohuidt was naaedlto ftll yaeency oa 31re Cornmlsslon, occasioned by the resignatlonof Mr. Stone, ancl the Clerk was instructecl to notlfy Mr.Sohmfuitaaeordingly. It was so orclereel. Demands agatnst the Ctty, I{os. 7751 to 1822, lacluslve, were read and. approvecl and t{arrants were orclereel clrawn on the City lPreasury for thelr respeetlve amounts. 0n motlon by CounclLman Buek and seoondlecl by Couaollmen Elves,tbe Council adjournerl to meet trtedneselay, Sebruary 80, 1995, atI t00 P.L[. Resp tfirlly submltt , 3.TPROVEN: t