HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1935.02.11133 Burllngame, Callf.' February 11r 1955. flhr Ctty, Counoll of the City of Burllngene net ln regeler gesslon at 8:00-P,Itr. oa tbe above given data. - llifrtyor Eunt ln tbe Chair. 8o11 0a11.: Present - Couacllmen:3uek, Eaatlloe, H1&, Elves & Eunt. i,bsant F Corurallmea: Sone. the readlng of the mlnutes of February 41 1955' was ortleredl dls- pcnserl wlth Ln ordler to reoelYe btiie for the Burlinga,ne Sewer Dtspgsal"projeet. llhe followlng blils rtsr6 reeelveil anel roai!. - Se,hgtlulc tro ., 1 Fredlerlekson & Batson Coastruetlon eo. fotal of essential,. ltens $tayr106.o0 Optloual Uaits ' I'Br? ncn nDn rrEn Soheclule I{o. 4 Sreclerlekson & Watson Construetion Co. ?ota1 of essentlall items $ra, ooo.oo 2 t7 q, I a a a a ) 500 750 oo0 oo0) , g 5 I 00 00 00 00 0pttonal Unlts tr3'r rr crt rrDlr nEn ,5oo. o0 , 75o. oo ,000.00 ,000.00 L,590. t-Scheclule No. 1 Jones Gas Sroeess CorBoratlon fotal of essentiaL ttems $tatr Ege.go 0ptlonal Uaits "3nncr rrDn r?Ert 5,6L0.gr7oo,, 1':n9. 00 0o 00 00 e,100. 9,550. 2)150. 1'1u9. 00 00 00 9o_ Saledule Ho. 1 R. B. Mc$air & E. 0oultl fotaL of essential itens 0ptionaL Units "3nncn rrlr rrSrt Maalonaldl & Kahar ScleriluLe Eo r L ro,'ri offi.r" Opttonal Units "Brtncr rtDn tr3rt $rea, 5s4. so - $tg5, g4g.lb ar425.00 5, Oo0.0o 2r 988.00 L,785.00 L3-4 Sobeclule IIo. 4 Maa DonaLd & Kahn, Total of essential items $elr 559.00 Schedule Ho. 2 Earvey E. Conner, EotaL of essentiaL ltems $ge,941.0? Seheclule ISo. 2 I[. J. TobLn, total of essential ltens $44, a54.64 Sehedule So._8 Bay Sbore Construetion Co. fotaI of essentia]. items $cheilule 1!lo. 5 Bay Shore Construetiou eo. Eotal of essentlaL itens $*g, 086.6E $22, BBo. oo SehetluLe I[o. 5 E. E. Casey Co. fotaL of essentiaL ltems $1+, Bgo.oo Sshedule So. 5 0. Y'J. Calettl & Co. lotal of essential ttems $t4, aoo. oo fbe foregolng blds were ordered referred to the- Clty Eaglne oheck up and-submlt his reconmeutlatloas at regUlar meetlng heltl on tr'ebruary 18, ]-955. - MotLon by Councllman Btrck. er toto be A Letter was read from the Burlingame Y{ater Commlsslon submlttlng a proposed rate sehectule for water tn the City of Burlingame antl rocornnnenillag the foLlowlng an:endments. -n8h*t the Lliniuum charged"to each aooount wlth" 5/e\ Meter for h.ousehoLcl use wtthln t6e ctty be reduced from $f.fO to r#1.55 aad that the rate to be chargoci for water so ilellvered bo reduoecl frou $O.fO per L000 gallons to $O.gA per 1000 gaLlons-on_the flrst 1S;OOO-ga1Lous;-from $O.e+ per L000 ga].lons to $q.q! on the next 1STOOO [afronsi fro* #O.gg b"r iOOO [a11ous to #Q.51^on ttre noxt AO;OOO [a11onsi all beyontl 5OrO00 geLlons to be $0.50- per_1000-,*1s. Foi water dellvered outside the City the fol,lowlng soheduLe wlLIpi.""ii;-fii;i ag,ooo saitons, redu6tion from $0.4? !q $0.*l Eg, 1OOO ge.Uous - 25r000 [allons to 50'0O0-gq11ons1^S0.40 to_$0.59 per iOOO [a11ons - Beyond-5OrO0O ga11ons, f]0.58 to $0.57 p_er_L000 gpflons- with tAtntmum rate- of $L.?0. A Resolutlon aceepting seheduLes as aforesaicl was offered by Couneilman Buek and seeond,ed by CounclLrnan Eendlos. - Carried, all voting AYE. I 13s A -ResoLutloa relative to offlolal exBense account for autoBoblle 11f,e antl atte"ai"i eoaferenee neetlngi, ete. not to exeeecl $1tr.00per month, by eounell members ln perfolul&nce of Clty dutLeE' was offerecl by $ouuellnan Eives and seeonaleal by Counclhnaa EanclLosr- Garrletl, aLL votlng AYE. Rerouting of busses from Burllngame Avenue to Eowartl Avenuer &s saggesterl, was lalcl oyer to awalt the vlews of local buslness men on SurLinga,me Avennre. Proposetl llcense on outsiile bakerles tleLivering la Burllagame was latd oYer for further stutly. 11he wldening of lortoa Avesae for a sidth of elx feetr was present- erl by John Flokelsea, property owner on that street. fhe same was iefemed to City: lttoiney Sarle to lnvestlgate the posslblLtty of essistance Lf any, on the part of the SEB,A so the oost may be rnlnlmizetl as sneh as posstble. Attention of the Councl} wqs eaLled to a Regtonsl Dlnner Eeettng in San Franeiseg, Iilarch 3.st, of the vsrlous natts of the league of Californla HunlolpaLlttee - fnrther particuLars to be announeed Later. Ifiayor Hunt asXea the various members of the Councll anel clepartuent heatls to keep date in rnincl and attend tf possible. The Counai], approveel by ResoLution, the reeornrsenalation of the treague of CaLiiornia L{auictpallties oppgsln_g tbe eLlninetion of perional property on motor drtven rehleles.by ryFn}c1pallties, as idvooated-by Goverrior Merrlan in hls badget_, substltullag-the laofease in-State L{otor transporation ta= f,uon three to stx per eeat.- Motlon by Counollman Suok and seeondeal by Councilnan Eigh. Califoraia Hunlelpal BulLettn So. I deaLlng wlth l{ew Hork Program elso SmI PrOgramr wag read ancl the Satne Isas ordereal f1Led. fhe Report of Aadftor B'. !. Sohwerin eoveling rfotngs_of tbe City Jndlge lron JuLy Lr L954, to January ?, 1956, was read and the saue wag orclered plaeed on fi1e. go by fair proJeat rvas lntrottuced bY Counollrnan HanciJ-osr- Carriedr all A oomplaint from Henry Mlddanilorff ebout nolsy partles at Eoover EalL, ytss referred to the Polioe Comtssloa to inqulre lnto. ortllnance So. {n ordinanee a,menelLng Sectlon E of Orfllnanae xro. 166 ooverlng blllboartlsrby ellnlnating ebarges when on real estate sffidlvlslons, of not less than flve acros' ancl settlng tfme Itnlt for use of sach slgns for a perlod of slx raontb.s wlth optlon to reaew rihoultl CounolL see fitr was given first reacll-ng. She CouaelL thereupon etlJourneel. Respe of fulLy submitted, A ResoLutlon endorstag San Die CounciLman Elves ancl seooncleil votlng AYE. v A?}RO I