HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1936.08.172L7 A regular meeting of the C was held on the above gj.veat 8:00 P.M., Mayor Buch I sklll-ed 1ab be nec e ss arbasis makln be c onsld er offored bycontrol of Ingltreer b seconded b Burllngamo, Callfornla AuguEt 17, 1956. ouncil of the Cltlr of Burllngameer The meeting was called together Chair. , At t orne ys- at - 1aw,block 2; Burlinganeg. It was orderetl ity Cn detn the Present! Councilmen, Buck H1gh, Hlves, Ilunt and Ward.Absett: Councllmen, none. The minutes of the prevlous meeting of August 3rd were approved as submltteti to the CounciI, readtng being d.ispensed with. A 1ett6r yeas read from Kirkbririe and Wl1s seeking to reclassify McPherson property Park ffz from residential to apartment zon referred. to the Plannlng Consmlsslon. on 1n 1n A letter was read from the San hlateo County Central Labor Councilurging adequate fire proofing of garages built as a part of or adJacent to resldences. The same wag ordered referrad. to thebulldlng lnspector and city attorney to look into the advisabil:tyof drafting an orrlinance if the same would be in order. A claim against the City for $627.25 was presented by Cllfford andElalne Evans, 917 lloward Avenue for fire loss of oersonal effects due to alleged carelessness of the fire d.epartrnent tn not pro-tecting premises. A motion denying liability was offered by Councilman Ilunt Bnd was second.ed by Council-man High. Caried--aI1 voting AYE. A plan of an o1l service station at the S.E. corner of Broadway and Laguna Avenue was presented by the Shell 0i1 Company wlth requestthat they be allowed to erect a buildlng in corrpllance with city ordlnances was granted.. Ltotion by Councilman Hunt and seconded. by Councilman H1gh. A letter was read from the Chamber of Cofimerce asking for more study into recreational center as submitted. by the !'{.H. IlovlardEstate Conpany. The sane was ord.ereri glanted. A letter was read from i{.0. Eddy, Dlrector for W.P.A. for CaliforniaDlstrict fS w:.tir reference to jail bulldlng saylng that sufflclentorto complete the building was unavallabtre; that lt will e lnstructed tc make the necessary application. i,iotiony Councllman Hlgh. Carrled--al1 voting AYE. y for the sponsors to hlre these men on a non-relief I lt probahle that the actual cost of the build.ing wlll abLy raore than shorn ln the proposaL. A motion wag Couno lLman Eunt that thls proposltlon be put untlerthe P.II.A. insteaal of the W.P.A. and that the Clty Plans and specificatlons for the lmprovement of oak Grove Avenue were approved on the vote of the Council as well as an agree-nent subriritted by the Hlghway Engineer embodying funds for carry-ing on this rrork. A resolution covering was offered by Councilman Hives and was seconddd by Councilman T,lard.. A report of the Burlingame Recreatlon Commlssion coverin6 proJectsfrom June l5th to August 7th was reaal and the seme was ordered.placed on f ile. A report of the actlvities of the Fire Department for the rnonthof July was read and the same ordered placed on fi1e. Attorney Davls reported with roference to a safety platforB northof the S.P. Company depot that the rallroad company had offered tocooperate and. that plans were und.er pay. Councllman Waxd calleA attentlon to Boute 101 Signs belng takenoff EI Camlno Real and the sane transferred to the BayshoreIllghway. He offered a vlgorous protest and asked that a demandbe made on the State Hlghway CommissloE to restore these slgns tothelr orlglnal status. The Council concurred ln Mr. I[ardrsremarks and orddred City Attorney Davls to get rlght after thematter. A motion was offered by Councllman Hives authorizing the expen-diture of $100.00 for rental space for a Burlingame exhibit at ?L8 the Floral Flesta and an addltionaL $50,00 for same was iiuly second.ed and carried,, all votlng Cecll- I"ongsone Clty Engineerrwas granteel Ieave attond, the League of Callfornia'MuniolpalltiesCallfornta, September 9th to leth incluslve. the exhibit. The A]'8. of absence toat Santa Llonlca, The Council approved. certificate of occupancy to tuirs. C. Qua$el1l, Primrose Road., the Hibernia Bank having held up payments due diffe:"ent contractors on the iob. City Building Inspector l4iatson staterl tirat tlie building ls suff iciently f ire proof and. less of an earthquake hazard than originally covered. in the plans. Qrdlnance No. 300 known an Electrical Ordinance, introduced August 3rd, was given second reading and was adopted on motion by Councilman Ward. and seconded. by Councilman High. Caffled.---all voting AIIE. 0rd.inance No. 301,anending sections 4-L4-3?-52-53 and 65 of Ordinance No. ZL(, governing plumblng, introduced. August 3rd., tras given second. reading and was adopted, on motlon by Councilman Ward and seconded. by Councilman High. Carried--all voting AW. Ordlnance No. 3OA emending section lJo.4 of Ordinance No. I78 governing license of theaters, introduced August 3rd.., was givdn second readlng and was adopted, on motlon by Councilman'$ard and seconded by Councilman Hlgh. Carried-- all votln*q AlE. ^ u\cla^a+JL Demand.s against tite Clty, ffA+S fu/ll were read. and approveil anil warrants were ord.ered d.rawn on the City ?reasury for their re- spective amounts. fhe Council, thereupon, adjourned to meeting on Tuesday, t September 8th at 8:00 P.LI.r otr motion by Couneilman Higb. 4 Respeffiffifully submi od, v er t Approved, Burllngame. CaI Sept 8th. 1956 Mayor. Meetlng of the Blty Councll of the City of Burlingame. RolI CaI1: Present, Councilmen - None Absent , Councilmen Buck - Eigh - Illves - Hunt - ',"{ard. No quoruo being present adJournment was taken to Monday Sept 14th, at 8.00 P1\{ on motlon by the City Clerk. Respect Su tted. Approved.Clty Ct