HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1936.08.102L6 Burllngame. Cal Aug 10th. 1956 A regular adJourned meetlng of the Clty Councll of the Clty of Bur Iltrgame was held on the above glven date at 8.00 }M. The moethg was calledl together. Mayo! Buok ltr the Chalr. PrBse[t -Counc 1]-@lx Buck - Hlgh - Hlves - Ilunt - I[ard -Abzent - C ounc ilmen - None : The mlnutes of the previous mgetlng of Aug 5rd. were read. aaal approve,t ,tfter oorrectlon of dlsposltlon of the flre commlsslonors reportre claln Mabof acceptedto so eomec counc iI take eI K as p,thlnat otenberg for flre loss, the sane was dented lnsteatler mlnutes of Aug. Sri[, tho Clerk belng lnstructedI mlnutes to oorrespond wlth the aetlon of thethat meet itrg. J. Alderson, housemover appeared before the oou.ncllwlth referenoe to gettlng acceptance of his work for movlng Qu8ge111 house from Burllagaue Ave to Prlmrose RoaA. Ee alleged hls ro uoney was belng held up UI,Mrl1*trgrtl* tbru some part of a secondcontract rhlch he hatl nothlng to do wlth, he havi.ng fulfllled the te:ms of his contraot. The matter was referretl to Mr Devls, CltyAttorney to take up wlth ltrterested partles witb the vlew of Mr Aralsnson gettlng h1s money as speedlly as posslbLe lf he 1s entitledto lt. The 1936-37 budget lrE s approved as submitted, to the councilwlth sl1ght lnorease ln pay of flre house rs]-eeperstr - Motlon by Councllman Hlgh antl seconded by Councllnan Hlves. A letter was presentet! to the Councll frou Clty EngineDr l,ongson provlding for the eEpenditure of the .i[ cent gastax for streets of maJor lmportance for the flscal year entilng June 50th, 1957"eovorlng sum $15913.73. Attaohed was a memo of agreement from the State Hlghway Commlssion whlch the councll was asked to approve. A rssolutloo authorlzlng the ratlflcation of the agreement as aforesald was offereA by Couuctlnan Hunt alrd wasHlgh. - Carried., all votlng AYts. for 917 f11off al1 ord A olaln agalnst the Clty of Burllugame damages alleged to have occured to the home of Mabe1 Kotenberg Howard Ave thru the negllgence of the flre department lra sed by Attorney P.\ry.racksor. A motlon Aetrying L1ab1}1ty waseretl by Councllman fl19h. The same was duly seconded and carxled,votlng AYT. A1I papers couering the subJect of lnsurance wereeretl turned. over to [1r B1oom, Purchas,lng Agent. Coutrcllman Hlves called attentlom to the condltionof rlght of way fence of the Market Street Railway north of Broadway.A request that same be put in presentable condltlon was referred. tothe Clerk to communicate with the Rallroad Co asking them to complywlth the counc iIs request. Ihe bouncll thereupon adJ ourned.. Respec Iy submitJed. dl-"444+ y clerk Aclt APPROVED Mayor