HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1935.02.05L3L The Citv Counat B:00"P.M. Burlingane, Ca1if.' February 4, 1935. of the the Citv of lurlineame uet in reeular sesston above given date. : Layor Hunt i[ the Cirair. ioIl Call: Present - Coriacitnen: rSuck-I{andlos-lii.gh-Hives-Hr:nt .Absent - Councifnea: Ilone. The rrinutes of the meetilgs of January Zlst, 23rd and Z5th were read and approved. ^i l oa A letter vas read thev had boou reou Couircil to nepotiareroute their-buss beLievins such rersf,reet. rEvor flunto interroelte loo before pasEing ou The Pacific Gas & E se! pole on IIillsid orcier to renove a s The reouest vas app secondtid bv Council Huat who rbcomrreude lectric Comoanv vras sranted p e Circle 75'te-et SouEh of iiil fronr trre Burlioeane Charnuer of Couurerce stirtine ested by the_IoEa] merchants to ask the Cityte with-the Pacific Greyhound tsus Co. to es so thev cio not traveise Sur1insaJrc Avenue, outins will improve traffic hazards on thatt na^uEd Councilnen Buck and Hieh as a CounitteeaI nerchl.ts qn{ officia}s of Ehe bus Corapa.ny the Cbanber of Conmerce Letter. Ihe Burl.inpaue Plannine Coanission cafled attention to the lackof sidevalEs on the EaEt side of EI Canino iteal between Bellevue Avenue and Oak Grove {venue. !ue- to this portion of the.Highway beins unoer the iurisdiction of the State,-it was sus*ested-that"tilis ouesti6n be referred to then for the issua[de of a oernit so dhis work uav procsed. The natter vas referreq to City.;ng:.neer Thouas tb iequest [r. J. H. Skeggs for such per- !I1ss10n. ernission tolside )rive in ervice that overhanss private roved on motiou bv Uou-ilcih,an rlan Handlos, aftei investigatid in its favor. Dt r u operty. cE ano on by Lhyor The r Jud on g9 1I oorts cf lhe ,,ater d.epartment, I'ire ciepartrtent, aad Jity-forianuaryi.lvere read. and the sane r;eie orderdd placed-e I e An anended clai-n for darnaqes, J. H. McGion and llnroa iltrdson vs. the Citv of furlinpare. a-Lunicipal Corporation, for amourrt .i30.000:00. was reEd. 'A notion to qenv-liabilitv was offeretl 6y Oouucilian -luck and seconded by Couircil*an Hifih. - Carried, q1t voting AYn. Ihe Council disapproved of a proposed Re-solution subnitteci by the Constitution-aI r-iiehts Assbciition relative to the creatibn of a-public.utility distrfct in_the lay.*rea - Hotion oy Council- nan Juck aDd seconded 0y uoutrclrmFn fialrofos. Enpineer lhomas reported about 60 feet of curb in a bad way near thE L,auson propert? at Bellevue Aveaue ani Almer ;load. Ilr.Thouas state{ he wbuld reiair the same when trenching in that locality shortly. Danaped sidevralk in froat of 1300 Howard Avenue was reported in sood"shape with one slieht exceptiot,vhich iqas referred to the o=wner. fieport nad.e by iT.A.RoIIins, Superiatendent of Streets. Joh Ficl,-eisen, Burlingane busiuess Inarl, coqpfained of- the in- eoualities of'businesE license, particularl-v that applieri to lcical merchauts and that trucked-in with established.-businessnes locaterl elsewhere. Attorney Davis advised the Council that the Citv can Iicense such vehicles but not the wholesalers thenselves - oit6d the case City of 3urlinsame vs. The luporiun,decided in favor of the lattei'. Mr. Davis stated. he rvo-u1d report further at next meetiag. L3Z, Ordinance i{o.28} amendine 0rdinance i[o. 186 of the Citv of Burlingane^qixd its arriendnEnts qel?ling to the burning of garbage, wasgivea Its first read.ins, iatroductionly Corrncilnan Juck.-E. J. Boyse, property Suner 522 Primrose ltoad, attacked, Ordinanceas read,-statindthe-City has no rieht to chans.e a lav until itis properly ameil,ded,.be1ieved it shbulCbe refefred to the citizeusof -Burlingane for a decision. James Oswa1d, locaI realtor, eagaged in the development ofBurlingables subd.ivision, requeEtEd tenporary permit to erect two siEns, one at Oak Grove dvenue and 3av Shoie llishuav. theother Et Burlingape Avenue and 3ay Shore l{ighway, cEffiogattention, to neu hones unoer construction. -The-natter rEs re-ferred to Attornev Davis for report and recormrend.atiou aad, adraft of aa ordinince if serme rsa.s considered feasible. 0n motion oy Councilnan 3uck, a treo enpert was oroered euploved,to investieirte dangerous trees shere catle is beine placed' ' A};ffiiiffi"*#Htt.-- Hotioa by Council,,ar ilives an[ -seconded by Oc notion b.y Counciluan tsuck and second,ed. by Counc lhe Couacil"adjourned to neet Lionday, Februiry 11, B: 00 P .H. ilnnan llives, 1935, &t Respectfully subni t t ed,, JVED ry or