HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1935.01.25130 3urIlngame, Ca1lf., Jauuary 25, L935. fhe Clty CounclL of the Clty of BurlJ-tngame met tn regular sesslon at 8:0O.I.M.r 8E per adjourmrent of January 25, 1965. RoLL CaLl - Present Councllmen, '3uck, ELBh, Eunt and Han<[Ios.Absent - CounolJ.men, Etveg. flhe reacllng of the nlnutes of January 81et and January 25rd L995, wag orcleredl illsponsedl with. A Letter wes read frorn P. R. Borks, Seneral Chalrnaa, San l{ateo County CounctL Boy Saouts, requestlng the cooperation anrl endoreement of thelr efforts ln the coulng tlrlve for funrts, bythe Lsguance of a proolamtlon to the eltlzens of Burllngauo, signed by the ldayor. 0n motlon by OouneLlmau Buck ancl seeondedby CounclLnan Elgh, suoh was cleoLaled to be the orrler. A rlangerous sldewalE ln front of the Emergenay BeLlef Aclnlntstra-ttoa hearlquartera at 1500 Eoward Avenue, was oralered referred to Superlntenclent of Streste, W. A. RoLLlnsr for lnvestigatlon. A letter was reacl from A. D. Bllcler, State hgineer P.SI.A.; approving pIans, spectftoatlons, anel oontraot clocuhents for P.I$.A. Sewers wlth the motllfleations as set forth in sald letter. The Counoll agpeetl to the modlflcattonE as set fortb, lnstruct-lng the Englneer to oonforu therewith. A Resolution to acoeptthe pIans, speolfleations, 'otc. wtth amenclments as set forth, was offered by Councllman Buck anrl seconcled by OounciLman Elgh. -Carrleil, all voting AYE. Iilayor Eunt announeefl to those tn the aurlleaea that the garbage sltuatlon would be heard at the reguLar meettng on tr'ebruary 4rL955. In the meantiue the CouncjL wllL lnveslgate further lntothe uatter. fhe CounciL thereupon aclJourned. Respeotfully submlt ted, APPROITED: i e