HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1935.01.211-z-7 A reg1rlar meeting the above given cla Burllngarner Callf. r January ?1r L955. of the Clty Counotl was held at 8:0O P.M. oato. - hlayor Sunt In the Chatr. RoLl CaIl: Preseat - Counailsen: Buek, Hlgb, Eivesr Hunt & Eaucllos.Absent Counollmen: Sone. . lPhe mlnutes of the last meeting were read aacl approved. . The order of business was walvecl. Counailman Buok out].lneil pro- oedure of paving on hlghway ancl yet retaln the trees ln question. The washlng of dlrt anti gr&rr€1 on the 800 blook on the sitlewalks and the suggestlon of a srnaIl retainlng wa3.1 was also gone lnto.I[r. Seawell property owner 818 E]- Camlno Rea1, askeii reLief 1n the matter of grarles due to egress anci lngress to his hone, stated he wouLd hoLS the City liabLe ln the event of any tlamage to his property by faIllng trees or Ilmbs. Final approvaS, was given hgiaeer Thonas to prooeed with tbe work as per plans and speci- fieations without molesting trees. A lotter was reail from Annle Aneller ancl Hanuel Angler lnfo:ming the CounelL they woul-cl hoLd the City Llable for any damage tothelr property or person by falling Llmbs or trees. llhe Letter was fL]ed, as well as a like letter from l{ydla Aclaus, prorperty owner on EL Carniao Real nearby, deaLlng on the ss,me subJeot. An tnvltat ioa to l,iayor Eunt to represent the City of Burlingam€at [hird Annuel tlar Yeteranrs Fete la San Franelsco, Febuary 88nd' wae read. Ida;ror Eunt statert he woula encleavor to have the CiW representert on this ocoasion. fhe Broattway Development Aseoclatlon tnvlted the Councl]. to a cllnner and instalLatlon of offloers at Annual Meeting at San Bruno on Jarnrary ?5rd. llhe Counoil instructeal the Clerk to aeknowledge the lnvltation stating that due to an ad,Journed roeeting to be held on January 25rd they feLt it would be almost lnrposstble for them to attenel. A letter was read from Bay Riley, State Controller, acknowledgiag $avor Huntrs comrmrnicatlon relative to the retum of publloutlltty taxes to Clty and County roIls. Xromer Judgs KelLy su.bmlttetl iuventory of his offiee equlpmeat whloh he offered io selI to the Clty for S2SO.OO. fhe matter was referretl to Mr. Bloomr purchaslng agent, for hls reeormendation. Counsllman Buek was appolnted Commlttee to meet with the Bav Brldgefranslt Cornmlttee ln the rooms of the Saar Franoisoo Boarcl of Superv*:ro?B on Tuesilay, Jauuary 85rd, at 10i09 A.M. to Llstento a report from Hr. Eawklns and hls erglneers on bus transporatioa. llhe City Engineer was lnstructecl to look lnto curb on Almer Roail whleh ts badly dtsintegratiag - the Street aLso berng in poor shape - complaint narle by J. .4. }awsou. llhe euggestlon was nadethat tbis lmprovement be enboclletl ln the Oak Grove retorplng whenthat job ts ln progrossr llbe report of the City .Iudge for the mouth of December shon'ingflnee to the amount of $518.5O, was reacl anil ordered placed onflIe. Counellman Buok lntroduaed, a Resolution authorizlag' the aoceptanoeof $689.15 frou the Bordents Dalry Delivery Coupany, whieh sum covers the danage to the personal property of the City of hrrS.ingame aati the wages pald E. EalLett' otty employeo; satd wsges belng advanced by the City to li{r. Ea11ett.- The anount $089.15 belng in ft'll settlement of the cIalm. Besolutlon seeoniled by Councilman Eigh, Carried, aLL votlng AYE. The City Clerk readl e proposed draft of an orcllnance aueadlng Ortllnance No. 186 and lts ameurlments relattng to the bunetng of garbage. a. J. BoyG6 - B. F. Murray - J. a. trawson - Bnd Mrs. p. L28. I,{eue1, addressecl the Counoll Ln opposition to the orcllnanoe as oroposetl, alJ.egtng no one oaa burlr gerbage ln an lnalnerator with-out obJeetlonabLe snnoke anA odors, therefore would 1lke to see apartmentg restrlotecl as to sueh rsor trong diseusslon fo11ow6d,finally terulnatlng in the withdrawal of the proposecl ordlnance as reacl and lnstrncttng Shlef of Poltee Earrer to enforoe the preeent ortlinanoe which prohibits the burnlng of gnrbage. Ifotlon by Councllman Buok and seconcled by Councllmaa HardLos. The Clerk was instructed to write a letter to the HilLs Estate thanktng theu for the cooperation they tenderecl the City ln ellrlnating storu water dlfftcultles ln NortLBurllngame. Deuands agalnst the City, Sos. 1672 to 7750, tncluslee, were read aad aSrproved and Warrants were orderecl drawn on the City frea,sury for thelr respoctlve amounts. The Counoil attjourned to meet oaWadmgqasranuary 85r19S5, at 8:00 P,M. - Llotion by Cor:noltmen suck. Be spectfuLLy submlttecl, APPROYED: v t