HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1935.01.14L?,5 Burllngarnor Ca11f., Januery 14, L955. A regular ad journetl ueet ing of the Clty Counsll was helalat 8:OO P.M. on the above given tlate. - lfayor Euat ln the Chalr. BolL Calls Pressnt - 0ounoilmens Buot, Eancllos, El8h, Elves ancl Hunt. Absont - Couneilmon: Nono. fhe mlnutes of the last me€tlng Eere read ancl approveil. A letter was read from Doml.s E. Johnson, Comrmllty Servloe Chalruan of the American lreglon Aurlltary, statlng lt wasthe desire of that organization to expross lts w1lI1ngnessto eooperate ln all movements pertalning to etvlo better- ment and 1ts reatllness to serv6 ln eages of emergeaay andtllsaster. The Clerk was lnstructecl to aolorowLedge theletter thanklng the Amerloan leglon Auxlllary for theiroffer. California Munlotpal Bulletin No. 8 wae reacl. Ehls bulLetln deaLs wlth the propertles of public service corporatlons and thelr return to County and }trunlclpal tax rolls. fhis 1s being opposeil ln some quarters anong the Leglslators but Governor Merrlam andl other lnfluentiaL representatives of both houseg are strongly of the opinioa tbat these utllitypropertles should be transferred baok to City and CountyrolLs. At lfayor Euntrs suggestlon, this bulLetla: wasreferred to hln to oommunieate with legislators ln the lnterest of the law as adopted by the eleetors of the State.iiotion by Councllman Eigh.- A Letter was read flon Mts. Wt1la ldagulre relative topubLle stenographta work be'lng (loae ln the Chember of Cormeroe offlees tn the City EaL[, whioh she alleges lsunfalr to her buslnessr &s well as others eagaged tn the sa$e Ilne. Mayor Eunt stated that the young Lady who had been dolng secretarial work ln the Chanber of Conmeroeofflees hacl moved to anothet Looation la the buslnesstllstrlot anel asked that lilrs. lilagulre be apprlsed of thlsfaot. Clty Englneer Thornas presented a tabulatlon of blels for oonstructtug. proposeel s€wagp treatroent pLant, the proposalsfor whleh were read at the Last maeting. Mr. llh,ouas re-ported that no oombinatloa eaa be made fuom bids that wlLlnot exoeeel the funds avallabler therefore reobfuenils that aLl, bfuls be releeterl and the plans and speolflaations be revampetl and then readvertlge for blils. trflr. A. ]. WlLder, State Engtneer P.W.A., aonourrlng witb ldr. fhouas ln thesaue. CounolLnan Eigh offered a resoLutlon ln Llnethe foregolng ancl moved its adoptton - u,ag secondecl CarrLed, all votlng AYE. Ordlnanoe So. 280, Establishlng a Sew SchetluLo of Cbarges agatnst property whose taxes are not patd on or before ailate provlded by Iaw, lntroduoeil on Deoember 18, 1994, was glven s,econtl reacllng and was adopterl on motion by Counel1rnan BuoE, secondecl by Counoilman Etves There betng nothlng further to ooup before the Councll,the reetlag was aclJourneril. Iy sobnltterl, ffi;s's v APFR Be