HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso - PC - 2023.07.10 - 9FDocusign Envelope lD 07 52F876-CF764785.B487 $56C7C7297 A3 RECORDING REQUESTED BY Planning Depa(ment Ci! of Budingame WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO C0t!'IMUNITY DEVELOP[,4ENT DEPARTMENT CITY OF BURLINGAME 501 PRII\,4ROSE ROAD BURLINGAME. CA 94010 zuzS'U44335 3:14 Prn O9/13/2023 Rl Fee: No FEE Count of P:q es 12 Recorded in oriiaial R6cords CcLl rtY of San illatrc Mark Church Ass6sso r'Co u ntY Cleif 'RocorJor I ill1l]lull[11[lllJlil!liil!l'l$iliLllliliJlliifil r 1, tli Resolution No. 2023-07.1 0-9F 30 INGOLD ROAD APN 025-280-480 I hereby certify this to be a full, true and mnect copy of the document it purports to be, the original of which is on file in my oftce. Ju 21,2023 bl.,,.iw Earku* TITLE OF DOCUMENT EU EGAI{N luxD Kevin Gardiner. AICP Commun ty Development D / % Date: RESOLUTION APPROVING CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION AND AMENDMENT TO DESIGN REVIEW WHEREAS, said matters were heard by the Planning Commrssion of the Cjty of Burlingame on Julu 10. 2023, al which time it reviewed and considered the staff report and all other wntten materials and testimony presented at said hearing. NOW, THEREFORE, it is RESOLVED and DETERMINED by this Ptanning Commrssion that: On the basis of the documents submitted and reviewed, and comments received and addressed by this Commission, it is hereby found that there is no substantial evidence that the project set forth above will have a significant effect on the environment, and the amendment to increase the number of residential units and change the unit mix and unit design within the scope of the previously approved categorical exemption, per CEQA Section 15332, ln-Fill Development Projects. Said Amendment to Design Review is approved subject to the conditions set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto. Findings for such Amendment to Design Review are set forth in the staff report, minutes, and recordrng of said meeting. 1 2 Burlingame, do hereby certify that the fo meeting of the Planning Commission held rded in t offlcial records of the t-rson regoing resolution was introduced and adopted at a regular on the 1oth dav of Julv, 2023 by the following vote: It is further directed that a certifled copy of this resolution be County of San Mateo. i'. til t\, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of 30 |N@LD ROAD - RESO 2023{t7.10-9FAYES: COHAROTO, llORAN, LOWENTHAL PFAFF, SCHTID, SHORES, TSENOES: NONE ABSEI'II NONE RECUSED: NONE ry RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Burlingame that: WHEREAS, a Categorical Exemption has been prepared and application has been made forAmendment to Desiqn Review for chanoes to a oreviouslv aporoved mixed use residential develooment (increastno units from 298 to 302) at 30 lnqold Road, zoned RRMU. SHAC lnoold Apartments LLC. oroperty owner. APN: 025-280-480; l EXHIBIT "A'' Conditions of Approval for Categorical Exemption and Design Review 30 lngold Road Effective July 20, 2023 Page 1 1 that the project shall be built as shown on the plans submitted to the Planning Division date stamped July 7 2023, sheet A-0.0 and date stamped April 5, 2023, sheets A-0.4 through A-7.0, that the project shall include forty-five (45) affordable units to households of "Low lncome,, category, as defined as earning a maximum of 800/o of the San Mateo County Area Median lncome; the City Manager shall be authorized to execute an agreement with the applicant and the applicant shall enter into an agreement for the administration of the renting or leasing of the affordable units at least 120 days before the final inspection; 4 3 that the required affordable dwelling units shall be constructed concurrently with marke;rate units; that the forty-five (45) low income restricted affordable units shall remain restricted and affordable to the designated income group for a minimum period of fifty-five (55) years (or a longer period of time if required by the construction or mortgage financing assistance program. mortgage insurance program, or rental subsidy program); that the forty-five (45) restricted affordable units shall be built on-site and be dispersed within the development. The numberof bedrooms of the restricted affordable units shall be equivalent to the bedroom mix and average sizes of the non-restricted units in the development; except that the applicant may include a higher proportion of restricted affordable units with more bedrooms. The design and construction of the affordable dwelling units shall be consistent with the design, unit layout, and construction of the total project development in terms of appearance, exterior construction materials, and unit layout; that the applicant shall enter into a regulatory agreement with the City; the terms of this agreement shall be approved as to form by the City Attorney's Office, and reviewed and revised as appropriate by the reviewing City official; this agreement will be a form provided by the City, and will include the following terms: (a) The affordability of very low, lower, and moderate income housing shall be assured in a manner consistent with Government Code Section 65915(c)(1);(b) An equity sharing agreement pursuant to Government Code Section 659i5(c)(2);(c) The location, dwelling unit sizes, rental cost, and number of bedrooms of the affordable units;(d) A description of any bonuses and incentives, if any, provided by the City; and(e) Any otherterms as required to ensure implementation and compliance with this section, and the applicable sections of the density bonus law; that the above noted regulatory agreement regarding the forty-five (45) restricted affordable units shall be binding on all future owners and successors in interest; the agreement required by this Zoning Code Section 25.63.080 is hereby a condition of all development approvals and shall be fully executed and recorded prior to the issuance of any building or construction permit for the proposed project; b 7 2. EXHIBIT "A" Conditions of Approval for Categorical Exemption and Design Review 30 lngold Road Effective July 20, 2O23 Page 2 8 the project shall include the Transportation Demand Management Measures as proposed inthe Transportation lmpact Analysis, prepared by Hexagon Transportation consultants, lnc., dated April 9,2020; that the Public P1k, as depicted on pians date stamped september 30, 2020, sheets A0.4, L1,12, c-3.0, and wM-3.0, shall be built by the applicant and shall ue oeaicaied to the city ofBurlingame; the Public Park shall be maintained by the City of Burlingame; that the applicant shall enter into an agreement(s) with the city as may be necessary to effectthe dedication of the Public Park to the City and for the applicant's construction oi in" proti" Park aslepicted on plans date stamped september 30, 20i0, sireets A0 .4, L1, L2, c-a.0, anowM-3 0; the.terms of this agreement shall be approved as to form oy tre ciiy nitorn"y . om.",and reviewed and revised as appropriate by the City Manager; that the residents of new live/work, mixed-use, and stand-alone residential developmentproiects' whether owners or tenants, shall be notified in writing before takin! up r"esiuenJe tnatthey will be living in an urban-type environment, that the noisL levers may 6"'r.,igh;iihrn in "strictly residential area, and that there may be odors associated with commercial-and industrialuses. The covenants, conditions, and restrictions of any deveropment with a ."aio"nGr ,r"shall require that prospective residents acknowredge the receipt ot tne wiitten noisenotification Such written noise notification shall be proiided in residential reases. dignatrresshall confirm receipt and understanding of this information, that the public praza sha be owned, operated, and maintained by the deveroper or propertymanager in accordance with an approved maintenance plan to be reviewuo ,na ,pp['*o ovthe Community Development Director; that the public praza shal be open to the pubrrc, without charge, each day of the year, exceptfor temporary closures for necessary maintenance or public sifety; that priorto issuance of a buirding permit for construction ofthe project, the project constructionplans shall be modified to inctude a cover sheet tisting ail conoitiLns of a[pitrll .o"pt"o ovthe Planning commrssion, or city councir on appear;-which sharr remain " prrt oi"r-."t, otapproved. plans throughout the conslruction process. Compliance witn att conJitrons otapproval is required; the conditions of approval shall not be modified or changed *,tnort tn"approval of the Planning Commission, or City Council on appeal; that any changes to the size or enverope of the buirding, buirding materials, exterior finishes,windows, architecturar features, roof height or pitch, andimount oi type of hardscape maieriarsshall be subject to Planning Divisron or planning commission review (Fyl or amendmeniio bedetermined by Planning staff), that the maximum erevation at the top of the roof ridge shafl not exceed erevation gg.74, asmeasured_from the average erevation at the top of the curb (9.53,), and tnat tne iop oi eacnfloor and finar roof ridge shal be. surveyed by a licensed surveyor and approved by the cityEngineer as the framing proceeds and prior io finar framing and roofing inspections. Snouroany framing exceed the stated elevation it shall be removed or adjusted io that the final heightof the structure with roof shal not exceed the maximum height shown on tn" ,pp.r"o Jrnr; I 10 11 12 t5 14 15 to EXHIBIT "A" Conditions of Approval for Categorical Exemption and Design Review 30 lngold Road Effective July 20, 2O23 Page 3 17 20 21 23 ), that the project shall be constructed tn accordance with the December 19. 2019 "Request for Alternate Materials or Methods of Construction" agreement between SummerHill Apartment Communities and Central County Fire Department; that the conditions of the Building Division's June 21, 2020 memo, the public Works- Engineering Division's June 15, 2020 memo, the Fire Division's June 20. 2O2O memo, the Parks Division's June 22,2020 memo, and the Stormwater Division's January 24.2O2O memo related to building permit submittal shall be met; that prior to issuance of a building permit. the applicant shall prepare and submit to the Department of Public Works - Engineering Division a sanitary sewer analysis that assesses the impact of this project to determine if the additional sewage flows can be accommodated by the existing sewer line. lf the analysis results in a determination that the existing sewer line requires upgrading, the applicant shall perform the necessary upgrades as determined by the Engineering Division, that prior to issuance of a building permit for the project, the project applicant shall pay the first half of the North Burlingame/Rollins Road Development Fee in the amount of $107,337.82, made payable to the City of Burlingame and submitted to the Planning Division; that prior to scheduling the final framing inspection, the project applicant shall pay the second half of the North Burlingame/Rollins Road Development Fee in the amount of $107,337.82, made payable to the City of Burlingame and submitted to the Planning Division; that prior to issuance of the final inspection of the project, the applicant shall pay the public facilities impact fee in the amount of $1,187,274.00, made payable to the City of Burtingame and submitted to the Planning Division; 18. 19 that if the City determines that the structure interferes with City communications in the City, the property owner shall permit public safety communications equipment and a wireless access point for City communications to be located on the structure in a location to be agreed upon by the City and the property owner. The applicant shall provide an electrical supply source for use by the equipment. The applicant shall permit authorized representatives of the City to gain access to the equipment location for purposes of installation, maintenance, adjustment, and repair upon reasonable notice to the property owner or owner's successor in interest. This access and location agreement shall be recorded in terms that convey the intent and meaning of this condition, prior to installation of any public safety communications equipment, it if is deemed necessary; EXHIBIT "A" Conditions of Approval for Categorical Exemption and Design Review 30 lngold Road Effective July 20, 2023 Page 4 24 that the project shall comply with the SFO Comprehensive Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan (ALUCP), specifically in accordance with Safety Compatibility Policy SP-2 pertaining to land uses; and that any future tenants of the commercial and office space comply with the Safety Compatibility Criteria for Safety Zone 3 as contained in Table lV-2 of the SFO ALUCP; this table defines uses to avoid and uses that are incompatible, summarized as follows: Biosafety Level 3 and 4 facilities - which include medical and biological research facilities involving the storage and processing of extremely toxic or infectious agents. See Policy SP-3 of the SFO ALUCP for additional detail Children's schools - Public and private schools serving preschool through grade 12, excluding commercial services Large child day care centers - Commercial facilities defined in accordance with Health and Safety Code, Section 1596.70, et seq., and licensed to serve 15 or more children. Family day care homes and noncommercial employer-sponsored facilities ancillary to place of business are allowed. Hospitals, nursing homes Stadiums, arenas a a Avoidable Uses - Uses that are not fully compatible and should not be permitted unless no feasible alternative is available as follows: Biosafety Level 3 and 4 facilities - Hazardous use other than Biosafety Level 3 and 4 facilities - which include medical and biological research facilities involving the storage and processing of extremely toxic or infectious agents. See Policy SP-3 of the SFO ALUCP for additional detail. Critical public utilities - Facilities that, if disabled by an aircraft accident, could lead to public safety or health emergencies. They include the following. electrical power generation plants, electrical substations, wastewater treatment plants, and publicwater treatment facilities. that the applicant shall be required to comply with the real estale disclosure requirements of State law and General Plan as outlined in Policy lP-1 of the SFO ALUCP and that the following statement must be included in the notice of intention to offer the property for sale or lease: "Notice of Airport in Vicinity This property is presently located in the vicinity of an airport, within what is known as an airport influence area. For that reason, the property may be subject to some of the annoyances or inconveniences associated with proximity to airport operations (for example: noise, vibration, or odors). lndividual sensitivities to those annoyances can vary from person to person. You may wish to consider what airport annoyances, if any, are associated with the property before you complete your purchase or lease and determine whether they are acceptable to you."; 25. lncomDatible Uses - Use is not compatible in the indicated zones and cannot be permitted: EXHIBIT "A" Conditions of Approval for Categorical Exemption and Design Review 30 lngold Road Effective July 20, 2023 Page 5 lo 27 28 29 JI ?) JJ that the project applicant shall be required to evaluate potential airport noise impacts if the project is located within the 65 CNEL contour line of San Francisco lnternational Airport (as mapped in the Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan for the Environs of San Francisco lnternational Airport). All projects shall be required to mitigate impacts to comply with the interior and exterior noise standards established by the Airport Land Use compatibility plan; 30 that any action that would either permit or result in the development or construction of a land use considered to be conditionally compatible with aircraft noise of CNEL 65 dB or greater (as mapped in the Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan) shall inctude the grant of an avigation easement to the City and County of San Francisco prior to issuance of a building permit(s) for any proposed buildings or structures, consistent with Airport Land Use Compatibility plan Policy NP-3 Grant of Avigation Easement; that the project shall comply with the Construction and Demolition Debris Recycling Ordinance which requires affected demolition, new construction and alteration projects to submit a Waste Reduction plan and meet recycling requirements: any partial or full demolition of a structure, interior or exterior, shall require a demolition permit; that demolition or removal of the existing structures and any grading or earth moving on the site shall not occur until a building permit has been issued and such site work shall be required to comply with all the regulations of the Bay Area Air Quality Management District unless applicant produces evidence, to the satisfaction of the Community Development Director, that special circumstances exist that warrant early demolition, in accordance with the provisions of the Burlingame Municipal Code Chapter 18.07.065; that during construction, the applicant shall provide fencing (with a fabric screen or mesh) around the project site to ensure that all construction equipment, materials and debris is kept on site; that if construction is done during the wet season (October 1 through April 30), that prior to October 1 the developer shall implement a winterization program to minimize the potential for erosion and polluted runoff by inspecting. maintaining and cleaning all soil erosion and sediment control prior to, during, and immediately after each storm even, stabilizing disturbed soils throughout temporary or permanent seeding, mulching matting, or tarping; rocking unpaved vehicle access to limit dispersion of mud onto public right-of-way; covering/tarping stored construction materials, fuels and other chemicals; that storage of construction materials and equipment on the street or in the public right-of-way shall be prohibited, that the applicant shall prepare a construction staging and traffic control plan for the duration of construction for review and acceptance by the City Engineer prior to the issuance of a building permit; the construction staging plan shall include construction equipment parking, construction employee parking, timing and duration of various phases of construclion and construction operations hours; the staging plan shall address public safety and shall ensure that worke/s vehicles and construction equipment shall not be parked in public parking areas with exceptions for construction parking along street frontages; EXHIBIT "A" Conditions of Approval for Categorical Exemption and Design Review 30 lngold Road Effective July 20, 2023 Page 6 34 c d e that the project applicant and its construction contracto(s) shall develop a construction management plan for review and approval by the City of Burlingame. The plan must include at least the following items and requirements to reduce, to the maximum extent feasible, traffic and parking congestion during construction. a. A set of comprehensive trafflc control measures, including scheduling of major truck trips and deliveries to avoid peak traffic hours, detour signs if required, lane closure procedures, signs, cones for drivers, and designated construction access routes; b. ldentification of haul routes for movement of construction vehicles that would minimtze impacts on motor vehicular, bicycle and pedestrian traffic. circulation and safety, and specifically to minimize impacts to the greatest extent possible on streets in the project atea, Provisions for monitoring surface streets used for haul routes so that any damage and debris attributable to the haul trucks can be identified and correcled by the project applicant; and Designation of a readily available contact person for construction activities who would be responsible for responding to any local complatnts regardtng trafiic or parking. This coordinator would determine the cause of the complaint and, where necessary, would implement reasonable measures to correct the problem. that the applicant shall submit a Construction Noise Control Plan. This plan would include measures such as: Using smaller equipment with lower horsepower or reducing the hourly utilization rate of equipment used on the site to reduce noise levels at 50 feet to the allowable level. Locating construction equipment as far as feasible from noise-sensitive uses. Requiring that all construction equipment powered by gasoline or diesel engines have sound control devices that are at least as effective as those originally provided by the manufacturer and that all equipment be operated and maintained to minimize noise generation. Prohibiting gasoline or diesel engines from having unmuffled exhaust systems. Not idling inactive construction equipment for prolonged periods (i.e., more than 5 minutes). Using "quiet" gasoline-powered compressors or electrically powered compressors and electric rather than gasoline- or diesel-powered forklifts for small Iifting. Notiflcation procedures for adjacent property owners and public safety personnel regarding when major deliveries. detours, and lane closures would occur; EXHIBIT'A" Conditions of Approval for Categorical Exemption and Design Review 30 lngold Road Effective July 20, 2023 Page 7 Jb 43 45 that the applicant shall submit an erosion and sedimentation control plan describing BMps (Best Management Practices) to be used to prevent soil, dirt and debris from entering the storm drain system; the plan shall include a site plan showing the property lines, existing and proposed topography and slope; areas to be drsturbed, locations of cuufill and soil storage/disposal areas; areas with existing vegetation to be protected; existing and proposed drainage patterns and structures; watercourse or sensitive areas on-site or immediately downstream of a project; and designated construction access routes, staging areas and washout areas; that construction access routes shall be limited in order to prevent the tracking of dirt onto the public right-of-way, clean off-site paved areas and sidewalks using dry sweeping methods, that all runoff created during construction and future discharge from the site shall be required to meet National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) standards: that trash enclosures and dumpster areas shall be covered and protected from roof and surface drainage and that if water cannot be diverted from these areas, a self-contained drainage system shall be provided that discharges to an interceptor: that this project shall comply with the state-mandated water conservation program, and a complete lrrigation Water Management and Conservation PIan together with complete landscape and inigation plans shall be provided at the time of building permit application; that the applicant shall comply with Ordinance 1503, the City of Burlingame Storm Water Management and Discharge Control Ordinance; that a Protected Tree Removal Permit shall be required from the City of Burlingame parks Division to remove any existing protected size trees and that the project shall comply with the Tree Protection and Reforestation Ordinance adopted by the City of Burlingame and enforced by the Parks Department, complete landscape and irrigation plans shall be submitted at the time of building permit application; that if there are any existing trees on adjacent properties abuttjng the project site that are determined to remain, the applicant shall have an arborist's report prepared which documents how the trees should be protected during construction; this report shall be reviewed and approved by the City Arborist and the contractor shall call for the City Arborist to inspect the protection measures installed before a building permit shall be issued; that the applicant shall coordinate with the City of Burlingame Parks Division regarding the installation of the street trees along lngold Road and Rollins Road; that this project shall comply with Ordinance No. 1477, Exterior lllumination Ordinance; that the project shall meet all the requirements of the California Building and Uniform Fire Codes, in effect at the time of building permit submittal, as amended by the City of Burlingame; 44 46 5t. 38 40. 41. 42. EXHIBIT "A" Conditions of Approval for Categorical Exemption and Design Review 30 lngold Road Effective July20,2023 Page 8 The following conditions shall be met during the Building lnspection procass prtor b the inspections noted in each condition: 47. that prior to scheduling the foundation inspection a licensed surveyor shall locate the property corners, set the building envelope; 48 that prior to scheduling the framing inspection, the project architec{, engineer or other licensed professional shall provide architectural certification that the architectural details such as window locations and bays are built as shown on the approved plans; if there is no licensed professional involved in the project, the property owner or contractor shall provide the certification under penalty of perjury. Certiflcations shall be submitted to the Building Division; 49 that prior to scheduling the roof deck inspection, a licensed surveyor shall shoot the height of the roof ridge and provide certification of that height to the Building Division; that prior to final inspection, Planning Division staff will inspect and note compliance of the architectural details (trim materials, window type, etc.) to verify that the project has been built according to the approved Planning and Building plans; 50 The following conditions of approval are from applicable policies of the 2040 General Plan or the Environmental lmpact Repod prepared for the 2040 General Plan: 51. HP3.12. The Project sponsor shall ensure implementation of the following BMPs during Project construction, in accordance with the BAAQMD's standard requirements: All exposed surfaces (e.9., parking areas, staging areas, soil piles, graded areas, unpaved access roads) shall be watered two times per day. All haul trucks transporting soil, sand, or other loose material offsite shall be covered. All visible mud or dirt track-oul onto adjacent public roads shall be removed using wet- power vacuum street sweepers at least once per day. The use of dry-power sweeping shall be prohibited. All vehicle speeds on unpaved roads shall be limited to 15 mph. All roadways, driveways, and sidewalks that are to be paved shall be paved as soon as possible. Building pads shall be laid as soon as possible after grading, unless seeding or soil binders are used. ldling times shall be minimized, either by shutting equipment off when not in use or reducing the maximum idling time to 5 minutes (as required by the California Airborne Toxics Control Measure, Title ',l3, Section 2485 of California Code of Regulations). Clear signage shall be provided for construction workers at all access points. All construction equipment shall be maintained and properly tuned, in accordance with manufacturer's specifications. All equipment shall be checked by a certified mechanic and determined to be running in proper condition prior to operation. A publicly visible sign with the name and telephone number of the person to contact at the lead agency regarding dust complaints shall be posted. This person shall respond and take conective action within 48 hours. The BAAQMD's phone number shall also be visible to ensure compliance with applicable regulations. EXHIBIT "A" Conditions of Approval for Categorical Exemption and Design Review 30 lngold Road Effective July 20, 2023 Dana O 55 57 58 cs-4.7: Airport and Heliport Noise. Monitor noise impacts from aircraft operations at san Francisco lnternationat Airport and Mills-Peninsula Medical center, and implement applicable noise abatement policies and procedures as outlined in the Airport Noise Ordinance and Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan; cs-4.8: Airport Noise Evaluation and Mitigation. Require project applicants to evaluation potential airport noise impacts if the project is located within the 60 CNEL contour line of San Francisco lnternational Airport (as mapped in the Airport Land Use compatibility plan). Allprojects shall be required to mitigate impacts to comply with the interior and exterior noise standards established by the Airport Land Use Compatibility plan; cs-4.9: Airport Disclosure Notices. Require that all new development comply with real estate disclosure requirements of State law, which requires that the presence of all existing and planned airports wtthtn two miles to be disclosed in any sale or lease of property; HP-5.2: Migratory Birds. ldentify and protect habitats that contribute to the healthy propagation of migratory birds, including trees and natural corridors that serve as stopovers and nesting places. Avoid construction activities that involve tree removal between March and June, unless a bird survey has been conducted to determine that the tree is unused during the breeding season by avian species protected under california Fish and Game codes 3103. 3503.5, and 351 1; HP-5,5: Protection and Expansion of rree Resources. continue to preserve and protect valuable native trees and introduce species that contribute to the urban forest but allow for thegradual replacement of trees for ongoing natural renewal. Consider replacement with native species. Use zontng and building requrrements to ensure that existing trees are integrated into new developments; HP-5.6: Tree Preservation ordinance. contrnue to adhere to the Burlingame Tree Preservation ordinance (Burlingame Municipal code Title 'l 1); ensure the preiervation ofprotected trees, as designated by the ordinance; and continue to be acknowledged by the Arbor Day Foundation as a Tree City USA; HP-5.7: urban Forest Management Plan. continue to update and use the Burlingame urban Forest Management Plan, which integrates environmental, economic, political, hiitorical, and social values for the community for guidance on BMps related to tree planting, removal, and maintenance, including onsite protection of extant trees and street trees during projects; HP-5.14: compliance with Environmental Laws. Ensure that all pOects affecting resources of regional concern satisfy regional, state, and federal laws; and Paleontological Assessment. ln areas containing middle to late Pleistocene-era sediments where it is unknown if paleontological resources exist, prior to grading an assessment shall be made by a qualified paleontological professional to establish the need for paleontological monitoring. should paleontological monitoring be required after recommendation by theprofessional paleontologist and approval by the community Development Director, paleontological monitoring shall be implemented. 56. 59. bu. EXHIBIT "A" Conditions of Approval for Categorical Exemption and Destgn Review 30 lngold Road Effective July 20, 2O23 Page 10 Paleontological Monitoring. A project that requires grading plans and is located in an areaof known fossil occurrence or that has been demonstrated to have fossils present in a paleontological field survey or other appropriate assessment shall have all grading monitored by trained paleontological crews working under the direction of a qualified professional, so that fossils exposed during grading can be recovered and preserved. Should any potentially unique fossils be encountered during development activities, work shallbe halted immediately within 50 feet of the discovery, the city of Burlingame planning Department shall be immediately notified, and a qualified paleontologist shali be retained to determine the significance of the discovery. Paleontological Recovery, ldentification, and curation. The city and a project applicantshall consider the mitigation recommendations of the qualified paleontologist iorcny unanticipated discoveries. The city and the project applicant shall consult and agree upon implementation of measures that the city and project applicant deem feasible and a[propriate. Such measures may include avoidance, preservation in place, excavation, documeniation, curation, data recovery, or other appropriate measures. The project applicant shall be required to implement any mitigation necessary for the protection of paleontological resources. Paleontological Findings. Qualified paleontological personnel shall prepare a report offindings (with an itemized appendix of specimens) subsequent to implementaiion ofpaleontological recovery, identification, and curation. A preliminary report shall be submitted, subject to approval by the community Development Director before granting of buildingpermits, and a final report shall be submitted, subject to approval oy thi community Development Director before granting of occupancy permits.