HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso - PC - 2023.07.10 - 8BDoiuSign Envelope lD: 0752 F 8 76-C F76-478t 8487 -656C7 C7 297 A3 RECORDING REQUESTED BY Planning Department City of Budingame WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: COMI'/UNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTI\,4ENT CITY OF BURLINGAME 501 PRIMROSE ROAD BURLINGAME, CA 94010 zo23-u44333 3:14 pm 09/13/2023 R1 Foe NO FEE Cou nt of Pag6s 5 Recorde(, ii Off icial Rocods Co unty of Sa'1 Mateo Mark Church Assessor-Co unty Cl6rk-R6corder I llrl,lllllllllllllllililllilill ;llll llillll llil lll i rll* $Riro!ll9- 40'$; Resolution No. 2023-07. 1 0-8b 615 AIRPORT BOULEVARD AP Ns 026-34 4-040, 026-344-0 50, 026-34 4-060, 026-344-07 0 : 026-344-080, 026-344-090, 026-363_300, 026_363_31 0, 026-363-320, 026-363-330, 026-363-340, 026_363_350, 026-363-360, 026-363-370, 026-363-380, and 026-363-390; and the State of California owns APN 026-344-100 I hereby certily this to be a full, true and mrect copy of the document it purports to be, the original of which is on llle in my office. Jul 21,2Q23 bu:rw Aarl^urty TITLE OF DOCUMENT AU Rtl N E Date Kevin Gardiner, AICP, Community Development 5( RESOLUTION APPROVING CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION ANO CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT WHEREAS. the Conditional Use Permit for the long-term airport parking use was reviewed by the Planning Commission of the City of Burlingame on 10 2023, at which time it reviewed and considered the staff report and all other written materials and testimony presented at said hearing; WHEREAS, thc Planninq Commission has reviewed the Cond itional Use Permit and finds that the use continues to complv with the requirements of Chapter 25.66, and WHEREAS. the Plannin q Commission desires to recoqnize that the oroDertv owner has demonstrated D roqress toward consolidatino co the parcels and toward ent of the Drooertv. an that the oroDertv owner is currentlv in comolian ce with the Conditional Used Permit conditions and WHEREA 5 the Planninq Commission desires to rmoose ad ditional conditions on the Conditional Use Permi related to reoortino reouirements as set fo rth in Exhibit A and the ro owner has ackn WHEREAS. the Plannin d ed to those additional condition a q Commission's action to imDo se additional conditions is exempt from review under the California Environmental Ou alitv Act ("CEQA') Dursuant to CEQA Guide tnes 15 ?n Existin Facilities because the action involv no1 ion of the existin usen and NOW THEREFORE, it is RESOLVED and DETERMINED by this Planning Commission that The aforementioned recitals are true and correct and are incorporated herein by reference as findings. On the basis of the documents submitted and reviewed, and comments received and addressed by this Commission, it is hereby found that the Commission's action is exempt from review under the California Envi ronmental Qualitv Act f'CEQA') oursuant to 1 2 CE Gui de lines section 15301 (Existinq Facilities) beca set he action involves nou 3 expansion of the existinq use The Planning Commission recognizes that the Conditional Use Permit currently complies with the conditions of approval, and hereby imposes additional conditions set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto ./ arrperson WHEREAS, an existinq lonq{erm airport oarkinq use at 6'15 Airoort Boulevard is zoned BFC. owned bv AnzaCo LLC. and is more specificallv located at APNs. 026-344-040. 026-344-050, Q!6-3/11[1QQQ, 026-344-070: 026-344-080, 026-344-090. 026-363-300. 026_363_310. 026-363_ 320. 026-363-330. 026-363-340, 026-363-350, 026-363-360, 026-363-370, 026-363-380, and 026-363-390; and the State of California owns APN 026-344-'100: and C Hoafi,..i , Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Burlingame, do- FEGby Eertify th regular meeting of the Planning Co vote: the foregoing resolution was introduced and adopted at a mmission held on the 10h dav of Julv. 2023 by the following 615A|RPORT BLVD. - RESO 20Zl{17.10{B AYES: COUAROTO, HORAN, LOWENTHAL PFAFF, SCH ID, SHORES, TSE NOES: NONE ABSENT: I{ONE RECUSED: NONE Secretary 2 EXHIBIT "A" Conditions of approval for Categorrcal Exemption and Conditional Use Permit 615 Airport Boulevard Effective July 2O, 2023 that the long{erm airport parking facility use shall operate as shown on the plans submitted to the Planning Division and date stamped March 2,2023; that jn flve years (July 2028) the applicant shall provide a written update regarding the progress of the development of the site; the written update will be presented to the Planning Commission as a Director's Report; that the conditions of the City Engineer's March 31 , 2003 memo requiring the applicant to remove and replace the existing sidewalk, curb and gutter, fronting the subject property, at the owners expense shall be met (completed); that the conditions of the City Arborist's March 31, 2003 memo shall be met within a year of the approval of this application; this condition requires the removal of the existing Lingustrum (Glossy Privet) trees along Airport Boulevard and the replacement with 5 gallon Frazer's Photinia spaced four feet apart, proper irrigation shall be installed as part of this condition (completed); that drarnage from paved surfaces, parking lot and driveways, shall be routed to catch basins that are equipped with fossil filters (sand/gravel filters) pnor to discharge into the storm drain system; the property owners shall be responsible for inspecting and cleaning all filters on a biannual basis as well as immediately prior to and once during the rainy season (October '15 - April 1) and shall submit to the City and have approved a plan for filter/drain maintenance by June 1 , 2003 (completed); that this use permit shall include only the parcels identified as Block 7, Lots 1-1 3 and Block 5, Lots 8-12 (APNs 026-344-040 through -100 and 026-363-300 through -390), and these lots shall be operated as a single facility with one entrance/exit at the designated airport parking gate identified as 615 Airport Boulevard, and one maintenance only gate; and should the use of any of these lots be changed from long- term airport parking the use permit shall become void and a new application for a use permit shall be requrred; that the long{erm airport parking use shall be operated seven days a week, 24 hours a day with 1,236 total parking spaces (eight parking spaces reserved for employees, ten spaces reserved for bus shuttle vans), a maximum of '19 employees, and no auto maintenance, auto repair, auto washing or enclosed van storage shall take place on site; that all employee parking stalls shall be striped at 9'wide by 20'tong (compteted); that the property owners agree to assume all responsibility for flooding or storm drainage problems and to hold the City harmless from any claims arising from such problems, 3 5 o 7 8 I that the landscaping and irrigation system shall be maintained by the property owner including but not limited to weed control. pedestrian and vehicular clearance along the sidewalks and bike path, and replacemenl of plant material as necessary to maintain a visual barrier and the approved landscape design; and 4 1 10. EXHIBIT "A" Conditions of approval for Categorical Exemption and Conditional Use Permit 615 Airport Boulevard Effective July 20, 2023 Page 2 that overflow parking of rent-a-car agency vehicles and storage of other vehicles is permitted providing on-street loading or unloading of such vehicles does not occur during peak 7:00 a.m. to 9.00 a.m. and 4i30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. hours, and providing the area used has legal internal access within the parking lot area. 11