HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso - PC - 2022.11.14 - 8E-CEQADocuSign Envelope iil: DDEDEC25-73C1-4gFE-84C0-926EA78983D7 RECORD NG REQUESTED BY Planning Department City of Burlingame CO[,1[,1UNIW DEVELOP[,IENT DEPART[,IENT CITY OF BURLINGAME 501 PRII\,IROSE ROAD BURLINGAME, CA 94010 2023-006207 2143 prn 0211012023 Rl Foe: NO FEE Count of Pag€a 3 Recorded in Official Recorde Counly ofSan MatBo Mark Church Aaseeso r-Co u nty Clgrk'Rocodet lirtl llllt llllllliil u ll u lilll ill11 tllllill|llllliiltluilll*$R000 Resolution No. 2022-11 . 14-8E-CEQA 777 AIRPORT BOULEVARD APN: 026-344-130 TITLE OF DOCUMENT hereby certify this to be a tull, true and conect mpy of the document it purports to be, the original of which is on file in my office. November 28. 2022 atEo ux€ Date Kevin Gardiner. AICP, Community Development Director WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: b,i,w eorhuu RESOLUTION NO LALL-| t+-ge-wak RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CIry OF BURLTNGAME FINDING THAT THE PROJECT DOES NOT REQUIRE FURTHER ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW PURSUANT TO PUBLIC RESOURCES CODE SECTION 21083.3 AND CEOA GUIDELINES SECTION 15183 FOR A NEW I3-STORY OFFICE/RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT BUILDING AT 777 AIRPORT BOULEVARD (ASSESSOR PARCEL NO: 025-344-130) WHEREAS, on November 10, 2021, LPC West (Lincoln Property Company) filed an application with the City of Burlingame Community Development ('City") - Planning Division requesting approval of the following requests: . Environmental Review pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15183; Special Permit for building height greater than 65 feet (194'-0" proposed) (Code Sections 25.12 030, Table 25 12-2 and 25.78.060(A)(2)); ana . Special Permit for Community Benefits for increased Floor Area Ratio for a Tier 3 project (3.0 FAR proposed) (Code Sectlons 25.12.030, f ab,e 25.12-2, 25.12.040, and 2s.78.070(A)) WHEREAS, the City has determined the Project is subject to the environmental review requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEOA") and its implementing guidelines ("CEQA Guidelines"); and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a duly noticed public hearing on November 14,2022, to consider and receive public testimony on the project, including the proposed CEQA determination at issue. NOW, THEREFORE, BE lT RESOLVED THAT the Planning Commission hereby finds and resolves as follows: Section 1. The project does not require further review under CEQA pursuant to the streamlining provisions contained in Public Resources Code Section 21083.3 and CEQA Guidelines Section 1 5183. Section 2. Pursuant to the staff report and the attachments and exhibits thereto, including but not limited to the CEQA Review documenUchecklist, which are incorporated herein by reference, the Project would not result in any significant impacts that: 1) are peculiar to the project or project site; 2) were not identified as significant project-level, cumulative, or off-site effects in the General Plan EIR; or 3) were previously identified significant effects, which as a result of substantial new rnformation that was not known at the time of the General Plan EIR Commercial Design Review for a new, 13-story office/research and development building (Code Sections 25.13.060 and 25.68.020(C)(3)(a)); WHEREAS, the City finds that the Project does not require further environmental review pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 1 5183: and RESOLUTION NO LOx"L-tt.t+- Be' eEgft was certified, are determined to have a more severe adverse impact than discussed in the General Plan ElR. As a result, pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21083.3 and CEQA Guidelines Section 15'183, the Project does not require further environmental review under CEQA, Chair LC i.r-,Er.lll-{*{,-, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Burlingame, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting of the Planning Commrssion held on the 14th day of November. 2022 by the following vote Secretary 777 AIRPORT BLVD. - RESO 2022-11.i4{E{ECIAAYES: CO AROTO, GAUI- HORAT{, LOIVETITHAL, PFAFF, SCH IO, TSENOES: NONE ABSENT: l{Ot{E RECUSED: NONE ,,1 (