HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1935.01.07722 Bnrlingamor Ca1lf., January 1 119g6. * regU}at neetlng of, thc Ctty $ounell was helil at 8l0O P.U. on the above glven date.- IByor Eunt 1a the Cha$. Roll CaLl: Pregont - Counsllmea: Bnakr Eanilloo, Eivee aail Eurt. Absent - CounalLmea: Htgb fhe mtnutes of neetlngs of Deoeaber 17 anil 18, 1.954r woro reacl and approveil . lhe regular order of buslnass was walveil., lfiayor Euat oa}}eefor the openlng of biilg for the Munlolpal Sewaga tllsposal. proreot as per proposals subnlttedl January 7, 1995. lflho followlug rgro reoelvecl anil ro&d. - SoUeaufe fo; Frerlerlotsson & Satson Coastruotlou Go.lotal of, cssentla,l' lteme - $tSar 77l.4fi Dreelerlokson & Satson Constructton Co. Optlonal Unlts "BrtECn rrDrr nEn 2,500.00 4, g0o. oo 5 , ro0 .00 e r 000.00 1,55, Zrll.4o 157,070.40 L59,5?1.40 16e,67L.40 164,671.40 154r 77L.40 119'125.50 650.00 000.00 ?50.00 750.00 AItrl, Ar A taIt t tt It t or &B&cB&CBrCB' C, &E &D-DA8--- A oertlf,led eheok aocoulB&nled biil. Robert Mo$air & E. Oould -?otal of ossenttal. ltens - Robert Mol{alr & E. OouLd - OPttoual Untts EBn - 'n0n--- nDtr-- nEr-- 1 4g 1 t t ) ) A oerttfleil oheok aeaompauled blil., Soheilu].e So. 2 W. J. Toblu Total of essenttal ltems I to 80rino. $441006.1,9A certtfled cheok acsompanled biil. 0alrLand Sewer Constmct lon Co..fotal of essentlal itens l. to 20rlne. $48r77L.99 A certtfled oheck accompanlecl b1d. Sohedule So. 4 Frerlerletsson & Satson Construetlon Co. Itens 80, 81 and ?8-[otal Itens g0)g116? & 5,5' It A oertlfied eheets aoeompanletl bld. Sreil J. Earlf Jr. - Itens 80' eL & a oertlrted cheok "uuolr*?3a f,le. e2gzeSg-- $80,900.00 $11,9oo.Oo " $g5r5g4.OO" sflr561.0O " tgorgoo.o0o $11,90o.oo Barrett & ElIp - Itens 80' 2L e 22 a aertlrterl aheck "oooir"r?3a fta.ut egg LZ,3 Schedule So. 5 A. s. nrtre - Itens 84 anil 85 - Total $?g'500.00 A. g. Dntra (.llternate)*zT rboo.oo A oertlfleil oheck ex,oompanieel blds. fhe foregoing btils wero ortleretl lald ovor for one week for tbe Clty Englneer to eheok up and report baak to the Counoi}. !ilryor Eunt announooil that any dlseueslon as to trees anal the burnlng of garbage rould be taken up at a regnlar meetlng to be held on Monfray, Januery 81, L955. A aotloe of a rllnnsr meetlng of the Peninsu,la 9eotlon of the league of, Callfornia lftrntolpalltles to bo heLd at $unnyva}e .Ianusry l0r 1955r at 6:50 P.M. ras reaA. Ihe CounelL antl <lelnrtment heails were asked to obsertro the date and ettenil If possibl.e. tretters were read fron &. . J. Y.Iltrtoh of 1220 MlLls Avenue ancl L. Eerbert Earrls of L+bt leguna Avenue, oommendingtbe effloiency of the new storm sewet ln trorth Burltngame aatl aomplLmentlng Otty Englneer llhomas and the nembers ofthe CouneLl for the sane. The oommunleatlons wero orderedlflled. Eenry l)lekinsou, loeal lnguranee agent, ln a oommunieatloa, oalLed the CounclLrs attentlon to a cleerease ln SurLlngamers burg3.ary Lnsuranoe rate whteh he attrtbutod to the efflolencyof the 1oaal poLlee department. The eommunleation was orderecl placed on file. A nCrosslng Slgnaln was ordered placed at Elllslde Drlve and CatuX"l&o Avenue to proteot ehlldren attendlng &rr Istly of Ange}s SehooL nearby - the s&m6 havlng the 0E of Ch.ief Earper.- Motlon by Councllman Buek. The Plannlng Comlselon subultted resornmenilatlons as tooertain streets enterlng EJ. Camino Beal as a safety me&sure and the same was orclered referred to the Clty f,hgineor for an estlmate of cost. Proposeil proJects to be taken up wlth the atd of SERA funtle was aLso referred to Clty Englneer [hoffi wlth a vLew ofstiuulating work for the Looal unemployed. Applleations for the posltion of Polise Judge of Burllnga,Be were reoeLved ancl reaclr BS folLows:A. J. Ward - lTm. A Slnger - W. C. Mc0uae - W. M. Ytaaenta anelB. !. Stone. - A letter wag reacl from Stanley KeLLI luoumbent Juilge, tender-lng hls reslgnatLoa q Mr. Xelly stattng he had been appolnted County hrahastng Ageat and had already assumetl hlE dutles. Oa mottoa by Counailman Suok and seeonded by CounetLman Eaadlos,the reslgnation of LIr. Ke1ly was soc€pteil ancl he was votedthe thanks of the Counoll for past serylaes performecl. Counefl- man EentlLos moved the appolntnent of B. tr. Stone for Police Judgo - wEB seeontlecl by Councllman ELves. - 0n ro11 oall Counollmca EandJ.os, Elves and Eunt voted AYB, 0ounollman BueL votLng [o. Counellman Hrcts tn quallfytng hls vote, stated hedltt not know Mr. Stone was to be a oantililate consequently hadpronlsedl Mr. Ylrcent to vote for hin should he be a aandlclate whieh iluty he was now firLftJ.Llng - had the most ttndly feeltngfor Mr. Stone due to years of servlee ou the Councll anclwlshed him success in hle new fteLd of encleayoro A letter submttting a proposetl tax or ll.sense oa pubIla servioeutlltttes nhen thelr holdlngs are returaeil from the statusof roperatlver to r$oa-operatlver on current yearrs rolL, wag subnltted by Mr.3..G. B1oon, treasu.rer & fax ColLeetor, ancithe sane was ibsdered laid over to look into further. J L?1 A Letter frou trflrs. Sydla Aclams relatlve to tlengerous trees on EL Camlao ReaL wae lald ov€l for ene'weeE{ A propoeed ResoLutton submitted by the,Constltutlonal Btghts Associatlon relatlve to the oreation of a Munlotpal hrbliE Utl1!.ty dtstrtct ln the 8ay arear w&s reacl and was referreilto Clty Attorney Davls to look lnto and report. B. I. Stone was sworr La as Clty Judge by Clty Clert J.B. tr&rrphy. tr[r. Stone thanked tho members of tbe Couacll for the honor they hail bestmtod on hlm. Coirneilman Buck presented [fiap 1[o. I of n}urS.lngablesr and offeredl resolutlon that the sane be aocepted - was seaolilcd by Counoll,man Eives - Carrled, aJ.I votlng AE. A notlon that the Counoll atlJoura to meet Montlay Janrrary 14t L955, at 8:00 P.$. was offeredl by Counol].man Buets aatl B€oold- ed by CounotLman Eenrllos.- Carrlstl, al.l votlag AE. Bhe Counoll. thereupon''.adlJournet[. Re spe etfully subnltteal, 4, I