HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1936.05.18?,AZ Burllngame, California May L8, 1956. a reguler meetlng of the clty counotl of the clty of Burllngam€was helil on the above given d.ate. Ihe meeting was calleel togetherat 8:00 P.M1'e- Mayor nudf ln the Chair. Councllmen Buck, IIiBh, Hlves, Hunt and. Warcl answerecl rol]. eal.l.Absent:- Councilmen, None . Ihd reading of the minutes of May 4th was ordored d.lspensed. wtth, eaoh member of the Councll havlng reeelved. a copy from the C1erk. A petltlon w&s presentecl slgned by property owners oa the terraceCreek bLock bounclecl by Oak Grove Avenue and. PaLm Drlve requestlngpermlsslon to remove the respectlve fenoes from thelr presentlocatlon to the center of the-Trecently compreted ouLvert ; thlerequest based on tho faet that the completion of the ctlvert hasresulted ln the ereatlon of ran und.eslrable thoroughfare. It lsunderstood that the title of the property 1111 remaln ln the hand,s of the City. The Councll ru1ed. that the fenee line be aL- Lowed. ts be bullt up tci the l1ne of the euLvert. fhe alamecla Chamber of Commeroe tn a eourmunlcatlon asked thecooperation of the Councll to favor the passage of the AlaneclaA1r Base as approved. by the Soaate and have the ortglnal bllLreetored lnstead of the amoncle0 measure of the House of Bepresen-tatlves. If thls be agreeable, a telegram be sent Congressman McGrath to lencl hls efforts along that llne. Dlscusslon fol,lovedwlth the Clerk belng lnstructed to wire such a &essage. A letter was read. from Frank Y. Mclaughlln, Admtnlstrator of P.I[.A.wlth referenoe to a wlre from Mayor Buck ae to consdlldation ofthe 9th and 10th Ill.P.A. Dlstriots. MI. Molaughlln advlsed thatafter conslderatlon lt had been decictecl that no change hllL be rnacleat the present tlme. Ihe State Departrqent of Motor Yehlcles lnvitecl a representatlveof the State Trafflc Safety Advlsory Cosmlttee to attencl a meettngln Los Angeles on May 27th at l-0 A.M. Due to the shortness of t1me,the CounclL eleeted. to forego send.lng a represontative. A letter of appreclatlon fron C.A. Yogelseng for klndness extendecian lnvaLld lady by the Burllngame Pollce Department was read andthe same was ord.ered, filecl. H.tY. Schuck, City Water Supei'intend.ent, was alLowed. permisslon toattend the annual session of the AnTerican lYater Works Assoclatlonat Los Angeles, June 8th to lLth, An oxpense account not to exceed. $95.00 was vot6d Mr. Schuck. fhe Board of Flre Unclerwriters of the Paciftc called. attention tothe Paclflc Coast Assoclatlon of Flre Chlefs meet at Seattle,July 20th to the ?,9d.. They suggested. sendlng Flre Chief Dessln tothls conferenee. 0n motlon by Councllman Hlgh the request wasgranted., the same belng taken eare of 1n the ennual budget of thefire department. Application from L.G. Lancaster to supervise recredtion and bed.lrector 1n charge for sunmer playground activities was ordered. placed. on fiIe. EarI F. Sohnldt, Secretary of the Burlingame Flre Commisslon, rc- quested permlsston for the Commisslon to meet rlth the Counell taexecutlvq sesslon to go over flre clepartment matters at an early d.ate.fhe Councll set Mond,ay, May 25th at 8:00 P.M. at the Clty llall for sush a meetlng. Mrs. Ray Pladsel-L, l-L44 Capuchlno Avenue protested the graating ofa pernlt to Mr. IIelseI for the erectlon of a galvantzed tron garageto be used. as a pJ-umblng shop aoross the street from her property.fhe aame was ord.ered placecl on file. fhe Plannlng Coms.Lsston submltted. their approval of the proposeel wld.enlng of Oak Grove Avenue. The sq.me was orderecl p]aced on file. A aap showlng the commerclal zone and the flre distriet ancl thereLattou of one to lhe other sas presented. by Englneer Longson and.the same sas ord,ered filed. I 20s A petltlon bearlng 90 names protesting remod.ellng of resldences on the N.I[. and, S.fr. eorners of E]. Camlno ReaI and Broadway ras pr.esented by Mrs. Brooks. It was alleged that such resid.ences are to be given over to commerolal usage. A letter was read fromA.J. Klrwan, 1560 Coibumbus Avenue asklng favorable conslclerationfor Dr. I[.W. Macomber, owtrer of property on the S.I[. eorner. A letter was also reail frou^ Dr. IY.II. Martln, owner of property onthe N.W. corner, statlng he dld not clesire to have h1s property rezoned for buslness or any other purposc as under Ord.lnance ffZZlhe had the rlght to praetloe his professlon ln his home; eaI11ngattention to others tg a professlonaL way plylng thelr professlon both present and pastl alleglng such cases establlshed. preced.ents. Dr. Martln ln a communlcation to the Planntng Conmlsslon oalledattention to the approva} of plans by that bod.y eaIllng for tro apartments on the second, floor. Slnce then he haci cleclded to make the entlre second floor lnto one large apartment to be used. as htsresiilence, submltttng the amend,ed. plan for approval. A letter was read from the Ctty P1anning 0ornmission under ilate of May l,8th statlng that at a special meeting of the Commlssion on May l4th, that body approved the converslon as set forth wlth the unclerstandlng lt roulil comply with the orcllnance covering. 0arL W. Anderson, attorney for Dr. II.I[. Macomber, adiiressecl the Councll in the tnterest of his client, ca1l1ng attention to 0rdlnanea ffZZl, d.eclarlng that the sa.ne was in accoriiance wlth perznlt requested.. Cfty Attorney Davls admltted the right of a professional man or woman'to maintain an offiee ln his or her residence but declared.thls d1d not apply to any comblnatlon, the section cleallng wtththe lnd.lvidual rather than a oombinatlon of lnillvlduals. A motlon was offered. by Councllman Hlgh that the applicationof Dr. Macomber be granted. Motlon was second.ed. by Councilman l[ard. A long discussion followede CounctLman i{arcl ln secondtng the motlonpotnterl out that DRs- Macomber and Martin had the legal rlght to have thelr petltlons approved., statlng the Councll had no rlght to suppose the parties were golng to vlolate a law and recommend,ed. pnosecutlon later if the law was really vloIated,. Mayor Buck strongly opposed. the grantlng of the permlt call-tng past actlon onthe part of 1ts citlzenry and a decislon from the Federal Court. 0n ro11 calL, the appllcation of Dr. Macomber was clenlecl. Councllnan C.A. Buok, Allan F. Hunt and trT.W, Hives votlng N0 onthe motion as presented., with CounclLmen 'fialter M. Elgh and Allen J. Warcl voting AYE.Dr. Martln eubmltted. reviseil plans for the converslon of his reslclence to apartments, same belng referrecl to the Plannlng Commlssion. Councl-Lman lYard oaL}ecl the Counollf s attentlon to oertaln colr- cesslons to be mad.e by the Paclftc Telephone and Telegraph Companyas to proposed rate reducttons belleving the same dlscrlmnatoryto San lilateo County. Local Managerl J.S. Cantlen, in presenting hls companyrs side, stated the buslness rates were really lower here than ln San Franctsco baslng on the number of calls and. there lrasbut slght varlation beyoncl. Ile offerecl recorclg and all facilitiesof the ?elephone Company to City Attorney Davts should he deslre to go lnto the rate struoture. fhe oatter of license was discussed, aLso franohlse. Mr. Cantlen etated that franchise pa;rnent was not aIlowable but was w1lllng to go over the lieense sltuation with the CounclL belleving the same was fair; the amount to be arrlvetl atnot to be excesslvo but falr. Ordlnance No. 29z., granting to the Paciflc Gas and Electric Company,1ts successors and asstgns, the franchise to distrlbute gas ln theClty of Burlingame was given seconil read.ing and was adopted, on motton by Councllman lltves. Carrled--alL voting AYE. Ordtnance No. 295, grantlng to the Paclflc Gas and Electric Company,lts successors ancl asslgns, the franchise to dlstribute electricityln the Clty of Burlingame was given second read.lng and was adopted on motion by Councilman Hives. Carrled-- all voting AlE. Ordinance No. ilg4,, repeallng Ordlinance No. 26+, was glven lts second read.lng and was adopted on motion by Councilman l{unt. Carrled---all voting AE. "Demand.s against the Clty, #4OO to ff+lZ lnclusive were read. and. approved. ancl warrants were ord.ered d.rawn on the City Treasury for z,{}4 thelr respective amounts. The Councll adJourned. to o,oet Mond.ay, May 85th 1956, at 8:00 P.M. on notlon by Councllman Hlgh. Respeo v submltte s, ApBro t a a Burllngame, Callfornla May e5, 1936. .6. regular meeting of the Clty CounclL of the Clty of Burllngame ras helil on the above given dats as pe3 aclJournment of May ]"8th' llro meetlng was eallecl together at 8:00 P.M., Mayor Buck tn the Chalr. Councllmen Buck, Hlghr lllves, Hunt and Warcl answered ro11 oall. Absent : Councllmen, None. lhe reading of the mtnutes of May L8th was iitspensed. with, each member of the Council belng furnlshed wtth a copy of salne. I[.II. Med.1ey, Presldent of the Fire Commlsston, ad.clressed the Councll asking for an lncrease ln the personnel of 4 addltlonql memberg to the fire department, subroittlng d.ata to Justlfy such & request..0n motion by Counellnan Illves and seconded "byCouncllnan High, the Council voteci to go into conferenee wlth theFlre Commlssion on May 27th to go over the matter at lsgue. Ihe wldening of Broailway from the rallroail to the Bayshore was dlscussed with property owners ancl representattves consistlng of Messrs. Dore, Neebltt anil Sto].lery; also a letter was reacl fron G.A. Lfoa, property orener, favoring the lmprovement ancl offerlngto ilonate a strip of his property for that purpose but felt he should be free from any assessments levled. for the tnprovement..After discusslon a motiorr was offered .by Councllman Hlves ancl seconiled by CounelLman lllgh that the Clty Engineer be lnstructeclto prepare plans and, spectflcatlons and, submlt approxlmate eost of the work, the lmprovement to lnclucle curbs and sldewalks as well. grdlnance No. 295 provldlng for a llcense tax on publlc*ptlI1ty organlzatlons ancl preserlblng what such license shall bd?Jgtven lts flrst readlng. A long cllscusslon followed., participated 1n wtth Messrs. Ilrlght and Cantlen of the Pactflc Telephone and Telegraph Company and the Counc1l. Attorney Wrlght speaklng for the Paclfic Telephone and Telegraph Company argued. that the fee of $l-500 ag prescribecl 1n the ord.lnance Just read was unreasonab.le. CounciLman Elgh sponsoreci the ordinance as reait, the 6ame taklng tts flrst reading. John I[. Flokeisen, Secretary of the master bakers of San Mateo County spoke on the subJect of the aclvisablllty of enforcement of the County Sanltary Bakery ordinance tn the Ctty of Burllngame.City Attorney Davls was lnstructed. to prepare an amendment to Ordlnance No,178 for the pur'pose of controlLlng a llcense fee on the sale of certifled breacl, 1n line wlth Mr. Fickelsents remarks.