HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1936.05.04200 Iooked on by the State as a matter of economy. Councilman lrarclthanked Mrs. Shteler for brtnglng the matter up, statlng that l voters were ent"ltled to knor thelr votlng places. Mayor Buok announced. the plan of ualllng sample ballots would be constdered.the aert eleetlon. The Counell, thereupon adJourned.. Respect submitted Approved ar a Burllngame, Californta May 4, L956. A regular meeting of the Ctty Counoll of the Clty of Burllnganetas heLtl on the above glven d.ate. ?he neettng ras eallecl togetherat 8:00 P.M., trfayor Buek ln the.Chalr. Councllmen Buck, Hlgh, Illves, Eunt and tard ansroreel roll eaLl. Abseats- Counclluea, noae. lhe re Etth, CIerk. ad.lng of the mlnutes of Aprll 20th was orderecl d.lspensecl each member of the Councll havlng recelved. a copy fron the A l-etter wqs read from the Penlnsula Section of the League ofCallfornla Munlqlpalltles announoing a dlnner meetlng at the BenFranklln llotel,, San Mateor oB Thursday, May 21, at 6150 p.M., lnvlttng the Councll to be present. Ehe Councll members and department head.s Bere asked. to observe the d.ate and attenel lfposs1ble. Letters were read, from Gordon Rore Company and. Faulkner, oakes and, Faulkner sollelting the audltiag of the Clty books at thealose of the flscal year. The sane rvere ordered. referred. to thefinanoo cosmlttee. Peruleslon for employees 1n the street, water ancl park departmentsfor the usual two reeks vaeatlon ras presented by Superlntend.ent Schuek anil same rag grantecl subJect to the conventence of thelr dutles. Expense aecount, 1ng the May Day $45.00, prosented byFestival was approved.. Wl1ltam Palmer for conduet- Motlon by Counollman Htgh, A Letter from CIay EeLseL, 1149 Capuohlno Avenue, seeklng requestto erect a service shop ancl garage to the rear of hls resldence forthe purpose of donductlng a plumblng and heattng buslness, Eag ord.ered. referreil to the Plannlng Commlsslon. A draft of a proposecl amenilment to the electrlcal ord.tnanco uaa presented by a eonmlttee from that organlzatloa ancl was referred toClty Attorney Davls to lnvestlgate ancl report. A letter ras read. from Clty Engtneer Longson submlttlng fof approval, a plan to flnanee the resurfaclng of EI Canlno Beal- fron 2AL EAeehlll Drlve northerly to Broad.way. The amount requlred ls $lErZ?5,69 of rhich $15r875.65 ls avallable from the L/4 cest gasottne tar, betng $+*0O.OO short of the requlred.amount. it la propos6d, at-t[e recorrnend.atlon of the Dlvlslon of Elgb- -*dys, -to transier from our L/+ cent for ctty street funds enough to-mike up the dlfference so the oonstructlon prograln may be oarrted olt thls soaeollo A motlon to aBprove request Ee pxe- senteel was offerecl by Cotrnoll"nan Etves and seconded by Councl}uan Elgb. Camlec[--a1]. votlng AYE. Communloatlons were read. fron the Paelfle Gas and E1ectrlc Companye P.M. Downtng tts flrst Vlce Presldent and General Uanigei, maklng applleatlon to the Councll for the grantlng of a franeirlse to use the publlc streets 1n the Clty of Burllngame for the tranenlsslon of gas ancl e].ectriotty for all purpoaes other that' authortzeet uncler seotlon 19 of .0,rttoX,e Xf of the eonstltutlon of the State of Oallfornta etc. Checks aggregatlng $ggeO for gas franohlge and $100O for eleetrtoal franohlse 1n iavor of tlie Clty of Burl-lngame acoorupaEled thelr appLlcatLon. There befng no other b1da, resolutlons to acoept the aforesaltl offers lf,ere lntroctueetl by CounelLman Hlgh and secondeel by CounelLman Errnt. Carrled--al1 votlng Am. A resolutloa ordering the eracllcatlonpf weeals waa lntroduced_by Cor:ncllman Htgh and Jeconclecl by Counc'lLman [are[. Carrlecl--a1l vottng AYE. grcl,lnance No, 292 grantlng to the Pactflc Gas and El-eotrlc Oom- pmyr lts successois anA asslgns, the franchlse to dlstrlbute gas-'frfth.ln the Clty of Burllngame, was glven lts first reaillng. Intfoduotlon by CounolLaan 8188. '6rtltnanoe Nor 295 granttag to the ?aotflo Gae anal Electrle Com-peyr lts successois and aeslgns, the franchlse to dlstrlbute eteotrte energy wlthln the Clty of Burllngame was glven flrst reacl1ng. Intnod0otlon by Councllnan Etrnt. 0rctlnance No. 894 repeallng Qrdlnanoe No. 364, was glven lts flrst reaciing. Introtluctlon by Councllman Hunt. Councllaan Eunt, 1B cllscussing aforesatd orcllnanoe, stated he tras tn favor of'aIl- buelness properttes 1n the Clty belng plaoocl ln a fire ttlstrlct. Mayor Buck concurred wlth Councllman Hunt ancl lnstrueted Clty Attorney Dav1s, Engineer Longson and Flre Chlef Dessln to make a survey of any buslness propertles outsicle and report back. Council,man ltard 1n a few nemarks compllmentecl Chlef Harper and hls co-rorkers for thelr excellent work ln apprehendlng and arresting tro bandlts engaged 1n a series of hold-ups reeently. Ee also stressed the subJect of rapld. translt down the pentnsula and oommended the work of the Board of Supervlsors for thelr acttvltles 1n behalf of the same. A Resolutlon coverlng the subJect as erpressed by 0otrnclLnan ttardl tas tntroduced by Councll- man Hlves anil gecontlecl by councl]'man II18h' carrlecl' BemovaL of a tree ln front of premlses, 1548 EL CanLno Realr 8s lnterferrlng rclth egress and, lngress_of vehlcLes, wgs_presentecl by Mrs. F.B. Pearsoa ancl was referrecl to the CounclL for lnvestlgat lon. A suggestlon that the Councll Look lnto the spraylng of syeanore trece-wlth bHght was presented by A.J. Boyce. Superlntenrreit Andereoa statecl suah work wou]-d be very costly. IIe remarked that lt 1g a condltlon wlth sgcanores frequentLy when leaflng and paeses away with the ailvanoecl growth of the leaf; thls belng a well known oharacterletlo of thls specte of tree' Dr. E.H. Martln presented a plan for the alteratlon of premlsee at the N.fr. corner of El Camlno BeaL and Broaclway. fhe same was refemecl to the Planning Conmtsston. " Tlie Coune1l, thereupotrr ailJournecl. ctfully submitted. app roved. Bespe v I a J