HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1936.04.0619s |Phe eomplaint of Mrs. Breslauer &s to noises from early morning garbage cleLiveries w&s reported taken care of by the Garbage Companye Demandts agatnst the Clty #ZgE fu #gtg incluslve were read ancl approvecl and warrants were ordered rlrawn on the 01ty lFreasuryfor thelr respective amounts. Ihe Couneil, thereupon, adjournecl. Bespeot tt ted, r a Approvedi la t Burllagane, Californla.Aprll 6, 1956. .& regular meetlng of the 01ty 0ouno11 of the Clty of Burlitrgame rae f,e1d on the abovc glven ilate. Tbe meeting was oallecl together at 8:00 P.M., Mayor Suck in the Cha1r. gounollmea, Buok, EaadlLos, High, Elvee and Eunt answered roIL eaIl. Abeent :- Counollmen, rrotlgr 1he nlnutes of the prevlous neetlng of ffaroh 15th were +ead and approved. .C, Letter wae read from the Chember of Comeroe, Al1oe B. Yan Bergen, Seoretary, reguestlng that the eagtneering departmeat be lnstruoted to rnake a suriey of the Broadway Dletrlot wlth a Ylew to areatlng aclequate alley ways there. After a brlef dlseugelon the matter was referyed back to the 0hamber wlth the reqnest that a petltlon ghoulel emtnate fron property owners asklng that thts lmprovement be lnaugurated. I lotter was read from the San X'ranoiseo Soclety For The Preventlon of Crrrelty to Anlnals protesting the kllItng of a dog belonging to Paul Oros, 44'l Powe11l Street, San Franclsco, by the 1oaaI pound- iraster. Mr. Johnson, 1ocal poundmaster, replled ln answer that the dog was eovered wltb mange aad was ploked_lp ana ktlled at the re- queet of Mr. Oroet Mother who llves at LLgO Capuehlno Avenue. fUe comrunloattone Eore ordered reoelved and plaoecl on flLe. A Letter wal read from L{rg. C.F. Eenworthy, Seoretary of the exeoutive board of thb Caltfornla Ferleratlon of Boraens' Clubs, advising that at the anrmaL segslon ln Irog Angeles, I{areh 19-20 lt was voted that a letter be sent to the !f,ayor aucl Couucll protesting the destruction of the row of trees on the State Elghway through the Clty of Burllngame. ?he cornmuntoatlon was ordered plaaetl on f1le and the Clty Clerk lnstruoted to aehnowletlge 68tr6. A petltlon was read from members of the Burllngame Lodge of Odd tr'elIowe requestlng that they be aLlowed to operate a recreational 1_96 olub ln their temple here, to be striatly prlvate in nature aad e1lglbLe to Odd FelLows only; the objeot being for the purposeof promotlng soelal and physlcrll recreatlon for 1ts meqb€xso A notion to grant the request was offerecl by CourrciLman Eives and seoonded by Counellman Hlgh. Carrled--all votlng AYE. A Letter was reacl from the PLannlng Conmlesion approvlng apartment house on trot 4--Block 18, Eastoa, submitted by1{rg. IrYhetEon. ALterations w6re also approved on a famlIyilre1llng at the $. fl. oorner of Broaclway and El Camlno Realapplied for by Dr. fiI.II. Martin; conversion to coneist of two apartments, one of whloh to be oooupied by Dr. hf,artin ancl the lower fLoor to be used and ocoupled for dental purposes exelu- slve1y by hlmcelf as own6r. Bhe: letter was orclered fl1ed pencllng applloatlon to the Bulldlng Inspector. A Letter was read from Jag. E. h{ttche}l wlth referenoe to b1s appolntment as City Archltect suggestlng the approval by the CounclL that hls coapens&tion for work on the proposed nes Pollce Statlon be plaeed at $300.00 per rnonth for- the assueeal duratton -of four months, provieled that the totaL shall not exoeed 6$ of fine cost oi ionstruotion. A motton to apprqye wasoffered by Councilman Elgh antt secoaded by Councllman Etves.0arrleil--all votlng AYE. A report was read from lesLte !. Mrayne, tree expert, embodying suggestloas for the treatment of the trees llning Easton Drive from EL Camino Real to Yanoouver Avenuo In order to ellnlnateas far as poosible any hazardg oonnectecl wlth them. Park Super- lntendent Anderson reported that four men are now engaged lntree lnvestlgatlon. Dlsousglon was enteretl lnto between resl- dente of Sorth Burllngame and the Counoll as to soope 6f lnsurance carried by the Ctty wtth refer€noe to trees and LlmbglnJuring private property. Mayor Buok announoed that the Clty was lnsured &s a muniaipaL oorporatlon but Llablllty thereuntler cloes not eorrer 6v6ry llttle damage that might ooour. Ee strg:gested that resldeuts or property owners lnsure against elamages Just as they woulcl for fire, theft, or other sauses, EIr. Haynersreport wag orclered placed on file and Park Superlntentlent Anclerson was instruoted to remove eny tree embodlecl ln thlsreport where to the best of his judgrnent, a hazarrl exlsts. John Behe was recormrended for reeppolntment as Surlingamesr representatlve on the Three Cltles Mosqulto *,bateraent Dlstriot;hls teru havlng explretl. Motlon by Councllman High and secontledby Counoilraan Eancllos . Councllman Elves asked ancl was grantecl permlsslon to absent hfun-self for the remalnder of the sesslon. Ehe reports of the Clty Judge, the Flre antl PoLloe Departments,the llater Departmont, for Maroh were read and ordered filed.fhe $treet Departnent report from Seoember 1, 1955 to Aprll 3., 1996 was aLso read and ortlered plaoed on flle. Qrellnanoe #egg amendlng subseetlon L of sectlon ? of Ordlnanoe #ZZV, introduoeil Maroh-2, ].gZO was given geconel readlng and wae adopted on motlon by Counoilman Eunt ancl secondeal by CouuoifunanEandloe. Carrled by the foll Buok, Eandlosr Hlgh and llunt. Elveg. vote :- AYES, 0ounollmen, none. ABSENT, CounolLman owlng s0Es 0rcllnance No. 290, oreating ancl establlshlng a otvll eervloe system, lntroduoed }f,aroh 16th was glven geoond readlng anil was attopted on motion by CounclLnan Eandlos and secontled by CouneiluanElgh. CIarrled by the following vote:- AYES, Councllmen 3uok, EandLos, Eigh anil Eunt. MDS, none. ABSEI{II , Councllman Elves. 0rclinanoe #a91, prohlbltlng the sale and use of flre works, lntroiluoecl Maroh 16, 1,956, was giveu second reacllng and ras adopted on motion by Counallman Hlgh ancl was seconded by Oounell- man Eancllos. Carrlecl by the followtng vote:- AYES' Coun0tLnen BudE, Eandloe, filghr and flunt. S0ES' none. ABSENIP, Counellman Eiveg. 1,97 fhe foLlowing deeds were acceptecl by Resolutlon of the Clty CounolL: --a tleefl from f,evy Bros. to the Clty of Burliagame for lancl to bedevoted'to aIIey purpose and slte for po11ce statlon, aLI ln 3lOeE 5r Town of Burllngame. Motlon by Councilnan Hlgh and secontletl by Counalluan Eancllos. Carrled--all votlng .&YE except Counolhnen Elves, absent.-- --a cleccl from trLoyd 8. Ackerman and Wife for land to be devotedto aLley purpose ln Bloek 5, llorn of Burlingame. Motlon by Counoilman Elgh and geooncled by 0ounalLuan Eunt. Carrletl--all votiag AYB ercept Oouneilman Elveer &bsent.-- --a dsed from Callfornla Paolfle TltLe and Trust Company forland to be cievoted to aLley purpose in BLock 5, Town of Burltn-gaue. Motion by,Counoilman Eandlos and seoonded by CounclLroanElgh. Carrted--alL votlng AYE wxcept Councllnan Elves, sbsent.-- :-a deed from IIlEnon Coupaay for land to be tlevoted to aI1.ey IruBpose ta Blook 5, Towa of Burllngame. Motlon by Councilman Eandlos and seoonded by CounclLuan Elgh. Carrletl--a11 voting AYE exoept Councllnan Elves, absent.-- --a deed from treontine M. WiLllans for land to be devoted to alley Burpose ln Blook 5, fown of -Burllngame. Motlon by CounoilmanEtgh and seconded by CounolLnan Eancllos. Sarrleil--alL voting AYEexcopt Councilman Elves, absent.-- fhe Counc1l, thereupon, adJouruecl. Re ful1y submlttecl, v r a Approved: a Ofr