HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1936.03.16Burllngame, Callfornla llaroh L6, 1956. the re ferre d A legular neeting of the Clty Cou.no11bclil on the above glven dato. fhb roee 8!oo ?.U., Mayor Buok ln tb6 Chalr. tudclty of Burltnganfwaa ng Cae oslIed togetheJ at oftl Courlcilmaar Buokr Eantl].o8, g1gh, Elvor antl Eunt ansvereil ro11 oall. Absent- Counollnen, DoD€o' The nlnutes of the prevloug m6eti.ng of trflaroh zntl. tere read irntl approv6al. A lett€r was read frorn J.F. andl Nytlia Arlarog, tlatetl trtraroh 14, 1956,ealllng attentlon to a tree leanlng toward tbelr hone, 926 EI Canlno8eal. Reference also ras natle to removal of all llnbs antl branehes of tr€€6 hanglng over aforesaltl premleeo enal roqusBtlnga permlt to renovo the Bane. l[Byor Buok annoua asil that all troaEare to be laepeoterl trloe a y6ar by an exlrort antl orilerodMr. and Mrs. Adanrs oonplalnt turnetl over to him wlth request thatth6 cLos6st sorutiDy b6 obs6ry6al looklng torard safety where tlangerous llmbs or tre6s appear. L petltlon bearing the naroeg of 1O petltlon€ra on Easton Driye and oontlguous terrltory th6reto, roqu€steaI that tre€s on that stre€t be aot oompletely remoy€al but rather to bs thlnn€tl, cabletl and trlmrnetl to remove aqy apparent menaco; thls proeetlure belng !6sstrmsatl6al to the CounolL. fhsre was also fl].€d wlth the courcll a queBtlotrBelre aE to optalons of tho several resltl€nta 1n th€ aolghborhooil aboveto antl thelr opinlona on th€ sam6. Thgro reE also read a 16tte! from C.lY. Eornann, Ohalrman ofCltlzengr Comnlttecrwho nst rlth the 0ouno11 ou ltraroh 8th to ille- ougs th6 troe Eituatlon. Irr. EelEan[ro oonnltteo le of theoplnlou that lt Is lnperat lve tbat aotlon be taken lmraeil lately aual not delayetl la oraler to oouple it wlth the evontual. rldenlngof EaBton ,rive. It requeste lmetliatg aotlon by th6 Counoll BBto clangerous tr6es as iutlloatotl lculE-?bc ril oae by then at the conferenoo. tr[r. EorEaan adtlregged the Counoll along th6 lIn€Bof th6 Letter as road. Uayor Buok annouaoetl to Mr. E€rmann that[o actloa would be takea untll th€ tr6€ expert hatl gone over th6situatlon anil subnltted hts flndlngs, except ln th6 lnstanoe ofa treo or dangerous llnb o" llnbs rhlch ln his Jualg'ment waa a x0enaoe . lrhea, lrrmediate sotion toultl be takea to oliElnato thghazertl. 111 papers bearitlg on the treG sltuation wer€ ordoredplaootl olr fi].e. A olain agalnBt tho Clty of Burlingamo for the anount of $e5.00for tlamagos done hls premlseB by a fall.Ing tree was pries€ntetl by 8.T,. tr[eysr, ]508 EI camlno R€al. A motloa to tleny responslblllty uas offeretl by Councllmen Euat and was seconiletl by -Councllman HandloB. Carrieil-- all voting AYE. Portrisslon to us6 laebington Park tennlo Courts #1 ana #Z hrthe annual Easter llonnis Tourneroent on the evenlngs of April 15th antl 17th lncluslve nas pres€nted by E.P. trlarn11o6 and the same ra6 granted on motlo[ by Couuollman Eandlos. Permlsslotr to use lYaeblugton Perk for a aerlos of ntght bageball game a beglnnlng lraroh 50th as was the custom last year, wae presentetl by B.W. Slmcock, Seoretary of th€ lenlnsula branoh of the Y.il.C.4. Request was grantetl on motloa by counclLnau Euat, the play to be untler the supervlolon of E.?. Falniloe and Councllnsa Eantllos. A letter was reaal from E.A. PoetLethwalte addressed to Clty Attornoy navla wlth roferenoe to damage done at B6rer plant by work perforueit by hls cLient, the II.S. E€rott Syetom. The Councll was of the opinloa that before any sult 1s startetl' lt would be w€1I to have I,1r. Poetlethraito appesr before them and go over wlth bln tbe BubJoot mstter at lsEue. An oxecuttve segslon wag get for trtronday, Itrarch 25rti. at ?:50 !.M. A:1 aBpllcetlon froD Geo!8e !.E. Saker of Palo Alto to oonduot an 193 194 Itellen regtaurant and lunch counter at 1565 Sroatlway was rearl. Shoultl the permit be granted it 1s the intention of tho appllcentto epply to tbe Stste Soard of Equallzatton for a permlt to soIlulne and beer and other liquors wlth neels. Clty Attorney Davisotated to the CounciL that they ooultl not refuse a restaurant 11c6nse but bellEvod i.t wag the policy of the Councll to allsap-prove the sale of llquors with neaLs. Chlef of Po1loe EarpercalLed the Couacll ts attention to actloa takon severel BeetlEga ago ln the lndiecrlml-nste granting of liquor permtts by the State and reoonmentleal agatnst the grantlng of llcense aE asksal byMr. Baker. A motlon to tleny Mr. Bakerrs" request was offeretl by Counclhnan Eantllo s and secondetl by Councilman E1ves. Carrteal--all votlng AYE. Englnoer trongson submlttetl slulmary of €stlmatetl costs for the covering of the oreek Just south of the Clty EsI1 ss follorr: Irabor------lfoterie]. and Suppf le-s $up€rvlslon, EnglneerI[aterials-- -----F6d€"a1 &ndtt tt lag & Equlpment - s----$tere.oo - --- s1104.00 sponsor-- ",*j640.00n --$1229.00 0a Eotlon by Couno l1nan Eunt and seoontletl by Counclllnan Elgh, thereport of Englneer longson was acoepted end.he was lnstructetl toprepara plens antl speclflcatlons for the woik end to present application to the U.S. eovernnent for tho neoosEary approprlatloE. Garrleil o .t letter was r6ad from ?.L{. Dowtrlng, Vloe ?rssltlent antl General lfanager of the P&cifio Gas antMectrlo Company atlvlslng upon thograntlng by ordinanoe of such supplemer:te1 franchlses to lt. Peolflc Gas.antl Eleotrlo Cotrpalty wUI pay th€ Ctty of Burllngametbe sue of $4650.00, belng two per-oent of trre gross recelpta that woultl haye been al6riv6d by lt from January June 30, 1956, from the use, operatlon or.p plemeatal frenchlseo (hed samo been in effe l, 193.5 to and lncludtng osgegsion of suoh sup- ot ) oorputed uniler tle ed by eourt deolslons;he Sroughton Aot, as constTuprovisions o furthe rmo re granted as 1 themse l-'tte s o ft thentft y wl11 oonelder saltl supplenental franchlses go he nature of renewal franohises antl wilL not avail he usual 5 year ex€mption from making percentage peyrneats thereunder but will calcula,te the first yearts paym.ents as fron the effeotive tlate of saitl franchlsos. A BoBoLutlon enbotlylng notia€ of sale of franohise was reatl byCity 01erk Ilurphy for the transmlBslon antl d&Etributlo[ ofelectrical €nergy wlthln the Clty of Surllngame as aforesaltlI the ealce to be publlsheal 1n the Atlvance Star for ten publtcations. Motion by Coune llman Eives and secondetl by CounciLman Eantllos. Carrled-alL votlng lf,l..l BesoLutlon embotlylng sele of frenchiso was reaal by Clty Clerk llurphhy for the transmlttlngr ooaductlng, anil tlistrlbutlng gasritbla the City of Surllngaroe es aforesaltl; the Bame to bo publlehetl ln the Atlvance Star fo! ten publleatlong. tr{oti.on by CounciLoan Elves anA 6eoonAed by Councllnaa Eenallos. Carrled---all voting AYE. Ihe report of the Fire Department for the rconth of tr'ebruary 1955taa road and tho aame was ortlor€al placod on flle. Ortllnanoe $o. 290, oreating and ostab1lshltrg a o1vlI Bervioe syst€nfor the aelection, onployneat, alasslflcatlon, atlvanoement, eus-peneloa, allschargo and retlrement of appolntnent offlcers atrd 6!0p1oyec8 of saltl Clty was given lts flrst roatling. Iatroduotlon by Councllnan Elvee. Ordinance I[o. 291r prohibltlng the eale or use of flrerorks lD th€Clty of Burllngame was givan lte flrst reaallng. Introtluctio! by Couaollnan Euat r B.tr. Uurray, Burllngame oltlzen calletl attentlon to 1ow awntn8s on Burllagane Av€nuc. Ihe natter was referreat to the Bulltllng Inepeotor to note aad request business hous€s to ooop€rato . Oouao llnaa Eandlos reported lI8billty to have report on stSll hROl,DwAy" tlue to the Broatlway lEprov€neBt Assoolatloa aot having a roeet ing. 1_9s tshe coupl.alnt of LIrs. Breslauer as to noises from early morning garbage deliveries was reportetl taken care of by the Garbage Companye nemands agatnst the Clty *Zgq tu #gtg iucLuslve were reacl ancl approvetl and warrants were orderecl tlrawn oa the 01ty llreasuryfor thelr respective amounts. Ibe CounciL, thereupoil, adjournecl. Bespect tt tecl, .A,pproved L. I a Burlingane, Geltfornia.Aprll 6' 1956. A reguLar meetlng of the Clty CounoiL of the City of Burlingame was helcl on the abovs given date. The meeting was oaLlecl together at 8:00 ?.M., triayor Suck in the 0ha1r. CounolLmen, Buck, EantlLos, High, Elves and Hunt answereil ro11 call. Abeent :- Councllmen, lon€r fhe rnlnutes of the prevlous meeting of March 16th were read anil approvecl. A letter was reacl from the Chamber of Cornmerce, Al1ce B. Van tsergen, Secretary, requesting that the engineerlng clepartment be lnstruoted to make a survey of the Broatlway Dlstriot wlth a view to creatlng aclequate aLLey ways there. After a brlef dlseussion the matter was referrecl back to the Chamber wlth the request that a petitlon shoultl eminate from property ol,rners asklng that thts lmprovement be lnaugurated. A Letter was read from the San Franciseo Soctety For The Preventionof Cruelty to Animals protestlng the kllIing: of a clog belonglng to Paul 0ros, 447 l']owe111 Street, San Franclsco, by the locaI pound- riaster. Mr. Johnson, locaL poundmaster, replled 1u angwer that the tlog was sovered wlth mange ancl was plokecl up and kilIed at the re- quest of h{r. Grosr Mother who lives at 1150 Capuehino AYenue.fhe conuunloatlons were ordered recelvetl ancl pLaeecl on flle. A letter wag read from i;Irs- C.F. Eenworthy, Seoretary of the exeoutive board of thb Caltfornla Federation of Eomens' Clubs, advising that at the annual sesslon in Los Angeles, ldarch 19-20 lt was votetl that a letter be sent to the }i{ayor and Counctl protestlng the destruction of the row of trees on the State Elghway through the Clty of Burllngame. The communieation wag orderetl placecl on fl1e and the Ctty Clerk instructoal to acknowledge same. A petltlon was read from nenbers of the Burllngame Loclge of Odd Fellows requesting that they be allowed to operate a recreational