HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1949.12.09r L3L BurlLngamo, CallfornLa December: 9, 1949 A speoLaL meetlng of the Burllngaae clty council was heId, onthe above glven date, al,L members havlng been notifl.ed ln lpltlng 1s requlned by r.aw and consentlng to the holdlng ofthe" meetlng. Meetlng eeLled to ryden at 8:OO p,m. - MaiorLove ln the Chaln. RolL Call: Pnesent - Atwater-Ilunt-Sl.monds-toveAbsent - Dab.L Mayor" Love statod that the meetlng had been cal-Led to considerthe necorrmendatlon of the councll, Parktng commlttee. The oommlttee rras ln receLpt of a coet estimate ln the amount of $1'98O.OO, to surface the area of the propenty ovyned. by W. p.wrrlltzer and the amenlcan Tnrst company Ln Block 1, Tbwn ofBunllng&me, to bo used, for off-stneet pankLng. A l6tten wasneeeivod ftom Mns. Paullne wr.r:rlltzen offenlng to leaso to ttreCtty hen property desenlbed as tot 5, Block L, Town ofBunliagame subdlvlslon urrtll July L, L95o, wlth the provlslonthat lt be used for off-str.eet parklng and ttrat she shaLL berolleved of aLL llablIlty whlJ.e the pnoperty l-s urrden theJurlsdiction of the City. The Gorxrcll was assured. that aletten could be obtalned f?onr Mr. Glenn stern, manager of the AmenLoan Tnust Company, and owner of the trearr portlonr oFnlnety feet of the above descrlbed property, and grantlngperralssLon to the clty for the use of the Iot for off-streetparklng. Councl1ritan i{unt lntnoduced and movod. the ad,optlon ofResoLutlon No. 86-49, author:lzlng the Mayon to execute an agree-ment eith tlre above property owcens ln the leaslrrg of thopnopenty, seconded by Councllman Atwaten and earnled by the unanl.mous efflnmative vote of the Councll uembers. On motion of CounclLman Sfuaond,s, seconded by CorrnclLman Hunt and ur:anlmously canrled, the work of gradlng and surfaclng was awarded to Douglas aod Woodhouse, Bedwood, Clty, contlngentupon Jerome c. Draper deposltlng wtttr the clty clerk one halftlre eost of the pnoJoet. Mayon Love congr:atuLated the members of the council Panklrrg CorrurLttee for lts accompl,lsheent ln provldlnrg morre parklng-faotLltLes a.nd CouncLlman Atwaten for securlng the cooper-atlon of the Paclflc Telephone and Te].e#aph Company by thelruaklng avallabLe lts vacant propenty on Burltngame Avenue for empl-oyees thenoby reLlevlng parking problems on chapln Avenue. Councll:aan llunt moved that the Councll adJou:rn to meet Satu:rdaymonnlng, Deeeniber 10, 1949, at 1I:OO a.m. seconded, by CounclL-- man Atwater and rrnardmously eanr"led. Rospe ctftrL1y submJ. t ted, T K. WHTTEClty Clenk APPROVED:r. /) ,;0r,* /l.N,* Dan R. Love, Hayon